Web Fonts Working Group Teleconference

24 January 2023


Garret, skef, Vlad

Meeting minutes


First discussion: Integrating client state into the client table in the font

There is a PR with the changes

We now have a format for the data

Request and response descriptions are modified accordingly

Response is much simpler

Overall Garret considers the changes positive relative to spec complexity

Possible further changes:

Considering having the client state object attached to the request rather than unpacking and mixing the fields as they are now

Skef agrees that would be a good change

(Might need special handling for the codepoint_ordering field.)

Second topic: Future of VCDiff in spec as a required implementation

Skef worried about the complexity of Brotli, and also the modularity of the implementations

Vlad worried about optional spec parts, favors making Brotli mandatory

Brotli font-aware patch compression: Finding the related parts of the file

Should we specify this in the spec? Garret: Worth mentioning but shouldn't be required

Will compare "naive" VCDIFF to "naive" Brotli and see if there are any advantages to the former. If not that will favor dropping VCDiff

Garret has been working with the Chrome team on a proper implementation

Garret will reach out about the current range-request spec status

Question: Are the compression formats in the HTTP spec optional, mandatory, or a mix?

(Brotli is in that list.)

Will plan on next meeting in two weeks

(February 7th)

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Maybe present: Question

All speakers: Question

Active on IRC: Garret, skef, Vlad