<Rain> scribe: julierawe
Jennie can't make today's meeting
<Rain> testing document link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Otsl4HTCvpQj63xYVKzOVkulf6o75dWEthu6WI9Vtj8/edit#heading=h.lswn4t749mdu
Shawn and Jennie have not had a chance yet to merge all 3 of the suggested outlines together
Shawn, Jennie and Julie did meet to discuss possible ways to merge.
The more we talked about it, the more Shawn and Jennie weren't sure where this subgroup is going.
We're debating is this going to be a separate document or a section within Making Content Usable?
The three proposals from Jennie/Shawn, Julie, and Lisa seem like a big document
Julie: We debated whether we need to make a comprehensive testing document that duplicates a lot of WCAG 3 test types, or if we should focus on deep dive into how to conduct user testing with people who have cognitive and learning disabilities
Shawn: Should we focus first on user testing? Or should we focus first on figuring out which test types are needed for each pattern in Making Content Usable?
John K: As I look at this doc, I wasn't sure what the goal of this work is.
John K: Is the goal to create an index of which types of test are useful for people with cognitive and learning disabilities?
John: Are we creating a resource that is broader than Making Content Usable? Are we looking for what the gaps are?
Shawn: I agree. I'm not sure what
we're trying to do with this.
... When I joined this subgroup, I thought it was to come up
with tests for different patterns.
... Then there was a change and it seemed like something
... What is the title of this document? Is it "How to test
Making Content Usable"?
<Rain> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JXa94s2lbzJ0v9FHasxxws3CsOcljHHBdlQ2VOxYqAQ/edit#
Shawn: Is it "How to do user testing with people who have cognitive and learning disabilities"?
<kirkwood> what is the need? is also my question. but Rain is addressing it
Rain: All good questions. I think
for version 2 of Making Content Usable, this subgroup would
fall under 3rd column, for "Test process draft."
... I believe the thought here is Making Content Usable needs a
good test process within the document.
... I think Shawn's initial thinking about how to test our
actual patterns is not a bad idea. That would inherently make
us think about how to test the patterns.
... The "how to" would inherently come out of that work.
<kirkwood> can we put these goals in top of document?
Rain: The key performance indicators (KPIs) say by March 2023 would be to have an exploratory draft on how to test with people who have cognitive and learning disabilities."
<kirkwood> “exploratory draft of how to test for people with cognitive disabilites” -PERFECT
<ShawnT> COGA Action Items: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#
Shawn: The COGA Action items say
our KPI is to develop tests for 10 patterns with edge
... One group to test the patterns with binary testing and
another group focusing on a guide on how to test things to make
sure people with cognitive and learning disabilities are
involved in the testing
<kirkwood> Rain seems to be saying what the schedule is. Maybe we need a process outling in here. So Goal at top and Process below?
Rain: What would be more useful
is to try to come up with the tests for the patterns themselves
rather than to come up with an overarching document
... The overarching document would be so general.
... Looking at the size of this group, splitting up the group
might be difficult
... I recommend thinking about what the group wants to spend
time on and in what order
... What does the group think will be the most useful
<ShawnT> +1 to Rain
John K: I feel like we're talking about the goals and also the process.
<ShawnT> Keeping one group and maybe pivoting the focus
John K: Can we put the goals at the top and then make sure the process lines up with the goals?
<Rain> and the KPIs may need to change
Shawn: The KPIs will need to change if we decide to pivot
Rain: The KPIs need to be
rewritten. The idea of having a full working draft by this
March is not realistic.
... A working draft for 2 or 3 patterns might be realistic.
Shawn: When I first started
looking into this, I create a spreadsheet listing all the
patterns and which type of test for each pattern
... Then the switch came that we needed to create this
... The outline goes into depth, but is it redoing Web
Accessibility Initiative (WAI) team is doing?
... I think making the decision, we need Jennie and Lisa's
Julie: Should the outline say 1st
step is to take initial guess for test type for each pattern,
then start to develop tests for 1-2 patterns at a time?
... Initial guess might not work out, so may need to change the
plan for a particular pattern, but won't know until really dig
into it
John K: I always like to have level of effort with manual testing and/or hours involved
John K: It might be something to think about to include
Shawn: I believe there was once talk of putting that in WCAG 2.0 about how hard it was to do a test? The level of complexity?
John K: It would be very powerful but opening a can of worms
Julie: Reminder that Silver's assertion doc will be ready for COGA to provide feedback on soon
Shawn: Yes, that ties in with exercise of going through every pattern and deciding if can be binary test or needs procedural testing
Julie: "Ease of use" is hard to do as binary
John K: I agree, but after doing this for a long time, it's up to us to come with language to make it binary
John K: Is the phone number easy to find? That's a binary assertion. You can say yes or no. But the court of public opinion will determine if easy to find.
John K: It's one of those 'you know it if you see it'
John K: It's up to us as subject matter experts to put the question down in a way that there is a binary answer
John K: We have the expertise to do it. We have to figure out what the question is.
<Rain> +1 to kirkwood -- and we may find more research questions that we need to answer in order to make this happen
John K: We need to boil down to what's the question?
<ShawnT> [4.8.1 Provide Human Help (Pattern)](https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/#provide-human-help-pattern)
John K: If you're using mobile rather than wide screen, and the "Help" drops off the screen, then no, it's not easy to find
John K: I'm wary of putting in gray areas
John K: I think we can do this in a way that is accessible and inclusive to all
Rain: I agree with John K. One of
the things that comes up repeatedly when we try to come up with
yes/no, it often brings up the question of is there research on
... I think we need to come up with areas where we don't know
if there's research on the specific rules we're coming up with
rather than giving up.
John K: We don't have much on the need for research in this testing outline.
Shawn: I agree need to relate to
... Is it wrong to say our expertise we see this and that's our
Rain: We need to acknowledge it
needs to be tested.
... Otherwise, it won't get approved by larger group.
Julie: Should the testing outline require a section on research?
Rain: In order for us to come up
with a Yes/No, how are we sure it's accurate?
... For example, using double negatives to express a positive:
The test is that you're not using double negatives to express a
positive. How can we be sure that is actually a correct result
every time?
... What's our proof that universally across every language
that a double negative to express a positive is not a good
... In most languages, confirm there is no double negative to
express a positive.
... In Spanish, you might use double negatives to express a
positive in this very specific instance
Shawn: Moving forward, we discuss with Lisa and Jennie to make sure we should look at the patterns and try to see how we can test against different patterns.
Julie: What should the outline be? A timeline of how we're planning to approach this work?
John K: I agree — what is the outline?
Shawn: The outline is for best
ways to test, what's needed
... To me, the answer to "But what about the outline" is before
we define the outline, we should look at what are the best ways
to test against the patterns
John K: I recommend putting the goal at the top of the outline so we're all on the same page of what we're doing and why
John K: Let's state what we think the outline is for and see if Lisa is OK with it.
Julie: Is the outline our plan for getting the work done?
<Rain> RRSAgent: make minutes
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