13:21:32 RRSAgent has joined #rqtf 13:21:37 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/01/18-rqtf-irc 13:21:38 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:21:39 Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference 13:21:39 Date: 18 January 2023 13:21:43 chair: jasonjgw 13:21:48 present+ 13:22:10 agenda+ Proposed upcoming joint meeting - planning and discussion. 13:22:10 agenda+ Revising the RQTF Work Statement. 13:22:10 agenda+ Web of Things: APA Working Group review. 13:22:10 agenda+ Web of Things: accessible recovery expectations. 13:22:10 agenda+ Task Force publications. 13:22:12 agenda+ Miscellaneous topics. 13:22:20 zakim, clear agenda 13:22:20 agenda cleared 13:22:29 agenda+ Proposed upcoming joint meeting - planning and discussion. 13:22:29 agenda+ Revising the RQTF Work Statement. 13:22:29 agenda+ Web of Things: APA Working Group review. 13:22:29 agenda+ Web of Things: accessible recovery expectations. 13:22:29 agenda+ Task Force publications. 13:22:32 agenda+ Miscellaneous topics. 13:52:50 janina has joined #rqtf 13:53:06 agenda? 13:53:32 present+ 13:55:32 Joshue10_ has joined #rqtf 13:57:52 JPaton has joined #rqtf 13:58:23 scott_h has joined #rqtf 13:58:36 present+ 13:59:16 present+ 13:59:50 present+ 14:00:08 Joshue108_ has joined #rqtf 14:00:22 q? 14:00:27 agenda? 14:00:51 zakim, next item 14:00:51 agendum 1 -- Proposed upcoming joint meeting - planning and discussion. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:01:13 MC: Does intro.. 14:01:34 MC: I spoke with the APA chairs about this - we have a mix of blind and deaf people present 14:01:47 It would be good to have someone sighted on the call sharing the docs 14:01:56 Ideally not the sribe 14:02:16 s/sribe/scribe 14:02:24 MC: Responses? 14:02:33 Could anyone take this up? 14:02:41 scribe: Joshue108_ 14:02:55 +1 to MC 14:03:36 SN: I can do it today 14:03:57 Whoever is taking minutes cant screen share. 14:04:26 MC: Follow the links when we get into the document 14:04:58 JOC: We need a scribe and a screen sharer 14:05:25 JS: Are our call cluttered? Should we have transcriptions on in Zoom? 14:05:31 MC: Yeah people can turn them off. 14:05:53 JS: Regarding joint meeting for this time next week - COGA and other parties 14:06:08 s/instigated/initiated/ 14:06:44 There is an interest in methodological considerations and how work is done at W3C 14:06:52 Agenda still in progress 14:07:07 JW: Anything else? 14:07:30 JS: Not since I sent something this morning - Lisa will now be offline until next week 14:07:45 Some of this may come last minute 14:08:07 Lisa will invite people from COGA - there will be others from AGWG 14:08:52 We can work out how we can co-ordinate 14:09:06 We have lots of experts here in this group, as well as in COGA 14:09:32 We want to co-ordinate and work effectively 14:09:46 New agenda may not happen until early next week 14:10:17 We can work out details for other groups in email etc 14:10:46 JW: Any comments? 14:11:11 SH: Would it be helpful if I outlined the current process? 14:11:26 14:11:56 SteveNoble has joined #rqtf 14:12:02 JS: This is what Lisa wanted us to work on 14:12:06 present+ 14:12:32 JS:A general overview would be very helpful 14:13:22 JS: We may examine keywords and find new things 14:13:24 JW: I agree 14:14:11 JW: I can also help out with that - keywords are a good start 14:14:30 SH: But not the be all and end all 14:14:39 JS: We can reiterate the process 14:15:27 JW: We can do that 14:15:54 Collecting combined expertise drawing on the field for good coverage is important 14:16:42 JW: We can take what is found in other groups into consideration 14:16:49 JOC: +1 from me 14:17:06 SH: I'll kick that off 14:17:08 agenda? 14:17:20 zakim, next item 14:17:20 agendum 2 -- Revising the RQTF Work Statement. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:17:46 JW: I know there is work being done, any update? 14:18:02 JS: There is a request for us to re-read it 14:18:23 Its useful for someone new but it may be good as is, or indeed need update 14:18:40 APA is rechartering - we would like to list deliverables over the next two years 14:18:45 q+ 14:18:51 RQTF doesn't do normative specs 14:19:11 But this is a fairly lightweight request 14:19:27 JS: We'd like to finish the charter and forward to Michael and W3C management etc 14:19:40 ack m 14:19:58 MC: I've had a look, dont see a need to change it 14:20:12 Shadi used to update work statements more that me 14:20:25 JW: If it looks good to you that is encouraging 14:20:50 Unless there are other comments we can bring it back for review in two weeks 14:21:05 q+ 14:21:13 JS: Good plan, but we are looking at elevating Maturity model to its own TF 14:22:07 This work will be moved out of RQTF - early to mid Feb 14:22:25 q? 14:22:26 ack me 14:22:31 ack m 14:23:06 MC: Points out that whoever is sharing the screen should follow the relevant link and share on screen 14:23:14 zakim, next item 14:23:14 agendum 3 -- Web of Things: APA Working Group review. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:23:48 JW: There are two agenda for this - first regarding working group review, and then recovery strategies for these devices 14:24:28 JS: Have we the link to share it, the email? 14:24:29 SN: Yes 14:25:20 JS: 14:25:46 agenda? 14:27:03 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-apa/2023Jan/0000.html 14:27:18 JS: Should we just forward this to MichaelMc in WoT group? 14:27:22 q? 14:28:16 JW: Dont know much about the Matter standard. It is an open spec - about the protocols and standards used for devices 14:29:10 JS: Is this a path for taking middleware out of the equation? 14:29:41 JW: It might -but my understanding is that WoT based controllers would be attached over this protocol 14:29:55 There are questions of configuration and how discovery happens 14:30:10 JS: 14:30:44 JS: Camera or QR a bar code - install that - it hopefully helps you connect to the device - usually a miserable experience 14:31:33 Once that is done - the control of these devices - whether Google, Amazon or Apple - if Matter takes the place of that in between app - this would be great 14:31:45 SN: Gotta drop 14:32:44 JOC: Gives recap - sounds like a good overview 14:32:46 q? 14:33:39 JOC: This could potentially standardise the space from an accessibility perspective 14:33:41 JS: Yes 14:34:12 RK: Are you saying because Matter is becoming more standardized - is that me, the human, in the way may help to standardize the process? 14:34:25 JS: Yes, it may be space that Matter occupies 14:34:41 JW: I'll look into it. 14:34:55 RK: I've already done testing with Matter on Android and iPhone 14:35:05 They dont interact with each other 14:35:22 You need to register them seperatatly - there may be some nice a11y there 14:35:28 RK: I'm in support of this. 14:35:54 JS: You mean because you configure it on one, it doesn't work in another? 14:36:08 RK: Yes, you need to config both seperately 14:36:20 JS: If you put in a new device does Matter add it? 14:36:48 RK: Yes, I think its the human interaction piece but thats my hope that its the function 14:37:06 JS: Great - we can figure this out 14:37:19 JW: I'll do some research 14:37:33 JS: We can follow up with WoT - no time crunch at the mo. 14:38:26 JW: We can talk again in two weeks 14:38:39 q? 14:38:47 zakim, next item 14:38:47 agendum 4 -- Web of Things: accessible recovery expectations. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:39:10 JW: This is review of conversation from last week 14:39:38 Wireless interference can push these devices off the network. 14:39:53 They need to be positioned properly 14:39:58 q+ 14:40:10 ack jan 14:40:28 JS: They are sometimes 80211 - mentioned in advertising. 14:40:42 They can still fail 14:41:54 14:42:43 SH: There is another example, I've a smart clock - that gives me message fail - but gives me no sense of what the error is. 14:42:49 There is an order to rebooting 14:43:00 We should try to capture some of this. 14:43:08 q? 14:43:49 JW: Question - say a device is reset, looses connection etc - what are the expectations about re-connection attempts? 14:44:00 Do configs in memory survive? 14:44:19 How persistent and robust are these protocols? 14:44:42 Maybe the Matter standard addresses that. 14:44:55 SH: We could explore and add it to our user requirements doc. 14:46:05 JS: Regarding failure recovery scenarios - the devices that phone home, Nest etc - may be trying to do this with previous network data that may not be valid 14:46:27 Waiting longer may not be an option 14:48:38 JOC: Sounds like there is a need for persistent protocols in some contexts but not in others 14:48:54 JS: 14:48:56 q? 14:49:28 JW: 14:50:23 We need potentially local network based access even when the larger network is out 14:50:57 JS: There are data pushes from phone home devices to CDN services 14:51:53 14:52:07 JW: Will we open a wiki? 14:52:48 SH: yup 14:53:19 zakim, next item 14:53:19 agendum 5 -- Task Force publications. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:54:06 JOC: Just to add the WoT Architecture review wiki page could be a good place for this https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/WoT_Architecture_review 14:54:20 SH: We had a discussion last week 14:54:42 Its not really clear that we are looking at Collab tools relating to documents etc 14:54:54 Michael made this point last week. 14:55:13 JW: The document does define scope well - is this an issue with messaging? 14:55:18 SH: Yes 14:55:21 MC: Yes 14:55:45 JW: We can rework it and invite review 14:55:46 q? 14:56:48 JW: Lets bring it back in two weeks 14:56:58 Add citations etc 14:58:03 SH: Agreed 14:58:04 janina has left #rqtf 14:58:40 RK: I asked about the range from texting to speaking. How much part of the speaking do you envisage for this type of platform? 14:59:05 JW: Two weeks (we have a joint meeting thing next week) 14:59:53 MC: We should add questions of this sort to the messaging etc 15:00:15 JW: Thanks all 15:00:25 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:00:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/01/18-rqtf-minutes.html Joshue108_