14:37:36 RRSAgent has joined #pwe 14:37:41 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/02/14-pwe-irc 14:37:43 Zakim has joined #pwe 14:37:49 Zakim, start the meeting 14:37:50 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:37:52 Meeting: Positive Work Environment CG 14:37:56 Date: 2023-02-14 14:38:03 chair: Wendy 14:39:00 Agenda+ Inclusion Fund for TPAC 2023 14:39:00 Agenda+ Running Better Meetings Training logistics review 14:39:00 Agenda+ Equity CG announced 14:39:00 Agenda+ Open TPAC issues 14:39:01 Agenda+ Revisit decision about changing name to CPC 14:39:01 Agenda+ open PRs and issues 14:39:01 Agenda+ AOB 14:48:35 Jem has joined #pwe 14:57:47 dbooth has joined #pwe 14:59:20 wendyreid has joined #pwe 15:00:32 uxjennifer has joined #pwe 15:01:44 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:01:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/14-pwe-minutes.html dbooth 15:02:21 present+ 15:02:31 present+ 15:02:36 present+ 15:02:39 present+ 15:02:39 present+ 15:03:40 sheila has joined #pwe 15:04:08 scibe+ 15:04:24 scribe+ cwilso 15:04:43 s/scibe+// 15:05:00 zakim, take up agendum 1 15:05:00 agendum 1 -- Inclusion Fund for TPAC 2023 -- taken up [from tzviya] 15:05:07 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/issues/205 15:05:45 wendy: this is our annual task; hopefully will take less time this year since we created a template last year. 15:06:17 ...we need to figure out the dates - TPAC is mid September, we need to backtrack far enough for people to be granted and receive the funds. 15:07:34 jen: thanks for doing this last year - it was very helpful, and having a buddy helped 15:08:10 q+ 15:08:15 ack tzviya 15:08:16 ...I would definitely encourage providing a support person if desired 15:08:53 tzviya: we should check with Coralie (I think) what our budget is; we tend to fundraise a year in the future. I'll take on checking. 15:09:16 ... also when they are planning on announcing registration. 15:09:25 +1 to doing this at the AC meeting 15:09:47 wendy: should definitely try to get out funding ask as well 15:10:22 ... we got a lot of spam last time, too - probably 75% of the submissions were spam 15:10:24 q+ 15:10:30 ack uxjennifer 15:10:57 q+ 15:11:19 ack tzviya 15:11:24 jen: I didn't know about the scholarship until I was told by someone. Socializing it would be good; relying on the AC rep to pass it on is not necessarily successful. 15:11:38 q+ 15:11:53 tzviya: we wrote up a blog post; unfortunately, it got buried at the end of another blog post rather than posted separately. 15:12:03 ... definitely want to get this out with registration. 15:12:05 q+ 15:12:05 ack wendyreid 15:12:11 ack uxj 15:12:39 wendy: encouraging chairs to mention this when they mention TPAC registration is a good idea, too. 15:12:49 I wonder if we could also do a PSA about this at the AC meeting in May? 15:12:54 +1 to the idea of chairs mentioning it, so that people learn about it early enough 15:12:58 ack uxjennifer 15:13:16 jen: I would never have even thought about this until I was personally approached. 15:14:03 ...reaching out to newcomers would be really helpful 15:14:39 wendy: hard for chairs to know peoples' situations, but we should definitely encourage chairs to reach out to their group members. 15:14:49 that's good advice to remind chairs; as a chair I didn't think to do that last year and I think it might have helped our group! 15:14:56 zakim, take up agenda 2 15:14:56 agendum 2 -- Running Better Meetings Training logistics review -- taken up [from tzviya] 15:15:51 wendy: we're going ahead with this training session; the first session is recorded, and we ask attendees to watch it; the second session is live, and we'll deal with time zones, etc. 15:16:11 ...I can take on recording the first session and captioning, etc. 15:16:29 tzviya: we talked about doing this before the AC meeting, but I don't know if that's crucial. 15:16:42 ... would be nice to have a breakout at the AC meeting 15:17:09 q+ 15:17:16 ack uxjennifer 15:17:21 present+ 15:17:40 jen: finally started attending some other WGs and CGs, and they're all so different in process and structure. 15:17:44 q+ 15:17:59 ...is there any way to ensure chairs get this training? 15:18:20 Is there a URL for draft content for "Running Better Meetings"? I'm looking in https://github.com/w3c/PWETF and don't immediately see it. 15:18:26 ...frequently there's no transcript, no IRC, etc... 15:19:17 chris: This was feedback that I took from TPAC: anyone new had a hard time fitting into groups, without knowing the technology used. 15:19:28 ... How to take notes, queuing, etc. 15:19:32 scribe+ dbooth 15:19:50 ... One challenge: Some had different expecations for how convos would run. 15:20:14 ... hard to track multiple conversations. 15:20:27 ... One colleague thought side conversations were helpful. 15:20:29 q+ 15:20:34 ack cwilso 15:20:37 ack tzviya 15:20:51 +1 that it's hard to get unanimous views on how/what to use for running a meeting 15:20:58 (I'm one of those side conversation people) 15:21:15 tzviya: there are many aspects of this; the process CG tried to write something about tooling, I know Michael Cooper is looking at this also. 15:21:27 One group I attended didn't track attendance. They had a Google doc, but I didn't have access to it, to track comments, so I didn't know how to participate and didn't want to derail the meeting. 15:22:06 ... getting tools that work for a group can be challenging. Sometimes we can't dictate what every group uses, but we can ask that groups don't use tools that are inAccessible. 15:22:28 ... and tools that are not available 15:22:52 wendy: I know I spend a lot of time talking about tools. 15:23:29 It could be helpful to have a list of things that need to be done in a group: attendance, queueing for questions, etc. and make sure each group has a process for that and asking for questions about process. 15:23:31 tzviya: we should just make sure that chairs are given the message "be clear about the tooling" 15:23:39 zakim, take up agendum 3 15:23:39 agendum 3 -- Equity CG announced -- taken up [from tzviya] 15:23:42 https://www.w3.org/community/equity/ 15:24:33 jen: will restart meetings, etc shortly 15:24:45 q+ 15:25:11 ...if there's anything I need to do differently, please let me knopw 15:25:17 a/knopw/know 15:25:48 ack cwilso 15:25:50 ...hope to see some of you there. 15:26:00 q+ 15:26:02 chris: THere's no chair listed. 15:26:26 ... I think anyone can set the chair until it's set, then only the chair can set it. 15:26:50 q+ to address sensitivity 15:27:17 ack sheila 15:27:23 would be interesting to experiment with a group that doesn't have a chair, although I believe the Process insists on it 15:27:44 sheila: thanks - curious to know scope of the equity group 15:28:53 jen: more about outcomes of W3C than processes 15:28:56 ack cwilso 15:28:56 cwilso, you wanted to address sensitivity 15:30:32 will definitely need to do some norm-setting around collaborative decision-making, in the absence of a chair 15:30:43 wendy: so, new CG. please join if you're interested. 15:30:48 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3ATPAC 15:30:49 zakim, take up agendum 4 15:30:49 agendum 4 -- Open TPAC issues -- taken up [from tzviya] 15:30:59 +1 for figuring out with the group a better sense of what we mean by equity in the horizontal review process 15:31:25 wendy: first topic is childcare. I note it's mentioned in the announcement, which is a huge deal 15:32:20 ...second was sensory rooms/quiet rooms. 15:32:28 ... any suggestions? 15:32:32 q+ to ask if food amenities might cause people to com ein for other reasons 15:32:43 ack dbooth 15:32:43 dbooth, you wanted to ask if food amenities might cause people to com ein for other reasons 15:32:46 tzviya: would be helpful to have some consensus on this. 15:33:00 david: I wonder if providing food might be counterproductive. 15:33:04 +1 15:33:25 q+ 15:33:29 ack cwilso 15:33:42 q+ 15:33:45 sometimes it is hard to access the snacks 15:33:58 q+ 15:33:58 chris: In a conf often just need a quiet place. 15:34:22 ... Not having food, conversations, figget spinners migt be better. They might be distractions. 15:34:33 ... Suggest a sign saying "Please no chat here" 15:34:34 +1 to no conversations in this space 15:34:51 ... We have signs like that in the google nap rooms. 15:35:07 ack npd 15:35:12 ... Sign of "This is for quiet space" might be enough 15:35:47 nick: +1 on quiet. It would be tempting. 15:36:02 ...I wouldn't choose a room where people are eating and drinking, either. 15:36:06 ack uxjennifer 15:36:09 +1 on concerns about food/drink for COVID reasons 15:36:35 jen: +1 to all. it was nice to have the hotel room right there for me. 15:36:58 +1 to Jen. I typically disappear at least once a day for 15 mins of deco time. 15:37:22 yeah, many people use hotel rooms specifically for getting away from the social overwhelmed feeling, but not everyone will have a hotel room in the same building 15:37:34 +1 npd 15:37:48 jen: citrus/scents are also nice 15:37:50 +1 to avoiding food in the room, for covid reasons 15:37:54 q+ to ask about consensus 15:37:59 ack tzviya 15:37:59 tzviya, you wanted to ask about consensus 15:38:15 tzviya: do we have general consensus on having quiet room signs? 15:38:16 +1 to quiet room 15:38:19 +1 15:38:44 note scents are sensitive -- some may have migraines and such, so it's key to keep it to the individual who needs to think of their own. 15:39:04 +1 to quiet room. and using "quiet room" might actually make the concept more readily understandable to more participants 15:39:23 zakim, next topic 15:39:23 I don't understand 'next topic', wendyreid 15:39:27 zakim, next item 15:39:27 agendum 1 -- Inclusion Fund for TPAC 2023 -- taken up [from tzviya] 15:39:32 zakim, take up agendum 5 15:39:32 agendum 5 -- Revisit decision about changing name to CPC -- taken up [from tzviya] 15:40:35 wendy: we wanted to revisit the decision about changing the name. We've socialized CEPC quite a bit. We'd have to resocialize the name. Also, I don't think we should give up the idea of having ethics in the code. 15:41:01 q+ to suggest that if the groups wants to include ethics, that a visible placeholder be put into the doc 15:41:06 q+ 15:41:07 ack dbooth 15:41:08 dbooth, you wanted to suggest that if the groups wants to include ethics, that a visible placeholder be put into the doc 15:41:30 q+ to respond to dbooth 15:41:39 ack cwilso 15:41:43 q+ to like the name, but also that ethics is not enforced in the same way 15:41:54 david: I'm sort of neutral - I think it would be better to address ethics in a separate document - but at least maybe put in a placeholder 15:42:21 tzviya: the document really needs to be in a final state, so we probably shouldn't have placeholders - it might have legal implications. 15:42:25 q+ 15:42:45 ack tzviya 15:42:45 tzviya, you wanted to respond to dbooth 15:42:52 ack nick 15:42:55 ack npd 15:42:55 npd, you wanted to like the name, but also that ethics is not enforced in the same way 15:43:13 ...while we don't strictly list things that are ethics, I'm not concerned enough that it's not obvious. 15:43:32 nick: if there are ethics in the document, I don't think those are handled by a chair in the moment. 15:44:00 ...I'm not sure I could interrupt a meeting in the moment, "that's not Sustainable" or the like... 15:44:10 q+ to say if the document is not complete -- lacks ethics -- then it should not bill itself that way. 15:44:11 ack cwilso 15:44:14 ...seems like a separate direciton 15:44:32 s/direciton/direction 15:45:06 q+ to say I prefer CoC to CPC 15:45:10 chris: Not strongly pushing to change the name. The point of it being socialized is strong. Need to socialize it w every new person. That's where I feel like "Code of Conduct" is a well socialized concept, not a surpirce. 15:45:16 +1 to cwilso 15:45:41 ... Introducing it as CEPC referring to it as "Code of Condct". 15:46:31 ... Other side, ethics: Getting attacked from other areas, such as from other groups, I don't think it belongs in the same place. Who defines thr right ethics? Probably not this community group. They're supposed to be binding. 15:46:47 ... It will leave some stuff in the cold. Will be a hard convo. 15:47:04 ... Don't want to intro ethics here beause we'll have to define ethics. 15:47:20 ... .Worried it will weaken our ability to deliver on Code of COnduct. 15:47:24 ack dbooth 15:47:24 dbooth, you wanted to say if the document is not complete -- lacks ethics -- then it should not bill itself that way. 15:48:03 david: I think it's important not to bill itself as something it's not. 15:48:03 ack tzviya 15:48:03 tzviya, you wanted to say I prefer CoC to CPC 15:48:40 tzviya: I don't think there's a lot of disagreement. We probably shouldn't call it CPC - either CEPC or CoC. 15:49:06 ... I'd be comfortable making it CoC. 15:49:08 q+ 15:49:11 I preferred CPC, but I don't have a strong view on it 15:49:20 ack cwilso 15:49:41 +0 -- I'm neutral about "Code of Conduct" vs "COPC" 15:49:44 q+ 15:49:52 also neutral 15:49:58 Fine with me to rename as "Code of Conduct" 15:49:59 ack uxjennifer 15:50:42 jen: it's very confusing. When I first heard CEPC, it was confusing - but then I thought it was awesome. 15:50:57 ...What we really want is more people participating in PWE. 15:51:21 zakim, close item 1 15:51:21 agendum 1, Inclusion Fund for TPAC 2023, closed 15:51:22 I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 15:51:22 2. Running Better Meetings Training logistics review [from tzviya] 15:51:26 ...we definitely would need to say that we're not removing ethics from the W3C 15:51:27 +1 15:51:31 zakim, close item 2 15:51:31 agendum 2, Running Better Meetings Training logistics review, closed 15:51:32 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 15:51:32 3. Equity CG announced [from tzviya] 15:51:45 wendy: part of it would be communication of the change. 15:51:50 zakim, close item 3 15:51:50 agendum 3, Equity CG announced, closed 15:51:51 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 15:51:51 5. Revisit decision about changing name to CPC [from tzviya] 15:52:07 q+ to suggest that if there's concern about removal of the word "ethics", a note should be added at the bottom saying it will be in a separate document 15:52:57 david: +1 to acknowledging Ethics is not being abandoned. 15:52:58 ack db 15:52:58 dbooth, you wanted to suggest that if there's concern about removal of the word "ethics", a note should be added at the bottom saying it will be in a separate document 15:52:58 ack dbooth 15:53:15 q+ 15:53:17 q+ 15:53:29 tzviya: I really don't want to include a note in this document 15:53:33 +1 15:53:53 ack cwilso 15:54:13 I find tzviya's argument convincing also. 15:55:17 ack npd 15:55:23 chris: I don't think we will ever add "thou shalt be ethical in these ways ..." to the doc. 15:55:57 nick: I still kind of appreciate the "P" in CoPC. 15:56:32 ... it's not "just a code of conduct" 15:56:32 q+ 15:56:32 ...professional standards, not just ground rules that might get ignored 15:56:53 ack uxjennifer 15:57:04 s/to the doc/to this document, developed in this CG - there are several other groups working on broader ethical consensus (TAG, AB) 15:57:25 npd: but no strong objection to any of the change proposals here 15:58:05 jen: I suggested we have a monthly training session for new members. The Code could be reviewed in that. 15:58:18 I don't mind considering ethics in this group even if it will need to be reviewed and get consensus from the wider community 15:59:14 wendy: PROPOSAL: we change CEPC to "Code of Conduct". 15:59:18 +1 15:59:19 +1 15:59:23 +1 15:59:24 +1 15:59:25 +0 15:59:33 +0 15:59:47 +0 16:00:33 q+ to say I think i'ts resolved! 16:00:36 wendy: not going to resolve this today. Will do a PR, and maybe the tone will make us lean one way or another. 16:00:47 tzviya: will also ask others, like Ada and Angele. 16:00:55 s/Angele/Angel 16:01:17 rrsagent, make minutes 16:01:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/14-pwe-minutes.html cwilso 16:01:57 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:01:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/14-pwe-minutes.html dbooth 16:02:03 rrsagent, make logs public