13:32:37 RRSAgent has joined #eo 13:32:42 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/01/27-eo-irc 13:32:42 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:32:43 Zakim has joined #eo 13:32:43 Meeting: Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) Teleconference 13:32:43 Date: 27 January 2023 13:33:43 Laura has joined #eo 13:33:49 Jade has joined #eo 13:34:06 krisanne has joined #eo 13:35:21 Michele has joined #eo 13:35:28 present+ 13:35:47 present+ 13:35:49 Chair: Brent 13:35:51 present+ 13:35:52 present+ 13:35:54 present+ 13:35:57 Scribe: Sharron 13:35:59 zakim, who is on the call? 13:35:59 Present: Michele, kevin, krisanne, Jade, Brent 13:36:00 present+ 13:36:05 present+ 13:36:10 present+ Brian 13:36:12 zakim, who is on the call? 13:36:12 Present: Michele, kevin, krisanne, Jade, Brent, MarkPalmer, Laura, Brian 13:36:54 Topic: Evaluation Tools List Scope 13:38:05 Draft proposal for what tools are included: https://deploy-preview-91--wai-evaluation-tools-list.netlify.app/tools-list/evaluation/submit-a-tool/#scope 13:38:57 Kevin: Evaluation Tools list has been prepared - the intro includes the scope of the tools that the List realtes to. The idea is to include a short intro with an expandable section that explains more. For some of the tools there is likely to be dialogue between the reviewers and we have listed what kids of tools will be included. 13:41:31 ...for example will not include overlays and assistive tech. Those are not evaluation tools. So we have tried to make it clear. It is a bit ambigous when it comes to tools that mimic the user experience. The goal is to carify to vendors and users what to expect on the list. We are opeing it up for comment with the idea to get it to live status soon. 13:42:55 KrisAnne: No publication date yet but feeling like this intro is the last part. What it to be a solid statement of what tools do and don't qualify within the list. Kevin has made it much more concise. 13:43:04 Howard has joined #eo 13:43:13 present+ Howard 13:43:46 Kevin: Any immediate thought or comments on the wording of the intro as it stands? 13:44:26 Michele: In the second bullet - a little negative, why support evaluation rather than conduct evaluations? 13:45:01 Kevin: We might run into a problem with many tools that do not actually run the test, it supports an individual doing it. 13:46:10 ...I am open to other words but want to be sure we can include something like a color contrast evaluatior. 13:47:07 Michele: Maybe just remove the rather than part. 13:47:17 Kevin: OK makes sense 13:47:57 Brian: The idea that we may want to remove the "automatic" from the first bullet 13:48:04 Kevin: That's fair 13:48:26 Jade" Does "seek to" need to be in there? Can simplify the language. 13:48:59 Kevin: Is anything missing from the will or will not list? 13:50:03 Brian: The Will List is fine, the Will Not seems fine as well but may need to be more extensive. 13:50:27 Kevin: Trying to keep the language a bit less defintive to be able to consdier edge cases. 13:50:52 s/consdier/consider 13:51:40 s/defintive/definitive 13:53:59 q+ 13:55:45 Brian: I am concerned about not allowing screenreaders and assistive tecnolgies. 13:57:01 Kevin: Specific purpose is not for the purpose of evaluation but to support people with disabilities. In the previous list they are not included so I think the expectations are clear. 13:57:01 ack jade 13:57:23 Jade: When the list is put together, has the idea come up about logo display? 13:57:48 Kevin: I don't know 13:58:05 Jade: it could be an incentive for people to list it 13:58:22 Kevin: There is a bit of risk to allowing them to upload images. 13:58:39 ...I don't know if it had been consdiered in the past. 13:59:01 s/consdiered/considered 13:59:32 Jade: The idea could be applied to the other lists as well. There is an example with a logo on the course list. 13:59:35 I would vote against it. Would make it seem more like a marketing channel. 14:00:03 KreisAnne: But that is the W3C owned course. To promote their own course. 14:00:24 Kevin: But feel fee to raise it as a GitHub issue. 14:00:32 s/fee/free 14:02:20 Brent: As you think about it, if you want to comment, go to the Pull Request in GitHub and add your thoughts. 14:03:49 KrisAnne: There may be another survey before the final approval, but those will be coming soon. 14:04:35 Topic: HPWDUW Videos 14:06:15 Brent: The digital props that are inserted in the video that explains voice over narration. That is what we are considering. Lots of work on those and Kevin will update us. 14:07:44 ...when we ask for feedback, we will ask you to remain specific to parts that are easily changed within a video production process. The reviews that we've had previously were for those and we are now focused on final edits. 14:08:36 Kevin: I have two rounds of edits remaining but only one review in betwee those. Edits until Thursday and then will have videos ready for review. I'm meeting with the video team dialy to be sure we addressing all issues. 14:09:36 ...They've finished 5 of them, will complete the rest next week. Compliation videos will be produced at the very last and have looked at trasisitons and should ahve the last review content ready by Thursday. 14:09:52 s/ahve/have 14:11:09 Topic: 2023 Face to Face Meeting Update 14:12:52 Brent: The survey lists several options. CSUN in Anaheim where we previously have meet. Not enough EO for a full facde to face meeting. So we instead will plan an informal get togher for dinner, lunch etc and there is also a WAI lunch planned for Wednesday. If you are going, be aware of those meetings. 14:15:34 ...AccessU in Austin in May - we are likely to have a one or two day face to face meeting sometime that week. TPAC location and dates are announced for Spain. Sept 11 - 15. We try to meet there for collaborative work with other groups. 14:17:13 ...the Face to Face survey is open so please enter your availability. 14:21:27 Topic: Wrap Up 14:22:32 Brent: Work for This Week is updated, includes video, surveys, authoring tools list. Trying to get people who develop authoring tools to submit. Any other topics for general discussion? 14:23:52 Howard: I have an ex student who is interested in being involved in WAI, recently completed a Master's Program at CSU. 14:24:13 ...she was invited to be a Yahoo intern. 14:25:02 Brent: We will talk to the planning committee and we'll talk about it and maybe interview her. Will follow up on your email. 14:25:08 Howard: Thanks 14:25:35 Brent: The we are adjouned, thanks for all you do, have a great weekend. 14:25:42 trackbot, end meeting 14:25:42 Zakim, list attendees 14:25:42 As of this point the attendees have been Michele, kevin, krisanne, Jade, Brent, MarkPalmer, Laura, Brian, Howard 14:25:50 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:25:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/01/27-eo-minutes.html trackbot 14:25:58 RRSAgent, bye 14:25:58 I see no action items