WAI Coordination

06 February 2023


Daniel, jamesn, janina, Jem, krisanne, maryjom, matatk, Matt_King, MichaelC

Meeting minutes


MichaelC: WCAG 2.2 CR was just published; is there any Adapt/Pronunciation work?

janina: Pronunciation is looking for AT vendor feedback (from ATIA). Still tring to close on a technological direction.

MichaelC: ARIA is getting a PR soon.

maryjom: We're working on WCAG2ICT and are wondering what is customary to include wrt previous editors and contributors.

MichaelC: That's normally something that the staff contact and editors would work on; would we like to discuss this more as a group?

MattKing: Wondering how this applies to the APG and other similar docs?

MichaelC: Maybe we should have a style guide down the road. Would people like that?

<maryjom> +1 to a style guide...or some method of support for questions.

<janina> +1 to style guide, because it resolves what's expected--which is the question

<Jem> guidance will be great.

MattKing: I'm wondering about guidance/policies about who should be recognized for what sorts of contributions.

MichaelC: Will put this on the agenda.

MattKing: We're planning to publish soon the first AT support tables (coming from the ARIA-AT project).
… The results are based on the ARIA AT interop test suite. They'll be published for 5 of 65 patterns, in around about a month.
… This is a big deal! Working with CG to develop a plan for this. Will make an announcement to call attention to it, likely in March

janina: Suggestion that we should include correct use of biblio.js in the style guide. We have had questions recently about tracking the research that our publications has referenced.
… Specifically these came up with RQTF, but would be generally applicable.

matatk: +1 to this!

MichaelC: We may want to share a bibliography tool across WAI.

jamesn: We've thought of biblio.js as a last resort - is there another way that we should be using it?

MichaelC: We do have various citations that may need to be included in this way, and could share across WAI. There is both biblio and glossary.
… Our first priority with glossary is to eliminate redundancy, maybe also the same for biblio.

<Zakim> janina, you wanted to include bibliography!

Tool accessibility check-in

MichaelC: Have any issues been filed on the Calendar tool.

janina: Checking other environments before filing issues. Found barriers when using Orca and Firefox.

<daniel-montalvo> https://github.com/w3c/calendar/issues/created_by/daniel-montalvo

MichaelC: Suggest you file an issue; they can follow up if need be.

daniel-montalvo: here is a list of existing issues: https://github.com/w3c/calendar/issues/created_by/daniel-montalvo - comments welcome

<jamesn> w3c/calendar.git should be clonable

Matt_King: Can we use an 'accessibility' label in the calendar repo to avoid duplicates?

daniel-montalvo: there isn't at the moment, but if people want one we could have one.

MichaelC: *asks for an accessibility label, following discussion*

jamesn: I can't label issues in this repo.

matatk: We could file issues starting with "[accessibility] " and then the team member who labels it culd remove that part.

Cross-group review procedures

<MichaelC> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-cc/2022Nov/0005.html

<MichaelC> https://www.w3.org/2022/11/16-waicc-minutes#t04

<daniel-montalvo> Accessibility label for the calendar repo

MichaelC: We don't have everyone on the call perhaps, but wanted to make a note of it. COGA meets at this time.

MichaelC: COGA is asking about liaison with research organizations; our other topic is about a shared bibliography. We could assemble a bibliography from all of our TR docs; what else do we need to do?

Jem: Do we have a common format for the bibliographies?

MichaelC: Most may be biblio.js but others could be different.

jasonjgw: I'd be willing to participate in a bibliography sharing effort.

MichaelC: What benefits does this bring us? Clean-up, lists of resources for the public to look at, making it easier for us to pull our documents together?

janina: To document what we looked at in a given topic area.

<Jem> +1 for assemble a bibliography from all of our TR doc as the first step.

janina: We've been challenged by other TFs on how thorough we've been, so have agreed to leave tracks behind. Looking for the documentatry path we can take to overcome this.

janina: It's possible to cite sources, so these can be done in footnotes etc.

MichaelC: W3C already has standrd ways of citing other works; is this not happening enough?

janina: We want to be able to show what we covered when looking at a particular area. RQTF does academic-style review. We have been asked to show what approach we've taken to research. Documenting what we looked at could help. Probably can't get access for the wider membership, but some of us have it.

<Jem> one time I created bibliography for silver TF and PWE using Zotero. but the efforts are very fragmented and not coherent.

jasonjgw: Usually the references in the document stand up as the evidence of the literature and areas were considered. It's not clear to me what extra documentation would do to help us solve this. The bibliography tells the story of what was foud to be significant.

MichaelC: Hearing interested in doing our academic references better, but looks to be leading to something we need to develop over time. Each person is looking at a different area. Academic review of things we publish sounds like something to work into cross review.

<Jem> There are easy tools for gathering the bibliography

janina: Style guide could be good for this; different topic for liaisons.

Cross-group review procedures

<MichaelC> https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/Group_Coordination

MichaelC: As discussed, this is a rough description of what should happen at each stage for a document. Blockers would be that tangible harm would come from publication.

MichaelC: Trying to make sure the timelines overlap with other things, rather than being additive. Will have to add to the coordination call for discussion on these, to keep in sync.

Call time

MichaelC: There's an issue that we are overlapping with COGA.

MichaelC: May pursue an alternative time on list.

Jem: Is there page where we can see the status of each publication?
… E.g. PR, CR, what is the timeline for each?

MichaelC: We probably need something like that to accompany these procedures. People need this info in several places; open to operationalizing this.

<Zakim> jamesn, you wanted to ask if COGA could change their time?

<Zakim> janina, you wanted to add labels; SOTD requirement?

<Jem> I am proposing a status page for all accessibility related publications.

jamesn: Would COGA be able to change their time?

janina: Will ask.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/easy options/easy tools/

Maybe present: daniel-montalvo, jasonjgw, MattKing

All speakers: daniel-montalvo, jamesn, janina, jasonjgw, Jem, maryjom, matatk, Matt_King, MattKing, MichaelC

Active on IRC: daniel-montalvo, jamesn, janina, jasonjgw, Jem, krisanne, maryjom, matatk, Matt_King, MichaelC