15:18:58 RRSAgent has joined #maturity 15:19:02 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/02/15-maturity-irc 15:19:02 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:19:03 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Fazio_ 15:19:26 meeting: Maturity Model 15:25:57 Chair: Fazio, SBH 15:26:03 Agenda+ Task Force Updates (email archive broken link, Mission Statement Update, etc) 15:26:17 zakim, clear agenda 15:26:17 agenda cleared 15:26:23 Agenda+ Task Force Updates (email archive broken link, Mission Statement Update, etc) 15:26:41 Agenda+ New Member Introductions 15:26:59 Agenda + Check in With Brian on Github Issue #42 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/42 15:27:34 Agenda + Check with Josh on Jake’s Github issues 15:27:50 Agenda + Github Issue #91 Proof points should include measures of the extent to which processes are successful https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/91 15:28:20 Agenda+ New Business 15:53:26 present+ 15:58:12 janina has joined #maturity 15:58:16 brb 16:00:22 CharlesL has joined #maturity 16:02:08 present+ 16:03:24 Joshue108 has joined #maturity 16:03:41 present+ 16:03:47 IrfanAli has joined #maturity 16:03:54 present+ 16:04:04 present+ 16:04:40 Sheri_B-H has joined #maturity 16:04:48 zakim, who's here? 16:04:48 Present: Fazio, Joshue, nadine, janina, Lionel, Fazio_, CharlesL, Mark_Miller, IrfanAli 16:04:49 present+ 16:04:50 On IRC I see Sheri_B-H, IrfanAli, Joshue108, CharlesL, janina, RRSAgent, Fazio_, Mark_Miller, Zakim, jspellman 16:05:05 +1 16:05:38 jlkline has joined #maturity 16:05:45 present+ 16:05:55 zakim, who's here? 16:05:55 Present: Fazio, Joshue, nadine, janina, Lionel, Fazio_, CharlesL, Mark_Miller, IrfanAli, Sheri_B-H, jlkline 16:05:57 On IRC I see jlkline, Sheri_B-H, IrfanAli, Joshue108, CharlesL, janina, RRSAgent, Fazio_, Mark_Miller, Zakim, jspellman 16:19:28 scribe+ 16:19:48 zakim, take up item 2 16:19:48 agendum 2 -- New Member Introductions -- taken up [from Fazio_] 16:20:06 zakim, take up item 1 16:20:06 agendum 1 -- Task Force Updates (email archive broken link, Mission Statement Update, etc) -- taken up [from Fazio_] 16:20:45 janina: we need to update our mission statement, should be cleared up 16:21:12 …, will post link. 16:21:28 …, flag any issues with Janina 16:21:52 Fazio_: Everyone getting email messages? 16:22:39 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/task-forces/maturity-model/ 16:23:03 janina: everything for this group is linked from this URL 16:23:11 Zakim take up item 3 16:23:18 zakim, take up item 3 16:23:19 agendum 3 -- Check in With Brian on Github Issue #42 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/42 -- taken up [from Fazio_] 16:25:24 Brian: we have a lot of different departments, 7-8 business unites within our department. each unit will do the entire assessment. Some sections will not be applicable. 16:25:39 …, at Intel, OKR approach. 16:25:53 …, proof points at Quarterly results to be able to track. 16:26:17 q? 16:26:18 …, not started with scoring yet, but business unit seems straight forward. 16:26:52 q? 16:27:23 …, can vary per business unit. our goal is to have a dashboard (HTML data report) to show visibility How to report a11y of company as a whole. aggregate score for all business units. 16:27:58 q? 16:28:12 …, does it make sense And/Or of each score. do we look into a weighting, for a sense of priority for the company. 16:28:46 …, a11y policy trumps an empathy lab. Are we maturing in the more important areas. 16:29:21 Queue+1 16:29:30 q? 16:29:55 …, would we need different templates, lesser amount of proof points say 3 proof points. Could add more once reach a certain threshold. 16:30:51 …, company over 100K and falling we only have 4 a11y people will take a while to get this maturity rolled out. Some units will require more help than others. 16:31:30 Fazio_: we want accountability not really about scoring. There is no end game it constantly will evolve. 16:32:07 ack jkline 16:32:30 jlkline: This is great, perfect example, indicates that impossible for the team to create a process on how to use it because diversity of those using it could be overwhelming. 16:32:38 q+ 16:34:00 …, we should come up with a way to collection of organization best practices on how they approached this if they want to share, page on best practices based on size, public/private/non-profit. with regards to scoring, its not about scoring, its a tool to help companies evolve. 16:34:21 queue+ 16:34:32 …, A government body may require a report on a companies maturity in a11y. 16:34:38 ack, janina 16:35:58 …, you may want to include metrics on what is accessible and not. maturity could be 1 dimension, policies, procurement 16:36:37 Brian: Sorry I have to leave. 16:37:37 "nested approach" I like that. Maybe we should identify possible approaches 16:38:11 janina: Thanks Brian. Organizations need to be flexible and make it work for their organization. looks like a nested approach for each business group, still need to figure out how to collate and correlate the data. we could have examples Large Tech has taken the nested approach. Example 2 some other type of organization, etc. 16:38:34 q? 16:38:54 …, best practices Note track document, custom fit. similar patterns we should find a way to capture this. 16:39:32 ack 1 16:39:42 ack, mark 16:39:59 ack janina 16:40:03 ack Mark_Miller 16:40:39 Mark_Miller: scoring mechanism how to aggregate that so the organization can figure out where they are in their journey. 16:41:44 …, that measure / scoring from organization level wouldn't have to be a aggregate from each business unit. custom fit, criteria how well the organization is doing overall not on a particular business unit is at. 16:42:04 Fazio_: totally up to the organization on how to use this. 16:42:19 q? 16:42:40 Sheri_B-H: WCAG 3.0 may incorporate in Bronze/Silver/Gold type scoring. 16:43:11 Fazio_: Carrot vs. Stick, disability quality index, is all carrot and no stick. 16:43:29 …, we are trying to find a happy medium. 16:44:05 I love that "framework for telling your a11y story (or journey)" 16:44:09 janina: its a framework there may be multiple ways to aggregate accrose larger organization. "knowing whats left to do", way to capturing things. 16:44:38 q? 16:45:20 Fazio_: Issue # 17 16:45:54 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/17 16:46:14 Sheri_B-H_ has joined #maturity 16:46:19 q+ 16:46:21 Sorry, gotta drop! 16:46:22 bye 16:46:37 q+ 16:48:12 Fazio_: Have we addressed this in our discussions today? 16:48:19 queue 1+ 16:48:38 Sheri_B-H: scoring is separate. 16:49:23 q+ 16:50:04 Fazio_: once we get the PR done, we can have Jason look at this. its a step. we can always add more. 16:50:25 Sheri_B-H: may need to respond to this in pieces. 16:50:55 q- 16:51:02 janina: we are intentionally not prescriptive and value flexibility. 16:51:29 …, there might be reasons why a certain group is more a11y than others. 16:52:22 …, we are keeping this open as we catch multiple examples. we may never have a complete example but will work on adding more examples. 16:52:24 q? 16:52:28 ack jan 16:52:33 ack she 16:52:33 key word from janina is "capture" not "create" 16:53:36 agenda? 16:53:37 agenda? 16:53:47 zakim, take up item 6 16:53:47 agendum 6 -- New Business -- taken up [from Fazio_] 16:54:35 Fazio_: we have multiple people who are not part of W3C, and may be reluctant to join W3C at present. 16:54:57 …, We could have some guest speakers, and could join us from time to time. 16:55:59 janina: APA chair can add invited guests 16:57:43 …, I will raise this with new W3C management on how we can do this more efficiently and effectively. when folks are interested in a very specific area not over the entire W3C space. 16:57:43 rrsagent, make logs public 16:58:14 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:58:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/15-maturity-minutes.html CharlesL