RDF-star WG

09 February 2023


AndyS, AZ, Doerthe, Dominik_T, enrico, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, olaf, ora, pchampin, pfps, rubensworks, TallTed
pchampin, pfps

Meeting minutes

I can scribe today


scribe is pfps

Approve previous call's minutes

<ora> https://xkcd.com/149/

ora: any comments about last call's minutes

adrian: ok by me

<gtw> Could we please include the previous week's minutes link in the pre-meeeting email that lists the agenda?

given no objection, minutes are approved

<TallTed> +1 gtw


this item is about changes to the agenda

we should spend a little time getting the use cases started

ora: i would like to understand what you are looking for

I would like to see use cases that the working group can use

i.e., specifics about how the use case should be used

ted: use cases provide requirements which can then be checked

I have no objections to suggesting this

enrico: there should be a classification of use cases as well

I'm willing to run a tf on this

<TallTed> `action: nickname to act`

ACTION: pfps to set up tf to get use cases set up

<ghurlbot> Created action #17

ora: I volunteer

gregg: work on text direction should be done at some time

gregg: there is a community group involved


gregg: there are issues involved that I do not have expertise in

gregg: some semantic expertise needs to be involved

pchampin: I can help

pchampin: this appears to be out of scope according to the charter

andys: a backwards compatible solution would be useful

gregg: JSONLD took this up because of input from the internationalization group

ACTION: gregg to initiate discussion of text direction

<ghurlbot> Cannot create action. Validation failed. (Invalid user for this repository?)

ora: should this be of lower priority for now

gregg: there is a feeling that this cannot be left to too late in the process

gregg: doing this early will allow for good input from the community

tallted: what does backward compatability mean here?

andys: there are submissions in the area that are backward compatible

andys: let's not start everything all at once

ora: we might be able to split into task forces, which allows people to concentrate on what they are interested in

ora: smaller groups are more productive

ora: the groups can report back

adrian: there are a few things that are mechanical, e.g., FPWD

adrian: splitting of some stuff will allow people to concentrate

First Public Working Drafts of the "modernized" RDF 1.1 specs: Update

pchampin: we now have respec versions of the specs

pchampin: we need a decision on whether to publish these as FPWDs

pchampin: this starts W3C processes, such as patent review

pchampin: publishing early gives a starting point

andys: I agree

andys: what quality of HTML do we need for FPWD?

<Zakim> pfps, you wanted to emphasize SOTD for this sort of FPWD

pchampin: specprod warnings do need to be addressed

if we publish FPWDs of what we inherit the SOTD should say so

gregg: there is an SOTD already in most documents

gregg: and that should suffice

<Zakim> pfps, you wanted to ask when specprod is involved

gregg: I can help make specprod happy

when do I see output from specprod

gregg: github PRs go through the process

gregg: there are two steps - IPR and respec

if you put in a PR then there should be no problem?

gregg: except for deep links, yes

in essence, checks happen early and we will get notificaitons

pchampin: editors should evaluate whether to publish right away?

I suggest that editors be given direction to try to publish ASAP

tallted: I agree - ask editors to concentrate on getting the documents in shape for FPWD, especially correct & current SOTD

gregg: timelines for RDF and SPARQL documents are offset so they might happen on a different timeline

gregg: the RDF documents appear in good shape

andys: other WG members can submit changes

<Zakim> pfps, you wanted to ask what approval process should be like

what is expected for a PR to be merged

gregg: in RDF canonicalization there was a list of people automatically requested to review a PR

gregg: so PR proposers should ask for reviews and after a suitable time period merge even if there are no reviews

pchampin: the editors should decide on the process

ora: talk about this next week

andys: what is the result?

gregg: resolution on whether to publish

andys: I want both RDF and SPARQL documents to have FPWD at the same time

ACTION: pchampin to coordinate on proposed resolution on FPWD

<ghurlbot> Created action #18

<AndyS> (some SPARQL documents)

RDF vs. RDF-star conformance ("Weak vs. strong", ...): Approval?

ora: this was discussed earlier

ora: I think this is a good idea

I'm not opposed but the result of the working group might not need this distinction

For example, suppose the WG decides that quoted triples only require changes to surface syntax

ora: if so then the decision is moot, but a decision now would alleviate some concerns

<Zakim> pchampin, you wanted to point out that turtle parsing would still need a change

pchampin: surface syntax is a change but there still might be a difference between weak and strong compliance

andys: looks like a good idea in principle

andys: but this might affect decisions made in the future

andys: and using this to drive future decisions is bad

gregg: syntax changes hit most specifications

gregg: the WG hasn't decided on syntax

gregg: level of conformance decisions might make it too easy to dismiss concerns about technical issues


<Zakim> pchampin, you wanted to mention "allowing new features" / living standard

pchampin: the WG process can decide to permit later streamlined additions of new features

pchampin: the WG should start to think about this option

ora: we can't make a decision today, but please think about it

ora: having this decision in place would help in technical discussions

andys: would a written proposal help?

ora: if distributed beforehand, yes

antoine: the proposal came from elsewhere

ora: antoine, do want us to work on a proposal

antoine: yes

ACTION: ora to work with antoine and others to come up with a proposal for weak and strong compliance

<ghurlbot> Cannot create action. Validation failed. (Invalid user for this repository?)

<ktk> For the meeting minutes: Souri excused himself for todays meeting

ghurlbot, ora = @rdfguy

<AZ> one way is to change "ora" to "AZ"

ACTION: rdfguy to work with antoine and others to come up with a proposal for weak and strong compliance

<ghurlbot> Created action #19

<TallTed> we might consider levels like SQL conformance (Entry, Intermediate, and Full)

<AndyS> Conformance email is https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2023Feb/0003.html (Full vs Weak)

<AndyS> (W3C archive search does not find it when searching for "weak")

Summary of action items

  1. pfps to set up tf to get use cases set up
  2. gregg to initiate discussion of text direction
  3. pchampin to coordinate on proposed resolution on FPWD
  4. ora to work with antoine and others to come up with a proposal for weak and strong compliance
  5. rdfguy to work with antoine and others to come up with a proposal for weak and strong compliance
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/specprot/specprod/

Succeeded: s/in shape for FPWD/in shape for FPWD, especially correct & current SOTD/

Succeeded: s/agendum 5 -- RDF vs. RDF-star conformance ("Weak vs. strong", ...): Approval? -- taken up [from agendabot]//

Succeeded: s/agendum 4 -- First Public Working Drafts of the "modernized" RDF 1.1 specs: Update -- taken up [from agendabot]//

Succeeded: s/agendum 3 -- Agenda -- taken up [from agendabot]//

Maybe present: adrian, antoine, gregg, ted

All speakers: adrian, andys, antoine, enrico, gregg, ora, pchampin, tallted, ted

Active on IRC: AndyS, AZ, Doerthe, Dominik_T, enrico, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, olaf, ora, pchampin, pfps, rubensworks, TallTed