16:29:53 RRSAgent has joined #waicc 16:29:57 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/02/13-waicc-irc 16:30:00 rrsagent, make log world 16:30:02 zakim, clear agenda 16:30:02 meeting: WAI Coordination 16:30:02 agenda cleared 16:30:02 chair: MichaelC 16:30:02 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-cc/2023Feb/0006.html 16:30:02 clear agenda 16:30:02 agenda+ Infoshare 16:30:02 agenda+ Group coordination https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/Group_Coordination 16:30:02 agenda+ Wide review process updates 16:30:02 agenda+ Use of auto transcripts 16:30:02 scribeOptions: -final 16:30:04 agenda+ Call time 16:30:04 present+ 16:30:06 regrets+ George 16:30:38 present+ 16:30:52 matatk has joined #waicc 16:33:04 janina has joined #waicc 16:33:07 present+ 16:33:09 present+ 16:33:11 scribe+ 16:33:14 kevin has joined #waicc 16:33:26 zakim, next item 16:33:26 agendum 1 -- Infoshare -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:33:27 jamesn has joined #waicc 16:33:57 MichaelC: W3C transition is figuring out who now approves transition requests, etc 16:34:06 MichaelC: Need to encompass multiple reviews 16:34:23 MichaelC: PLH decided to add a few from AC; first mtg Friday 16:34:25 present+ Daniel 16:34:32 MichaelC: Putting together our process for the mtg 16:34:47 MichaelC: Expect we will have participants unaware of what WAI does 16:35:00 MichaelC: Expect some glitches as we move to the new process 16:35:19 zakim, next item 16:35:19 agendum 2 -- Group coordination https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/Group_Coordination -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:35:37 MichaelC: continuing discussion of group coordination proposal 16:36:04 MichaelC: not much discussion, but seems to be general agreement document our approach is good 16:36:10 q+ 16:36:12 q+ 16:36:27 MichaelC: Notes AG exploring a similar process 16:36:45 MichaelC: Have proposed AG process is similar 16:36:55 q+ 16:37:00 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Key_Resources_and_Links#GitHub_Tips 16:37:10 ack jani 16:37:14 scribe+ 16:37:32 janina: RQTF exploring some review stuff, will cross 16:37:44 a couple suggestions in email 16:38:11 janina: Notes that RQTF is expecting to align to WAI in the above 16:38:20 ack rach 16:38:21 janina: asks about suggestions 16:38:25 MichaelC: suggests reread 16:38:42 krisanne has joined #waicc 16:38:48 present+ 16:38:55 Rachael: AG will move go docs and take to refine before returning 16:39:07 MichaelC: when should we invite wider review? 16:39:21 Rachael: phps two weeks? 16:39:45 MichaelC: Suggests we wait for AG return before moving the main process doc 16:40:50 janina: reviews her suggestions ... 16:41:10 janina: master label list for new WAI docs; so that a label could be associated 16:41:28 janina: second a way to tag another group to review based on some certain maturity 16:41:35 MichaelC: need to discuss and consider 16:41:38 zakim, next item 16:41:38 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, janina 16:41:44 q? 16:41:52 ack ja 16:42:08 jamesn: notes ARIA has an FPWD. What should we now do? 16:42:32 MichaelC: Not yet defined. For now, pub check, send email to waicc once that's ready 16:42:44 zakim, next item 16:42:44 agendum 3 -- Wide review process updates -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:42:55 https://www.w3.org/Guide/documentreview/#common_mistakes 16:43:11 MichaelC: notes plh had sent to chairs on this point 16:43:38 MichaelC: we should be aware -- substantive changes will need wide review before next wd update 16:43:45 Jem has joined #waicc 16:43:45 present+ 16:43:48 agenda? 16:44:06 present+ 16:44:13 MichaelC: will work on helping get us aware of advance timelines, etc 16:44:21 +1 16:44:28 zakim, next item 16:44:28 agendum 4 -- Use of auto transcripts -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:45:09 Jem: raised q because in need of scribe for every mtg 16:45:27 Jem: wondering whether we can use transcripts for mtg minutes 16:45:42 Jem: sometimes helpful for non native speakers 16:45:54 Jem: so q: can we copy and paste from auto translation into irc 16:46:00 q+ 16:46:00 q+ 16:46:14 MichaelC: first response was no because of concern to not use transcripts as official records 16:46:26 MichaelC: now that we have years of experience, we should consider 16:46:47 MichaelC: we will need to be clear transcript not an official record, 16:46:50 MichaelC: thoughts? 16:46:58 q+ 16:47:07 ack tz 16:47:25 tzviya: notes AB always uses transcripts, but review for people who can't follow; but we never save the record 16:47:46 tzviya: believe the dig wg also cleans up post mtg ... 16:47:52 tzviya: believe this could be helpful 16:47:54 https://github.com/w3c/AB-public/issues 16:47:56 q+ 16:48:02 q+ 16:48:19 q- 16:48:20 q+ to volunteer to raise issue, if nobody else does, after we put together what we want 16:48:22 https://github.com/w3c/AB-memberonly/issues 16:48:34 tzviya: notes jitsi being used as an floss alternative to Zoom 16:48:37 s/https://github.com/w3c/AB-public/issues// 16:48:59 tzviya: suggests issue with ab repo for further consideration 16:49:06 ack ja 16:49:27 jamesn: wonders about recording the meetings; notes that transcipt is saved when mtg is audio recorded 16:49:39 ack ja 16:50:31 q+ 16:50:42 q- later 16:50:54 ack ja 16:51:13 janina: suggests selective makes sense, but phps cleanup post mtg 16:51:23 james: suggests cleanup best during mtg, not post 16:51:30 ack me 16:51:30 MichaelC, you wanted to volunteer to raise issue, if nobody else does, after we put together what we want 16:51:45 MichaelC: Willing to raise issue in aB 16:51:47 q+ 16:51:55 ack jan 16:52:39 ack jem 16:52:47 MichaelC: notes some groups pub'ing to other locations because of issues with standard use of irc 16:53:13 Jem: a highly technical topic can be hard to scribe for non native speaker 16:53:29 janina: wonders how AI works on highly technical auto scribing? 16:53:45 MichaelC: believe jemma' 16:53:55 s use case is compelling and seems most are generally in favor? 16:54:17 MichaelC: suggest i can draft and run by the group ready to file be eow? 16:54:42 MichaelC: will draft an issue we can discuss on list 16:54:50 MichaelC: will draft on email 16:55:30 [no objections on call] 16:55:40 zakim, next item 16:55:40 agendum 5 -- Call time -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:56:55 q+ 16:57:17 Rachael: asks AG chairs ? 16:57:38 Rachael: Concerned that chuck and alastair may be unable, as I am frequently unable 16:57:44 MichaelC: that's important 17:01:40 rrsagent, make minutes 17:01:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/13-waicc-minutes.html janina 17:02:01 zakim, bye 17:02:01 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been MichaelC, janina, maryjom, matatk, Jem, Matt_King, jamesn, krisanne, Daniel, tzviya 17:02:01 Zakim has left #waicc 17:02:03 rrsagent, make minutes 17:02:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/13-waicc-minutes.html janina 17:03:12 maryjom has joined #waicc 17:04:48 rrsagent, bye 17:04:48 I see no action items