17:05:41 RRSAgent has joined #webfonts 17:05:46 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/01/24-webfonts-irc 17:05:53 Zakim has joined #webfonts 17:06:01 zakim, start meeting 17:06:01 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:06:03 Meeting: Web Fonts Working Group Teleconference 17:06:08 present! 17:06:11 present+ 17:06:13 present+ 17:06:18 present+ 17:06:26 scribenick: skef 17:07:19 First discussion: Integrating client state into the client table in the font 17:07:31 There is a PR with the changes 17:07:55 We now have a format for the data 17:08:26 Request and response descriptions are modified accordingly 17:08:29 Response is much simpler 17:09:08 Overall Garret considers the changes positive relative to spec complexity 17:09:17 Possible further changes: 17:10:02 Considering having the client state object attached to the request rather than unpacking and mixing the fields as they are now 17:10:40 Skef agrees that would be a good change 17:11:46 (Might need special handling for the codepoint_ordering field.) 17:12:47 Second topic: Future of VCDiff in spec as a required implementation 17:14:54 Skef worried about the complexity of Brotli, and also the modularity of the implementations 17:17:35 Vlad worried about optional spec parts, favors making Brotli mandatory 17:24:15 Brotli font-aware patch compression: Finding the related parts of the file 17:26:38 Should we specify this in the spec? Garret: Worth mentioning but shouldn't be required 17:31:08 Will compare "naive" VCDIFF to "naive" Brotli and see if there are any advantages to the former. If not that will favor dropping VCDiff 17:33:52 Garret has been working with the Chrome team on a proper implementation 17:36:36 Garret will reach out about the current range-request spec status 17:37:40 Question: Are the compression formats in the HTTP spec optional, mandatory, or a mix? 17:38:02 (Brotli is in that list.) 17:40:31 Will plan on next meeting in two weeks 17:40:40 (February 7th) 17:41:04 zakim, list attendees 17:41:04 As of this point the attendees have been skef, Garret, Vlad 17:41:12 rrsagent, make minutes 17:41:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/01/24-webfonts-minutes.html Vlad