CLReq Editors' Call

18 January 2023


Bobby, Eric, huijing, xfq, Zhengyu

Meeting minutes

Propose 'text-spacing: space-first' (trim-start-except-first-line) as a normal behavior


Eric: There are many typography conventions

xfq: this issue is about the default behavior

[xfq explains text-spacing and the issue]

xfq: the OP proposes 'text-spacing: space-first' as a normal behavior


huijing: trim-start will be the best for the typographic conventions, but it cannot be the default behavior because of compat issues

Eric: If so, space-first is better than space-start
… authors can change the value themselves

huijing: agreed
… Many default values in CSS are wrong
… authors need to change them

Eric: I won't object

xfq: OK
… I'll reply to the CSS issue

Bobby: is this a new value?

xfq: this is not a new value, but no browsers has implemented this yet

Eric: I agree with Florian's summary

Bobby: paragraphs may start with two ideographic spaces (U+3000)


xfq: see https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2462#issuecomment-1367692407
… "Modify `hanging-punctuation: first` to hang a paragraph-initial ideographic space as well."

xfq: FYI - https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6950 has been closed, accepted by CSSWG Resolution
… 0.125ic, i.e., 0.125 em for Han characters
https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/7183 is the follow-up issue

Go through the pull request list



xfq: the TF charter ends in April
… updated the charter
… Markup fixes
… Update the end date from 2023 to 2025
… Update a few links
… Add the WHATWG to the list of relevant groups
… any comments?

Bobby: "the languages of China"
… let's be more precise

xfq: what about changing it to "Simplified and Traditional Chinese"?

Eric: OK

Bobby: what about adding accessibility to the Scope/Deliverables section?

Eric: I can make comments, but don't have time to write the docs myself
… I don't object to working on this

Bobby: Taiwanese Braille is actually splitting Chinese characters into Bopomofo

Eric: Mainland Chinese Braille splits Chinese characters into pinyin

[Discuss the history of browser support for Braille]

Eric: we have a Guobiao standard for Braille in Mainland China

Bobby: Murata Makoto is also working on ruby accessibility

xfq: Regarding accessibility, do you want to work on e-books accessibility or general web pages accessibility?

Bobby: general web pages

xfq: OK, then we will have a borader scope

Bobby: I'd like to connect i18n and a11y groups
… Raise language-specific accessibility requirements
… This is a good direction

xfq: We (W3C China) are also going to hold an accessibility conference this year
… You are also welcome to participate

Bobby: I participated last year, the amount of information was very large
… Many engineers talked about a lot of interesting things, which are more down-to-earth than many speakers in Taiwan

xfq: any other comments on the TF charter?


xfq: I'll update the PR


All: agreed to merge


xfq: see https://github.com/w3c/clreq/pull/501#issuecomment-1330608516
… let's change it back

Zhengyu: will do


xfq: there are several unresolved comments
… 1. https://github.com/w3c/clreq/pull/492#discussion_r1048383077

Zhengyu: the scope of 'non-Chinese' is too wide
… What we have discussed so far in the document can only cover a small part of 'non-Chinese'
… There are some rules that may not work for many Middle Eastern and South Asian scripts

xfq: Is there a specific example?

Zhengyu: South Asian scripts and Latin typesetting rules are not the same
… and Middle Eastern RTL scripts
… Japanese also does not work
… Korean might work, but I'm not sure

Bobby: Can we add a note explaining 'non-Chinese'?
… explain that 'non-Chinese' does not include certain scripts and writing systems

xfq: 'text-orientation: upright' might not work for writing systems that derive from the former Brahmi script

Eric: The basic unit of text is not even clear

xfq: There are also some writing systems that have their own punctuation marks, and the rules we use here for Western scripts cannot be applied to them

Zhengyu: Mongolian does not work either
… the rules for 'Chinese and Western Mixed Texts' and 'Chinese and Mongolian Mixed Texts' are not the same
… We can't even make an comparison, we need a whole new set of rules to describe it

Eric: we talk about 'Western text' because it's more common than other scripts

[Discuss why we chose the word 'Western text' initially]

xfq: I'll discuss with Richard

Bobby: There are a lot of typesetting cases for Chinese and Western Mixed Texts, so we are more sure about their typesetting rules

Zhengyu: Richard didn't seem to object to 'Western', but he objected to 'European'.

xfq: If we use 'Western', the Cyrillic script may be excluded

[Discuss the Chinese terminology]
… the second unresolved comment: https://github.com/w3c/clreq/pull/492#discussion_r1049203505

Eric: let's file a separate issue for this

Go through the issue list



Eric: I agree with mentioning italic in the document

Zhengyu: I don't think 'font-style: italic' should make all font faces slope, it is Western-centrism
… Italic font faces in Western texts are sloped, but for other scripts, the font face should not be artificially sloped.
… this is a design mistake
… I hope we can correct this mistake

Bobby: I agree
… unless we use 'font-style: oblique'


[Discuss the image ^]

Eric: I just wrote a comment - https://github.com/w3c/clreq/issues/514#issuecomment-1386967476

huijing: italic is per character, not per sentence

Eric: Chinese maps use sloped font faces


Eric: Names of rivers and mountains are sloped

Eric: The names of the mountains are sloped to the right, and the names of the rivers are sloped to the left

xfq: https://w3c.github.io/i18n-tests/exploratory/vertical_text/int-vertical-text?text=%3Cspan%20style%3D%22font-style%3A%20italic%22%3E%E6%96%87%E5%AD%97italics%E6%96%87%E5%AD%97%3C%2Fspan%3E&lang=zh-Hans&fontSize=36&height=500&writingMode=vertical-rl&textOrientation=mixed&textCombineUpright=none&a=&i=

xfq: Results are inconsistent across browsers ^

[Discuss https://github.com/w3c/clreq/issues/514#issuecomment-1386967476 ]

[Discuss I18N/CSS calls]

Next teleconference time

February 21 (Tuesday), 19:00-20:00 (UTC+8)

Happy Chinese New Year!

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 197 (Tue Nov 8 15:42:48 2022 UTC).