14:56:08 RRSAgent has joined #rch 14:56:12 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/01/18-rch-irc 14:56:12 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:56:13 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), phila 14:56:26 meeting: RCH regular meeting 14:56:29 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/37f00d57-ebca-49d0-a0cd-b894f99fb7e7/20230118T100000#agenda 14:56:37 chair: phila 15:00:33 present+ 15:01:49 Kazue has joined #rch 15:01:50 yamdan has joined #rch 15:02:09 present 15:02:15 aalobaid has joined #rch 15:02:39 present+ 15:02:53 present+ 15:03:01 present+ 15:03:08 present+ 15:03:16 gkellogg has joined #rch 15:03:39 present+ 15:03:47 present+ 15:04:02 present+ 15:04:08 markus_sabadello has joined #rch 15:04:15 present+ 15:05:09 scribe+ 15:05:41 phila: first meeting since a long time 15:05:54 +1 to all of Gregg's excellent work! 15:06:03 ... kudos to gkellogg (and others) for improving the readability of the spec 15:06:24 topic: updates around the room 15:06:32 phila: anything new in Japan? 15:07:00 Kazue: Dan and I discussed about his implementation of the algorithm 15:07:12 ... some points need clarifying, looking forward to discuss this 15:07:42 yamdan: my implementation is almost finished, and passes 99% of the tests 15:07:54 ... will submit issues about the problems I encountered 15:08:14 +1 to the issues of yamdan 15:08:27 phila: thanks for a very useful work, yamdan 15:09:07 Kazue: I recognize that we have an alternative between two algorithm 15:09:32 ... the one that we picked to this point is more complex, but is already deployed 15:10:04 dlongley: I don't know how different the two algorithms are, in terms of complexity to implement 15:10:37 ... I don't think the choice was a trade-off between "complex to implement" and "widely deployed" 15:10:39 q+ 15:11:14 q+ 15:11:14 Kazue: there were 3 of us working on this algorithm, 15:11:24 ... and we had a hard time figuring it out 15:11:35 q? 15:11:51 phila: dlongley, any report from Digital Bazaar? 15:12:04 ack dlongley 15:12:04 dlongley: the work we are doing here is still very relevant in VC space 15:12:10 ack pchampin 15:12:28 ... implemented by @@1 in North America 15:12:35 pchampin: Jut to comment on Kazue's remark about complexity of the algorithm 15:12:46 ... IIRC, Dan's implementation is in RUST 15:12:48 scribe+ phila 15:13:07 +1 to what you said, Kazue -- the algorithm isn't "simple" ... it's just not, IMO, significantly more complex than other options, so I think we're mostly in agreement 15:13:12 ... I have also implemented in RUST. I Didn't find it too hard although I have some comments to make. 15:13:25 ... But it's my first time implementing something Gregg wrote 15:13:46 ... The way the algorithm is written is oriented towards weakly typed languages 15:13:48 q+ 15:13:53 ... It takes more effort in RUST 15:14:11 ... I had some training that made it easier, but some hints might be helpful. 15:14:14 ack ivan 15:14:24 +1 to what Pierre-Antoine is saying where implementing in a strongly typed language (and one without memory management, etc.) would require more thought ... same with purely functional languages. 15:14:30 ivan: my implementation was in Typescript 15:14:47 ... not sure if it can be considered weakly or strongly typed, 15:15:05 ... but I faced the same kind of difficulties as pchampin, although in the end it worked 15:15:40 ... Note that I tried to comply with the interfaces of the RDF-JS CG. 15:15:52 ... https://www.w3.org/community/rdfjs/ 15:16:43 ... I have contacted Ruben Verborgh about it. They may be interested. 15:16:50 ... And this may trigger interest from the Solid community. 15:17:02 phila: markus_sabadello, anything to share? 15:17:28 markus_sabadello: not directly related to this group, 15:17:47 ... but started a number of big EU-funded projets, around digital identity 15:18:11 ... supposed to start this year, all of them are going to use VCs and depend to our work 15:19:24 s/@@1/point of sale systems/ 15:19:48 gkellogg: I have been busy. 15:20:26 ... (stuff from the issues to implement in the spec) 15:21:29 ... The RDF-star WG has created 22 github repos, including for N-Triples and N-Quads, 15:21:29 ... in which we plan to include sooner than later text we need in this group. 15:21:29 ... Question from Manu about what we need to go to CR. 15:21:33 ... We would need to refer to WD, which we don't have at the moment. 15:23:01 phila: GS1 is getting more and more traction around VC work 15:23:01 ... I'm running a session in a coming event, with multiple speakers. 15:23:21 ... Certification bodies are interested in VCs, from all around the world. 15:23:37 ... About internation trade, product certification, age verification. 15:23:47 q+ 15:24:12 pchampin: I've heard about GAIA-X using VCs 15:24:28 ... in order to do data trade. You sign a contract to get access to a dataset using VCs 15:24:39 ack pc 15:24:56 q+ 15:25:11 topic: Implementation tracking Issue 65 15:25:12 -> https://github.com/w3c/rdf-canon/issues/65 15:25:16 ack ivan 15:25:33 ivan: there is an issue and a wikipage about implementations 15:25:39 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-canon/wiki/List-of-available-implementations 15:25:39 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-canon/wiki/List-of-available-implementations 15:25:55 currently references gkellogg and my implementation 15:26:16 ... we should probably add those from pchampin, yamdam and dlongley (JS and Python) 15:26:26 s/currently/... currently/ 15:26:42 q+ 15:27:03 ... Re. Manu's question, what we should urgently do is to require horizontal review 15:27:17 ack pchampin 15:27:18 ... not much to expect from i18n, but the Tag and Security groups will want to chime in 15:27:21 q+ to ask if there's a switch to flip, to enable edits by me (and presumably some others) 15:29:00 ack TallTed 15:29:01 TallTed, you wanted to ask if there's a switch to flip, to enable edits by me (and presumably some others) 15:29:16 TallTed: is there a switch to flip on the wiki? I don't seem to be able to edit 15:29:31 ivan, gkellogg: added 3 implementations (JS, C++ w/node.js wrapper, Python) to the wiki 15:30:01 gkellogg: the settings restricts editing to people with push access 15:32:07 phila: how to we start the horizontal review? 15:32:30 pchampin: most (all?) horizontals have a self-assesment questionnaire 15:32:44 ... we fill them in and create an issue for them, and put the appropriate label on the issue 15:33:03 ... this notifies the relevant people for the horizontal review 15:33:17 phila: how familiar must someone be to fill the questionnaire? 15:33:42 ... I'll look at them, and ask for help if I need. 15:34:38 Topic: Issue 4 (What is the output) 15:34:49 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-canon/issues/4 15:35:02 phila: most active issue recently 15:35:10 q+ 15:35:13 ... are we near a resolution of this? 15:35:15 q+ 15:35:27 dlongley: my hope is that we are. 15:35:37 ack dlongley 15:36:11 ... We have proposed a few options. 15:36:11 ... One is a "special abstract dataset" with canonically labelled blank nodes 15:36:21 ... Another is a list of blank nodes that would be sorted 15:36:22 q+ 15:36:56 ack pchampin 15:36:57 ... Recent discussions about a mapping output (input bn to output bn), but my understanding is that it is different from the"special abstract dataset" 15:37:46 pchampin: I was advocating for a mapping at the beginning. I've seen arguments about how complex that is and I've become more convinced it's not a good idea. Dan has convinced me that hte mapping way is too complex 15:38:34 ... For the 2 options Dave proposed - I'm OK with the abstract dataset idea but it might be hard to define. For me, sth that is a serialization seems more structured. A list of lines of terms 15:38:54 ... defining sth between the abstract model and serialization sounds too complex and too subtle 15:38:58 q? 15:39:01 ack gkellogg 15:39:38 gkellogg: in what we currently have , the result is a kind of normalized dataset (with canonical labels on blank nodes) 15:39:41 q+ 15:39:47 ... this might not be adequate 15:40:22 ... in the test cases, what is checked is the canonical n-quads serialization of the normalized dataset 15:40:48 +1 to the concatenation of the sorted N-Quads list / array being the same as the N-Quads output 15:40:56 ... I heard proposal about a list of N-Quads strings, whose concatenation would be equal for the N-Quad file 15:41:50 ack next 15:41:52 ... We have option, they require some work. Do we want to create another spec to specify that stuff? 15:42:12 *sighs* it's always something... GitHub doesn't produce notifications for changes made to wiki pages, even though I'm watching "all activity" on the repo 15:42:12 ivan: clearly we need the canonical N-Quads 15:42:47 ... the spec should describe what are the steps to get to this canonical N-Quads 15:43:23 ... there could be other outputs, but that mostly an editorial issue 15:43:48 ... We know that any implementation of RDF has internal labels for blank nodes, 15:44:01 ... but I don't know if the RDF spec itself states that a bnode must have a label. 15:44:17 q+ 15:44:52 ... If it does not, it might be tricky to word our own spec. 15:45:14 gkellogg: blank node labels are specific to concrete syntaxes 15:45:29 ... the labels do not exist in the abstract syntax. 15:45:29 q+ 15:45:29 ack gkellogg 15:46:04 ... Implementation do assign labels and try to preserve them. 15:46:22 ack pchampin 15:47:00 ... In our spec, we define a "normalized dataset", where we normatively define that blank nodes are labelled. 15:47:25 or Infra 15:47:28 ivan: so we have our own definition of dataset? some people may raise an eyebrow on that. 15:47:58 gkellogg: we need something that is more abstract than a serialization. 15:48:40 ... maybe it needs to be more formally defined? 15:49:00 ivan: shouldn't this definition be taken over by the RDF-star WG? 15:49:16 q+ to discuss the relationship with the JSON-LD Internal Representation. 15:49:31 phila: I don't think so. Canonicalization is our job. 15:49:42 ... And making canonical means making more concrete. 15:49:48 ... So this is not the job of the abstract syntax. 15:49:52 ack gkellogg 15:49:52 gkellogg, you wanted to discuss the relationship with the JSON-LD Internal Representation. 15:50:16 gkellogg: JSON-LD also has an intermediate model between abstract and concrete 15:51:06 ... JSON-LD works on an "internal representation", which is a little more than JSON 15:51:25 ... we are trying to leverage this for YAML-LD, and possibly also for Turtle 15:51:41 q+ 15:51:50 ack ivan 15:51:52 ... Pushing the notion of normalized dataset to RDF-concepts may muddy the water. 15:52:22 ivan: I think we are converging to say that the output is this normalized dataset 15:52:25 +1 to Ivan 15:52:28 https://www.w3.org/2010/02/rdfa/sources/rdf-interfaces/ 15:52:45 +1 to ivan 15:53:25 ... This very old document is a precursor to what RDF-JS is doing, 15:53:37 and the RDFJS community has updated that, i think ... for which we could use Infra to describe what we want 15:53:38 ... it precisely defines what a blank node is. 15:54:04 q+ 15:54:07 ... We could "take over" (not aggressively) this document 15:54:11 ack dlongley 15:54:32 dlongley: in my original implementation, I used this spec for internal representation 15:54:41 ... the RDF-JS has updated it; we might also use Infra 15:54:59 https://rdf.js.org/data-model-spec/ 15:55:03 ^not sure if that's the latest 15:55:23 phila: trying to turn this into an action 15:55:27 blank node interface: https://rdf.js.org/data-model-spec/#blanknode-interface 15:56:08 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:56:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/01/18-rch-minutes.html pchampin 15:58:50 previous call: https://www.w3.org/2022/12/07-rch-minutes.html 15:59:18 next call: https://www.w3.org/2023/02/01-rch-minutes.html 15:59:28 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:59:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/01/18-rch-minutes.html pchampin 16:01:12 s/previous call:/previous meeting:/ 16:01:20 s/next call:/next meeting:/ 16:01:24 RRSAgent, make minutes 16:01:25 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/01/18-rch-minutes.html pchampin 16:29:37 gkellogg has joined #rch 16:45:07 gkellogg has joined #rch 16:46:09 gkellogg has joined #rch 17:46:40 gkellogg has joined #rch 17:51:41 gkellogg has joined #rch 18:06:01 Zakim has left #rch 18:08:56 gkellogg has joined #rch 18:11:19 gkellogg_ has joined #rch 18:16:33 gkellogg has joined #rch 18:33:46 gkellogg has joined #rch 18:50:02 gkellogg has joined #rch 19:00:22 gkellogg has joined #rch 19:10:34 gkellogg has joined #rch 19:15:24 gkellogg_ has joined #rch 19:31:54 gkellogg has joined #rch 19:38:16 gkellogg_ has joined #rch 19:55:00 gkellogg has joined #rch 20:03:44 gkellogg_ has joined #rch 20:07:34 gkellogg has joined #rch 20:25:19 gkellogg has joined #rch 20:30:23 gkellogg_ has joined #rch 20:45:43 gkellogg has joined #rch 20:48:15 gkellogg_ has joined #rch 21:05:27 gkellogg has joined #rch 21:10:30 gkellogg has joined #rch 21:27:41 gkellogg has joined #rch 21:44:42 gkellogg has joined #rch 21:45:00 TallTed has joined #rch 22:00:42 gkellogg has joined #rch 22:01:58 gkellogg_ has joined #rch 22:17:37 gkellogg has joined #rch 22:23:19 gkellogg has joined #rch 22:38:46 gkellogg has joined #rch 22:58:34 gkellogg has joined #rch 23:05:20 gkellogg has joined #rch 23:15:09 gkellogg has joined #rch 23:21:25 gkellogg_ has joined #rch 23:22:56 gkellogg has joined #rch 23:29:55 gkellogg_ has joined #rch 23:46:44 gkellogg has joined #rch