13:11:15 RRSAgent has joined #rqtf 13:11:19 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/02/01-rqtf-irc 13:11:19 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:11:20 Zakim has joined #rqtf 13:11:20 Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference 13:11:20 Date: 01 February 2023 13:11:36 chair: jasonjgw 13:11:40 scribe+ jasonjgw 13:11:46 agenda+ Upcoming RQTF presentation on AI and people with disabilities. 13:11:46 agenda+ Web of Things: accessible recovery requirements and scenarios. 13:11:46 agenda+ Task Force publications. 13:11:46 agenda+ Miscellaneous topics. 13:48:36 janina has joined #rqtf 14:00:57 SteveNoble has joined #rqtf 14:01:06 present+ 14:03:53 Roy has joined #rqtf 14:04:01 scribe: SteveNoble 14:04:30 jasonjgw: If possible, turn on video when speaking 14:04:49 scott_h has joined #rqtf 14:04:50 zakim, next item 14:04:50 agendum 1 -- Upcoming RQTF presentation on AI and people with disabilities. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:05:11 MichaelC: Also, please identify yourself when speaking 14:05:22 present+ 14:05:28 present+ 14:05:38 jasonjgw: Lionel has offered to present on AI and people with disabilities 14:06:06 present+ 14:06:21 jasonjgw: A recent workshop on this topic was conducted 14:06:43 jasonjgw: Lionel will discuss this next week on the RQTF call 14:08:18 janina: Lionel will be on a panel later this month, and wants to preview his remarks during our meeting, with hopes that we can provide some good feedback 14:11:53 janina: Would be useful if we have a video recording of the previous workshop and/or notes from the workshop 14:12:43 jasonjgw: Would be good to have someone from the pervious workshop on our upcoming meeting 14:13:20 zakim, next item 14:13:20 agendum 2 -- Web of Things: accessible recovery requirements and scenarios. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:14:25 Previous email thread: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-apa/2023Jan/0000.html 14:14:53 jasonjgw: Where do we stand on this? Any updates? 14:15:35 janina: Do we know who owns the Matter spec? 14:16:14 janina: Suggest we review the spec and see if accessibility is addressed 14:17:15 janina: It will be a problem if the spec is a closed resource 14:17:39 jasonjgw: I believe this is an open spec 14:17:55 kirkwood has joined #rqtf 14:18:01 jasonjgw: Will search this out 14:18:52 janina: We have concerns over the accessibility of middleware 14:19:29 janina: the Matter spec is supposed to solve this 14:20:40 jasonjgw: Will attempt to clarify the status of related specifications 14:21:49 jason: Will reply to the RQTF mailing list with pertinent details 14:22:02 zakim, next item 14:22:02 agendum 3 -- Task Force publications. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:22:52 https://github.com/w3c/apa/issues/314 14:23:28 jasonjgw: Discussion over COGA comments on RQTF publications are ensuing (esp collaboration tools) 14:26:48 scott_h: Some issues with accessibility of Google docs were noted 14:29:08 janina: suggest pointing to the C-TAUR GitHub repository for submitting comments 14:31:49 scott_h: Suggest focus on specific practical tangible comments for changes 14:33:26 jasonjgw: The key point is to have each issue distilled into individual issues in Github so that they can be tracked 14:36:40 scott_h: We have suggested that either GitHub issues or email (where each issue is separated out) is the most accessible and practical methods for providing input 14:38:50 jasonjgw: Suggestion was to recirculate the working draft asking for further review 14:39:32 janina: However, we did not want to update the draft before incorporating current feedback 14:41:30 scott_h: Agree that we should sort out the process first 14:42:10 jasonjgw: We can give this a could of weeks to see if we can get comments in a usable form 14:42:17 zakim, next item 14:42:17 agendum 4 -- Miscellaneous topics. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:43:35 janina: Question for Raja on personal data assistants 14:43:58 Raja: yes, could address this 14:44:34 jasonjgw: If Raja could submit something on the RQTF list, that would be helpful 14:44:45 present+ 14:44:48 Raja: Yes...can do 14:45:02 jasonjgw: Other matters?? 14:46:27 zakim, bye 14:46:27 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been SteveNoble, MichaelC, scott_h, janina 14:46:27 Zakim has left #rqtf 14:46:32 rrsagent, make minutes 14:46:34 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/01-rqtf-minutes.html jasonjgw 14:47:06 janina has left #rqtf 16:03:56 kirkwood has joined #rqtf 16:06:08 kirkwood has joined #rqtf 17:39:40 kirkwood has joined #rqtf 18:16:54 kirkwood has joined #rqtf 18:52:10 kirkwood has joined #rqtf