15:54:36 RRSAgent has joined #maturity 15:54:40 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/01/18-maturity-irc 15:54:40 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:54:41 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Fazio 15:56:31 meeting: Maturity Model Subgroup 15:59:13 Agenda+ Github Issue #18 What's the relationship with ISO/IEC 30071-1:2019? 15:59:27 Agenda + Github Issue #52 Section 2 (and elsewhere, if necessary): broaden the range of standards relevant to the maturity model. 15:59:35 present+ 15:59:39 Agenda + Github Issue #91 Proof points should include measures of the extent to which processes are successful 15:59:52 Agenda + Github Issue#45 Would it be better to avoid the overlap between section 3.3 and sections 3.1 and 3.2? 16:01:01 Joshue108_ has joined #maturity 16:01:12 regrets: Sheri, Nadine 16:01:31 present+ 16:02:30 CharlesL has joined #maturity 16:02:33 Scribe: Joshue108_ 16:02:38 present+ 16:02:40 present+ 16:03:21 jlkline has joined #maturity 16:03:21 present+ 16:03:21 agenda? 16:03:57 janina has joined #maturity 16:03:57 present+ 16:07:51 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rqtf/2023Jan/0015.html 16:08:33 TOPIC: Discussion on Sheris mail Maturity model homework 16:08:53 DF: I'm ok with leaving it out 16:08:59 JS: They were not clear what it meant 16:09:05 I'm not sure how to clarify 16:09:24 DF: Sheri is not beholden to this. 16:09:39 I had comments on #5 - 5) The W3C AMM informs Organizations on best practices for keeping things accessible through the point of view of web, mobile, and documentation development. 16:10:06 DF: I want to add, making things accessible - do we want to add ' for establishing and maintaining. 16:10:43 RESOLUTION: Drop #7 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rqtf/2023Jan/0015.html 16:11:03 5) The W3C AMM informs Organizations on best practices for keeping things accessible through the point of view of web, mobile, and documentation development. 16:11:03 RESOLUTION: Change wording in #5 to say establish and maintain https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rqtf/2023Jan/0015.html 16:11:23 JK: I've a Q on #6 - will the final deliverable be a web form? 16:11:31 JS: We are not staying with spread sheets 16:11:39 How we write that tech is an open q 16:11:54 DF: I've a bunch of coders to hand 16:12:06 JK: We may need a list of reqs for that web form 16:12:27 JS: Yes - but now we are working Github issues 16:12:49 JS: We have our special guest Jason here to talk about his issues 16:12:54 zakim, take up item 1 16:12:54 agendum 1 -- Github Issue #18 What's the relationship with ISO/IEC 30071-1:2019? -- taken up [from Fazio] 16:14:06 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/18 16:14:36 JW: There is considerable overlap between this document and the practices recommended in ISO/IEC 30071-1:2019, in that both are concerned with an organization's policies and processes. 16:15:41 JW: Thats the essence of the concern 16:15:51 DF: Can you give us an overview of some points? 16:16:27 JW: That doc covers what an a11y policy should cover and entail 16:16:34 q+ 16:16:57 DF: Do they cover the same subjects? 16:17:03 JW: They do and more 16:17:23 JW: For example what needs to be in place for the release of a project etc 16:17:24 q? 16:18:14 JS: What is the cost of getting that spec? 16:18:21 JS: We are free 16:18:55 DF: We want to establish an infrastructure that can do this stuff by embedding it in there. 16:19:12 So the whole organisation puts a11y in there, top to bottom 16:19:34 Q+ 16:19:41 ack jan 16:19:44 ack ja 16:20:03 16:20:45 JW: Harmonisation is an issue, overlap is sufficient - and there is a relationship - even if only published as a w3C note 16:21:03 q++ to ask that people speak a little more slowly 16:21:39 JS: jason would you be happy if we reviewed the doc, so we are not contradicting in any important way 16:21:47 There are some value adds 16:22:10 A form can be used to standardise parts of this process 16:22:37 JS: There are areas that are very well addressed 16:22:44 JS: Is that an issue? 16:23:04 JW: its an open question 16:23:19 q? 16:23:25 q- 16:23:27 q-- 16:23:34 ack + 16:23:34 +, you wanted to ask that people speak a little more slowly 16:24:06 16:24:37 DF: I've a couple of things - Jason. would you object to us moving forward? 16:25:08 JW: It is reasonable to proceed but at some point there will be decisions about that relationship 16:25:22 stil on queue 16:25:43 DF: The IAAP also publish some conflicting things with W3C 16:25:56 W3C is the go to organisation for web standards 16:25:57 q? 16:26:10 Lionel_Wolberger has joined #Maturity 16:26:12 q+ to talk about standards relationships 16:26:15 present+ 16:26:42 JW: I've reviewed the ISO standard and it is a good and serious work 16:27:01 DF: There may be conflicting information - the public will review. 16:27:44 JS: If we disagree we can document 16:28:09 Lionel has joined #Maturity 16:28:12 JS: The market may decide 16:28:26 ack jl 16:28:59 JK: We did review the ISO standard and found that it was limited to the development aspects, it did mention policy 16:29:32 This will be a note, a guide - others can come to us if things dont support the standard they support the spirit of the standard 16:30:39 Things needs to specific if there are conflicts rather than ad hoc review 16:31:34 DF: Jason if you have an issue then please add and we can discuss 16:32:36 JW: We should just check to make sure things are consistent and that there are no conflicts etc 16:32:59 JK: Do open new issues so we can track them 16:33:42 JW: Lets move on 16:33:49 zakim, next item 16:33:49 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Joshue108_ 16:33:59 q? 16:34:01 ack me 16:34:01 Joshue108_, you wanted to talk about standards relationships 16:34:02 zakim, next item 16:34:02 agendum 2 -- Github Issue #52 Section 2 (and elsewhere, if necessary): broaden the range of standards relevant to the maturity model. -- taken up [from Fazio] 16:34:10 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/52 16:34:51 DF: Reads Nothing in the proposed maturity model is specific to "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines". However, section 2 can be read as limiting its scope: 16:35:32 JW: The question is matter of making appropriate change to the scope of that section 16:35:58 JK: We are tech standards agnostic for the most part 16:36:07 JW: And some parts could be read as not 16:36:56 q? 16:37:05 JOC: I like Jasons last point 16:37:34 Lionel has joined #Maturity 16:39:17 JOC: Gives some agreement to Jasons comments etc about harmonising with existing standards but you have created something that is free and not behind a paywall. This cuts a lot of ice with me. 16:39:26 DF: 16:40:03 zakim, next item 16:40:03 agendum 3 -- Github Issue #91 Proof points should include measures of the extent to which processes are successful -- taken up [from Fazio] 16:40:13 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/91 16:40:40 The proof points should include measures of the extent to which the processes pursued by the organization lead to successful outcomes over time with respect to accessibility. 16:40:57 DF: reads.. 16:40:57 The proof points should include measures of the extent to which the processes pursued by the organization lead to successful outcomes over time with respect to accessibility 16:41:08 JW: This is the most substantive IMO 16:41:23 Much of what counts as evidence in this draft is circumstantial 16:41:38 This needs to be complimented with processes that are available 16:42:08 e.g. when used with software they establish potential requirements - that can measure how successful things are over time 16:42:19 Are they updated - to ensure a11y? 16:42:27 Do they take into account other standards etc? 16:42:43 There are issues for how feedback is used and bug reports etc 16:43:14 16:43:38 q+ 16:43:51 There is a range of measures here that may show how successful an organisation is 16:44:02 I don't see that reflected in the proof points and evidence 16:44:31 There should be addition criteria - to distinguish the maturity of various approaches 16:46:00 JW: What is evidence of maturity? How can this be strengthened? 16:46:27 DF: We don't want to be too proscriptive etc 16:46:51 s/proscriptive/prescriptive 16:46:54 ack j 16:47:06 JK: We came up with proof points 16:47:33 that are not too down in the weeds. A step back is needed to say, this is for the whole organisation 16:47:42 hard to be tech agnostic when you're talking non-compliance 16:47:50 It is important to know this is is all self reported 16:48:35 There may be checks and balances - if someone is sharing, you can ask for detail or artifacts to support these claims 16:48:51 This is about process maturity 16:48:55 DisabilityIN DEI is a goodexample of getting orgs to use a audit 16:48:55 q? 16:49:19 JS: I'm curious to hear from Brian, is it the same for large orgs? 16:50:13 JW: I do appreciate the background - I don't think it speaks to the fundamental concern in that in an a11y policy there will be criteria, responses to reports etc 16:50:25 in measuring what an organisation sets itself out to achieve 16:50:37 how consistent is an org is reaching these goals. 16:50:54 Its not clear enough that this model uses these sources in judging its level of maturity 16:51:17 How can process be consistent and effective 16:51:24 This relates to bug reports etc 16:51:57 To what extent are they getting this - and improving and refining these objectives over time 16:52:36 Regulation and policy evolves - and there needs to be a stronger connection between how it implements its policy and how these are measured 16:52:46 DF: Would you like to join group Jason? 16:53:00 Lionel has joined #Maturity 16:53:09 JF: There is another program referenced there 16:53:37 JF: These things are there but are not stated explicitly 16:54:02 We need to stay at a strategic level - but not tell people how to do it. 16:54:03 q? 16:54:25 DF: Refs the disability equality index 16:54:51 DF: It would be great to see concrete suggestions 16:55:38 JW: I could have a look - in the end its about making sure that how the criteria are achieved has a lot of weight in my book 16:56:09 How requirements are managed over time - something more substantial than 'the effectiveness is monitored' 16:56:15 DF: What does that look like? 16:57:00 DF: Jason please join again 16:57:10 JW: I will comment to the last issue at some point 16:57:13 q? 16:58:34 q+ 16:58:47 ack me 17:00:40 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:00:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/01/18-maturity-minutes.html Joshue108_ 17:01:17 CharlesL has left #maturity 19:41:17 janina has left #maturity