22:57:42 RRSAgent has joined #vcwg-special 22:57:46 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/01/31-vcwg-special-irc 22:57:46 mprorock has joined #vcwg-special 22:58:49 brentz has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2023-01-24: https://github.com/w3c/vc-status-list-2021 22:59:00 brentz has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2023-01-31: https://github.com/w3c/vc-status-list-2021 22:59:09 zakim, start the meeting 22:59:09 RRSAgent, make logs Public 22:59:11 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), brentz 22:59:19 meeting: VCWG Special Topic Call 22:59:26 chair: Brent Zundel 23:01:46 present+ 23:01:56 Orie has joined #vcwg-special 23:02:00 present+ 23:02:04 scribe+ 23:02:07 present+ 23:02:24 present+ 23:02:27 Topic: VC Status List 23:02:41 q+ to mention some PRs. 23:02:54 ack manu 23:02:54 manu, you wanted to mention some PRs. 23:02:56 Phil_ASU has joined #vcwg-special 23:03:01 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-status-list-2021/pull/45 23:03:04 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg-special 23:03:06 present+ 23:03:08 present+ 23:03:12 andres has joined #vcwg-special 23:03:19 manu: there 2 PRs follow up from discussions last week 23:03:28 ... they cover bitstring and dereferencing. 23:03:56 ... it adds an image to talk about encoding, and some language. 23:04:12 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-status-list-2021/pull/46 23:04:20 ... next item, is regarding dereferencing 23:04:23 Kerri_Lemoie has joined #vcwg-special 23:04:29 present+ 23:04:48 ... issue #39 is about errors when you can't dereference. 23:05:02 smccown has joined #vcwg-special 23:05:15 ... we don't use these values, so it should not matter if they fail to dereference. 23:05:20 kristina has joined #vcwg-special 23:05:24 present+ 23:05:29 ... but it should fail during validation... 23:05:42 ... new PR says throw an error during validation 23:05:57 ... if the ids can be dereferenced 23:06:08 ... can not* 23:06:12 present+ 23:06:20 s/can be/cannot be/ 23:06:22 present+ 23:06:26 i will def need some time to review the PRs 23:06:30 present+ 23:06:32 https://github.com/w3c/vc-status-list-2021/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-asc 23:06:33 Topic: Issue Processing 23:06:48 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-status-list-2021/issues/4 23:07:00 selfissued has joined #vcwg-special 23:07:05 present+ 23:07:10 brent: sounds like the poster is seeking information 23:07:35 Q= 23:07:36 q+ 23:07:37 q+ 23:07:44 scribe+ 23:07:46 ack kristina 23:07:59 kristina: seems like a question that could impact spec design 23:08:12 ... there was an option for the bitmap to be in a did doc before 23:08:23 q+ to note you can put bitmap elsewhere as long as there is a VC wrapping it? 23:08:34 ... can it be made legal to put the bitmap list in a did doc? 23:08:41 ... we could discuss 23:08:42 q- 23:08:51 ack manu 23:08:51 manu, you wanted to note you can put bitmap elsewhere as long as there is a VC wrapping it? 23:09:29 manu: technically, you can use a status list URL, including a DID... 23:09:50 ... dereferencing must be a VC currently, so a DID Document would not be secured. 23:09:56 dwaite has joined #vcwg-special 23:10:03 present+ 23:10:07 ... we don't currently have a way to support hosting the list in a did document 23:10:10 q+ 23:10:20 ... I am concerned about expanding the scope of a status list 23:10:36 ... I know its possible to create URLs that would work for this. 23:10:45 ack kristina 23:11:16 kristina: I don't have strong opinions either way, does an object that is stored under a URL or a DID... does it have to be signed? 23:11:32 ... if you trust the PKI, does it still need to be signed? 23:11:42 ... maybe the answer is you sign anyway... 23:12:04 ... from interop perspective, less options the better 23:12:15 ... can the result be a simple JWS? 23:12:31 q+ to note if you don't sign, the security concerns get a bit more dicey, we lose a use case (possibly). 23:12:38 q+ 23:12:48 ... seems like maybe folks should not need to understand the VC spec to process the status list 23:12:53 q+ 23:12:57 ack manu 23:12:57 manu, you wanted to note if you don't sign, the security concerns get a bit more dicey, we lose a use case (possibly). 23:13:06 shawnb has joined #vcwg-special 23:13:10 present+ 23:13:23 manu: if we don't sign it, they you do need to trust the domain / did method / web host / did controller ... etc... 23:13:38 ... we could say, it does not need to be signed, just make sure its secured. 23:13:55 ... then it opens the attack surface on the integrity of the list 23:14:30 ... why a vc? the reason they go to the list, is because they are coming from a VC... we know they can already process VCs. 23:14:45 ... its not a surprise for he implementer to get another VC. 23:15:04 ... could the list be signed differently, but then we have mixed technologies for the list and the original vc 23:15:17 ... for those reasons we built it on top of VCs 23:15:33 ack Phil_ASU 23:15:50 q+ to note lost use cases -- if it's not signed, holder can't deliver it. 23:16:00 phil_ASU: also concerned about the attack surface, but also concerned about multiple ways to achieve the same objective. 23:16:02 q+ 23:16:25 "The statusListCredential property MUST be a URL to a verifiable credential." should be changed to "URI" 23:16:38 ... if they can already handle a VC, we should ask them for clarity regarding why they are asking the question regarding ethereum 23:16:42 if DIDs, ethereum URLs are to be allowed 23:16:44 ack Orie 23:17:27 Orie: Manu covered a lot of what I would say. I think it's a mistake for a credential status type to have a lot of agility on the security format. It seems ok to me to have the URL structure be one of any possible valid URLs that dereference to a VC. The DID side of it I don't have strong objections to. 23:18:40 Orie: However, switching to a different cryptographic suite from what the VC uses, it could make the end verifier implement multiple cryptosuite to implement a revocable credential, don't think that's a good thing. If the objective is to store the list on a blockchain, on a website or without security... each of those are separate items and it's possible that they could all be well supported if they all have a unique type and they're supported 23:18:40 separately. 23:18:55 Orie: I think it's a mistake to expand the scope of status list to do all of those things. 23:19:01 ack manu 23:19:01 manu, you wanted to note lost use cases -- if it's not signed, holder can't deliver it. 23:19:15 manu: one use case to mention, on why do we sign... 23:19:24 ... signing enables offline presentation by the holder 23:19:53 ... this allows for revocably credentials to be presented without going to the network 23:20:20 ... this can also enable the verifier to not need to make network requests 23:20:31 ack kristina 23:20:34 ... the holder may present the list directly to the verifier 23:20:41 +1 for preserving the holder providing the status list directly to the verifier. 23:20:46 kristina: thanks for the comments 23:21:17 ... it would be good to clarify the answers to these questons 23:21:18 agree that we should clarify all of these things in the spec... I don't think we say many of these things. 23:21:21 q+ on "URI" 23:21:26 ... should it be URI instead of URL ? 23:21:31 ack manu 23:21:31 manu, you wanted to comment on "URI" 23:21:40 url is new syntax via whatwg 23:21:47 manu: normally we would have put URI, but there was a big fight over URI vs URL and WHATWG 23:21:55 ... so we should call everything a URL 23:22:06 ... so now we call everything a URL 23:22:08 manu schooled the sh*** out of me on this and i still have bad habits on uri etc 23:22:23 that's the answer i expected 23:22:26 q? 23:22:27 ... we can't call them URIs or we will get yelled at by WHATWG 23:22:29 That just underscores why url should be used everywhere :P 23:22:47 brent: any next steps that need to go into the issue? 23:22:52 can open an issue on sending VC only 23:23:03 manu: kristina asked for us to clarify in the spec on this, and we should. 23:23:21 ... we should add a PR to comment on what we have just discussed 23:23:29 +1 manu - spec is good if you "know" not as good if you don't 23:23:41 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-status-list-2021/issues/6 23:23:51 q+ 23:23:58 (and I think the answer to issue #4 is they would have to host a VC under an ethereum URL) 23:24:05 ack Orie 23:24:06 q+ 23:24:15 Orie: I think this is trying to get at bad issuers. 23:24:56 Orie: They can track with status list if they do a 1:1 mapping -- what can the spec do to prevent issuers from being bad? The spec could mandate that you have a fixed size of the bitstring and spec can direct you to consume indexes randomly and not have new list... but malicious issuer can do whatever they wish. 23:25:18 +1 orie - people are bad on the internet sometimes, not sure we can solve it all 23:25:27 Orie: If you have to trust them for digital signature, they can do many other bad things, I think that's what he's asking about, don't know how much guidance we can place in here. Perhaps we should add something to Security Considerations wrt. things "not to do with the spec". 23:25:41 brentz: We can say an evil issuer is non-conformant. 23:25:44 ack manu 23:25:52 manu: yes, agree with orie and brent. 23:26:13 ... we can't prevent bad issuers from being evil, we should write about this in security considerations section 23:26:28 ... we have been trying to figure out if its detectable 23:26:45 ... maybe wallets can detect that the issuer has lots of status lists? 23:26:58 ... but it seems like a wallet can't know if this is happening 23:27:04 q+ 23:27:11 ... because of the design, its very hard to know if the issuer is evil 23:27:38 ... issuers will be evil, and they will try to do things like this... and its hard for us to detect it... so we should comment on it in sec considerations 23:27:46 ack mprorock 23:28:16 mprorock: evil issuer is gonna support better 3rd party snooping an coordination? 23:28:28 ... there are much easier ways around this for bad actors... 23:28:44 q+ 23:28:44 truth, mprorock 23:28:53 filed: https://github.com/w3c/vc-status-list-2021/issues/48 23:28:53 ack andres 23:29:11 andres: can enforcing the structure of the URL help? 23:29:17 q+ 23:29:24 ... perhaps URL structure could help? 23:29:26 ack mprorock 23:29:50 mprorock: see data brokers, and services... they are not going to make it obvious 23:30:10 ... we should provide guidance for honest parties 23:30:25 ... the bad guys will turn around and sell it, without leaving a trace in the open 23:30:53 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-status-list-2021/issues/7 23:31:16 brent: is status list 2021 expected to be issued by the same issuer as the credential 23:31:17 q+ 23:31:24 ack Orie 23:31:53 3rd party stuff could get interesting 23:32:24 q+ to say as long as the issuer indicates where to retrieve the statuslist credential, does this matter? 23:32:32 Orie: as far as I know, the answer is "yes", but there are "hierarchy" concerns -- is the global company the same as the sub-company? Does it have to be with the same keys? I don't know the specific guidance on this, but errors would be thrown if the issuer is not matching. Looking for clear guidance on issuer, keys, etc. being the same vs. different. 23:32:34 ack brentz 23:32:34 brentz, you wanted to say as long as the issuer indicates where to retrieve the statuslist credential, does this matter? 23:32:36 also filed: https://github.com/w3c/vc-status-list-2021/issues/49 23:32:52 q+ 23:33:18 brent: the setup is that the issuer has issued a vc and the issuer has indicated where a verifier can retrieve the credential.... does it matter?... can an issuer delegate revocation authority? 23:33:18 question is "expected to be" not, what are all the crazy things we can do 23:33:19 dmitriz has joined #vcwg-special 23:33:22 ack manu 23:33:27 present+ 23:33:34 manu: +1 to yes... the answer is yes in general 23:33:34 One sentence that it might or might not match might be helpful 23:33:45 we had the same question in openid4vci spec: "Depending on the Credential format, the issuer identifier in the issued Credential is not always a URL using the `https` scheme. Some other forms that it can take are a DID included in the `issuer` property in a [@VC_DATA] format, or the `Subject` value of the document signer certificate included in the `x5chain` element in a [@ISO.18013-5] format." 23:33:56 q+ 23:33:57 ... its true, there are questions about hierarchy and global company vs local companies.... 23:34:07 q+ 23:34:11 ... and it may be bad for us to be overly strict in this regard 23:34:44 ... I think what brent said is most telling, the issuer intended to point to where they sent you... you should probably trust the original issuer first. 23:34:56 ... the original issuer, should be able to delegate 23:35:16 ... it would be straight forward for us to say the issuer should be the same for both 23:35:36 ... its probably better to just require both to be verifed, and leave the choice to the issuer 23:35:37 ack Phil_ASU 23:36:05 Phil_ASU: in the k12 space, highschools vs districts use case seems relevant... 23:36:36 ... we have seen issues where there can be governance issues here 23:36:40 ack kristina 23:36:46 +1 Phil we are lookng more at business rules and not closing those things off 23:36:59 kristina: can we say the issuer may or may not match 23:37:07 ... we did something similar in another spec 23:37:08 +1 kristina 23:37:13 +1 23:37:15 +1 kristina 23:37:53 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-status-list-2021/issues/9 23:38:04 q+ 23:38:11 brent: if the index is out of bounds... what should happen 23:38:14 ack manu 23:38:20 manu: it should raise an error 23:38:33 ... if they are out of bounds, it should raise an error. 23:38:35 q+ 23:38:37 ill volunteer for a PR on this 23:38:42 ack kristina 23:38:56 q+ 23:39:01 kristina: I don't disagree... throwing an error is fine, but perhaps we should define an error code? 23:39:06 ... are there error codes? 23:39:12 ack manu 23:39:32 manu: checking the status index is part of the verification stage 23:39:40 ... that would cause verify to fail 23:39:44 q+ 23:39:50 ... it gets into protocol 23:39:57 error message? 23:40:03 ... all we can say is you should throw an error 23:40:11 ... we don't have error codes yet 23:40:32 ... there is no way to surface these to the caller, unless we talk about protocol like vc api 23:40:52 ack mprorock 23:40:53 ... i don't think this spec, which is just data model and serialization, can say much about how errors are exposed 23:41:08 mprorock: i'm not opposed to including informative guidance 23:41:18 ... like 406 / not acceptable 23:41:31 ... normative path, we should say MUST throw an error 23:41:42 +1 to it should throw an error 23:41:45 ... should users see it? we can't say anything about that 23:41:52 q+ 23:41:58 q- 23:42:13 q+ 23:42:23 +1 manu 23:42:45 manu: is there confusion over getting the list, like 404... vs during verification 406 might not make sense... maybe better 200 verified false 23:42:55 ... seems like a protocol trap 23:42:57 agreed 23:43:09 ack kristina 23:43:32 kristina: good point on retrieval vs verify in the bitmap 23:43:48 ... we should say 404 if its obvious is should be 404 23:43:54 +1 kristina, not finding the status list should be a 404 and should be in the spec. 23:44:12 q+ to note errors 23:44:13 ... if we want to avoid protocol, error message is probably also a trap 23:44:17 ack manu 23:44:17 manu, you wanted to note errors 23:44:30 manu: we can define an algorithmic error message 23:44:44 ... error_index_out_of_bounds and hand wave about it 23:45:06 ... langauges / implementers can define how they want to handle it 23:45:11 +1 manu, e.g. you MUST return an error that indicates that the index is out of range through ERR_ABOVE_MAX 23:45:23 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-status-list-2021/issues/11 23:45:43 q+ 23:45:44 brent: what should the type value be 23:45:48 ack manu 23:45:59 ... I think this is stale / old and has been fixed. 23:46:30 manu: this is about old langauge that no longer exists 23:46:32 q+ 23:46:55 ... seems we should close this issue, and note that we have changed the name 23:47:03 ack kristina 23:47:18 q+ 23:47:23 kristina: +1 to the direction, curious.... why is there a 2021 in the name, can we drop it? 23:47:25 ack manu 23:47:36 Please delete the 2021 23:47:57 manu: yeah, typically we version things... and we like to be able to tell versions apart 23:48:03 Can we use SemVer then? 23:48:06 q+ 23:48:12 ... dates have been used fro crypto suites, so you can tell how old something is 23:48:22 +1 shawn 23:48:27 ... we you see v1, v2, v3... you have no sense of time 23:48:35 whereas dates tell you something about time 23:48:39 but is json, why just not add semver as a property in the json 23:49:01 ... first question, do we want versioning? yes... do we want semantic versioning or date based versioning 23:49:16 ... we do stuff differently all over the place 23:49:29 ... dates are in names when time is important 23:49:35 q+ 23:49:43 ... I will note that this has paid off well 23:50:01 ack kristina 23:50:01 ... because if we had not versioned we would have been stuck with RSA suites forever 23:50:19 kristina: first question is what are we trying to version> 23:50:23 q+ to note we're trying to version the object and the spec. 23:50:35 https://github.com/w3c/vc-status-list-2021/issues/11#issuecomment-1411229291 23:50:36 ... we should version specs based on publication date maybe 23:50:51 ... lets agree on what we are trying to version, and then discuss how to do it 23:51:01 q+ to note that we version because data formats / fields might change in the future. 23:51:03 ... I would be in favor of dropping date versioning 23:51:03 ack Orie 23:52:32 dates typically imply bias (newer is better) 23:52:39 I think cryptosuites versioning is different 23:52:43 or as it ages... 23:52:45 Orie: I also was surprised to learn about this long history of adding dates to specs to version them and recently in Chairing capacity came across IDNA2003 and IDNA2008 and UTS46 and it has rekindled my deep appreciation that people ahve always struggled on clean versioning schemes. It does seem to me that putting a date on things was more popular in the past then it is today, W3C community is last holdout to put dates on things and others have 23:52:45 moved on from this practice since then. Maybe an older convention and not current best practice. There are things out there that people are referring to and arguing over and fact that it has 2008 causes people toa rgue over it more than if it didn't. 23:52:50 ack manu 23:52:50 manu, you wanted to note we're trying to version the object and the spec. and to note that we version because data formats / fields might change in the future. 23:53:04 manu: I would not say its an old thing 23:53:09 q+ to ask about closing this issue 23:53:13 q+ 23:53:19 ... it was easy for us to just use dates, thats why we picked them 23:53:27 ... people don't try to find new versions 23:53:51 ... kristina asked, what are we trying to version... we are trying to version the "object" 23:53:54 ... not the spec 23:54:20 ... if we had started off without adding a version to the RDF type, we would have been trapped 23:54:50 ... now we can add new RDF classes for each new type we create, so we can tell the RDF types apart 23:55:12 ... people have strong opinion on this, feels like a rat hole 23:55:20 q+ 23:55:26 Is StatusList2021 worse than StatusListV1 ? 23:55:43 ack brentz 23:55:43 brentz, you wanted to ask about closing this issue 23:55:50 filed an issue: https://github.com/w3c/vc-status-list-2021/issues/50 23:55:57 @brentz: that was my question too 23:55:58 brent: regarding this particular issue, feels like we can close it 23:56:01 q- 23:56:05 +1 close it 23:56:10 ... any objection? 23:56:22 ack dmitriz 23:56:28 q- 23:56:36 dimitry: I was going to ask what you asked in chat 23:56:51 +1 to StatusListV1 23:56:52 is StatusListV1 better or worse than StatusList2023 23:57:02 brent: closing this issue 23:57:22 thaaanks Orie! 23:57:24 thanks, Orie :high-five: 23:57:35 + putting a year in the status list ends of causing questions when there haven't been changes as people think i's moribund, not simply still doing strong. ;-) 23:57:53 zakim, who is here? 23:57:53 Present: mprorock, shigeya, Orie, manu, Phil_ASU, decentralgabe, Kerri_Lemoie, kristina, smccown, brentz, TallTed, selfissued, dwaite, shawnb, dmitriz 23:57:56 On IRC I see dmitriz, shawnb, dwaite, selfissued, kristina, smccown, Kerri_Lemoie, andres, Phil_ASU, Orie, mprorock, RRSAgent, Zakim, brentz, TallTed, shigeya, dlehn, manu, 23:57:56 ... dlongley, stenr, csarven 23:58:14 zakim, end the meeting 23:58:14 As of this point the attendees have been mprorock, shigeya, Orie, manu, Phil_ASU, decentralgabe, Kerri_Lemoie, kristina, smccown, brentz, TallTed, selfissued, dwaite, shawnb, 23:58:17 ... dmitriz 23:58:17 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 23:58:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/01/31-vcwg-special-minutes.html Zakim 23:58:27 I am happy to have been of service, brentz; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 23:58:27 Zakim has left #vcwg-special 23:58:29 rrsagent, bye 23:58:29 I see no action items