RDF-star WG

12 January 2023


AndyS, AZ, Doerthe, Dominik_T, Enrico, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, pchampin, remiceres, rubensworks, Souri, TallTed, Timothe
gkellogg, pchampin

Meeting minutes

approve minutes from last meeting

<pchampin> https://www.w3.org/2023/01/05-rdf-star-minutes.html

ktk: minutes approved.
… There were IRC issues, so some stuff is missing.

<pchampin> ora's email: https://www.w3.org/mid/FAC77CD1-F177-4548-9138-46EAA89706A8@amazon.com

ktk: A couple of things Ora brought up: semantics, and schema definition.

<Doerthe> p+

gkellogg: suggest we get started on repos for FPWDs.

pchampin: I think we could publish some FPWDs for some of the specs.

<Doerthe> No, I wanted to write present+ and did not do that

pchampin: FPWD is not committing to the finished work or even a consensus.
… We can always re-name repos, if the short names change.
… Big issue is naming editors for the specs.
… On a related point, I think we can decide on names. I laid out how I think we should proceed.

Dominik_T: I sent an email about annotations and RDF-star, which we might discuss today.

github repositories and FPWD

gkellogg: we need to create ~20 repositories
… as pchampin pointed out, we can create them and rename them afterwards.
… I have done some work to prepare the initial version of many of these documents,
… but I don't intend to be an editor of most of them.
… For documents that we do not intend to change substansively, we can just make a statement that the document has not changed, and not even change the editors

PROPOSAL: create repos for each of the the different specifications and assign editors later.


<rubensworks> +1

<gtw> +1


<Souri> +1

<AndyS> +1

<Enrico> +1

<Dominik_T> +1

<ktk> +1

<Doerthe> +1

<AZ> +1

<TallTed> +1

<remiceres> +1

RESOLUTION: create repos for each of the the different specifications and assign editors later.

ACTION: pchampin to create the repositories for each spec

<ghurlbot> Created action 10

gkellogg: it is useful to set appropriate permissions for group members.

ktk: are there groups we can use on GitHub?

pchampin: We have two groups (teams). One for the participants, and another for the chairs.
… We can create ad-hoc teams for the editors.
… and we need to make a decision on the level of permissions we grant.

ktk: we can certainly give read permissions for participants.

gkellogg: it is easy to break things unvoluntarily, so write access to the whole group is dangerous.

AndyS: Ora also said something about forming task-groups to keep the work of the main group focused.

AndyS: Can we have agendas a day before the meeting?
… It would help if people knew what was coming up in the meeting, for people who's interest is more focused.

ktk: we discussed that in the chairs meeting.

AndyS: For the task groups, I think it's a good idea to find out how to make progress and then bring back summaries to the WG.

ktk: THat way we can keep important discussions in this group.

AndyS: Task groups aren't decision making.

ktk: Possible topic's from Ora and Enrico.

Enrico: My idea is in line with Peter's discussion and with what Ora discussed.
… We want a correct model-theoretic description of RDF-star.
… I argued that the way of using reified triples to represent model predication does not have a simple counter part in model theory.

RDF-star semantics

Enrico: In RDF-star where we introduce a "meta-triple", it's backwards compatible if it has a direct relationship with traditional RDF reification.
… We could keep backwards compatibility and provide best practices for using that to do modeling.
… Leaving out model predication means that an embedded triple always corresponds to something in the real world.
… So, a statement can have predicates.
… This implies that whenever an event exists, it can become an element of a graph and have its own properties.
… For non-model predication, this is always true.
… The triple can induce the creation of an event.
… Another implication is that reification is universal.
… Whoever has a triple can reify that to talk about it.
… an event doesn't necessarily need to be true (could be imagined).
… This gets down to how bnodes are interpreted within a graph.
… A bnode may or may not identify the same resource. If you have a ground graph, the reification should be the same for everybody.

<Zakim> pchampin, you wanted to ask if '<< :pa a foaf:Person >>' qualifies as an "event"

pchampin: I'm a bit worried about the notion of events; it could be a bit misleading.
… Not all triples represent events.
… Some of the examples used are a bit biased compared with all the triples that might be used.
… We should include triples that are less event-like.

Enrico: Yes, you're right, but those triples aren't really predications.
… The notion of a statement being true is the model aspect.
… If you know the domain of truth, an object or predication is a true statement.

Doerthe: Do we really want to artificially create IRIs? It feels somewhat artificial that we have the notion of a quoted triple and then create an artificial URI.
… Also, I think your use of event-specific modeling might be too narrow.
… whether or not we want to use the event approach depends on where we go.

Enrico: A possibility is to create a new object that maps to a resource.
… I think that RDF-star has the property of defining a triple; a predicate on this is what makes it an event.
… If you want to do more than one statement, then why not use named graphs?
… Or N3, which talks about sets of triples or graphs.
… But here, because there's only one triple, there are notions of predication and reification.
… Perhaps we need to be in semantic agreement with named graphs and N3.
… We're confusing the reification and model predication.

Doerthe: I'm not convinced, but I'd like to hear other opinions.

TallTed: I'm a bit frustrated, as I think Enrico is re-hashing discussion that happened in the CG and has been taken into consideration already.
… This is the third call where reification has been described as the motivation for this group, but there are others.
… We also need to be consistent in our terminology. Let's not talk about encoding "facts", they are assertions.
… Part of what we want to do is to be able to speak about assertions that are made without asserting it ourselves.
… Named graphs are useful things, but they are not fully incorporated into RDF at this point.
… TriG is written with a context which is described as a graph name, but could be interpreted in different ways.
… We can't step on other interpretations.
… Named graphs are important, as they can contradict each other.
… I wish RDF-star could support quoted graphs, but that may not be a group opinion.
… This is more than reification, and isn't about facts or even triples.

Dominik_T: I agree with Ted, but we are talking about annotation of a single RDF triple, not many.
… Talking about N3 is out of scope.

Enrico: I note that the CG document was just syntax. It doesn't get into the semantics.
… If you want a model theory, we need to discuss this.
… There may be a notion of a graph being true, which is not the same as the existence of a resource.
… My role is to remind the group that there is a model theory.
… A number of RDF extensions have not taken this into account.
… For example SPARQL OWL entailment regime.
… RDF is different than other languages.
… The current CG spec is pure syntax. If you want to ground it in model theory, that's an issue.
… Let's start with doing this for one triple, and then we can discuss multiple.

<AndyS> https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-sparql11-entailment-20130321/#OWLRDFBSEntRegime

Doerthe: At the beginning we started with model theory before syntax.

<Zakim> pchampin, you wanted to disagree that RDF-star is semantic-less

pchampin: We tried to make a proper model theory for RDF-star but couldn't reach concensus.
… The results might be baroque from a model-theoretic view, but it does have a notion of satisfiability and entailment.
… I'd rather have a standard model-theoretic interpretation, but we do have a semantics.
… It's in the CG report (section 7?)

<pchampin> https://www.w3.org/2021/12/rdf-star.html#rdf-star-semantics

pchampin: I think Enrico is aware of the section, but we draw different conclusions.
… I say that it is a way of defining the semantics.

Enrico: The fact that I have a resource which is an object in the domain ...
… However, the object represents the truth value of a triple.

<TallTed> a "fact" is ALWAYS true, by definition!

Enrico: There is object in the world which represents the truth value.

<TallTed> a blank node is a node which is identified only by its attributes, without the node itself being specifically identified/named

Enrico: There triples become resources in the domain.

<TallTed> it has nothing to with the "truth" of the asserted attribute values

Enrico: (scribe getting lost, sorry)
… To say it lacks model theoretic semantics is because models are isomorphic to reality.
… If I have objects which do not belong to reality ...

pchampin: I can respond better on the mailing list. We don't agree on what the bnodes represent.

TallTed: A fact is always true, by definition. But, it might be only true in my opinion.
… When i encode it as a triple, its my assertion.
… Blank nodes represent things not directly identified, so it is possible that a blank node is satisfied by one, or more different resources.

<pchampin> "fact" in KR languages (e.g. prolog) means something more like what TallTed calls "assertions", that might explain the discrepencies across speakers

ktk: Ora won't be available next week, as well.

<Souri> exit

<Souri> WHat is the command to quit from irc?

Summary of action items

  1. pchampin to create the repositories for each spec

Summary of resolutions

  1. create repos for each of the the different specifications and assign editors later.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 197 (Tue Nov 8 15:42:48 2022 UTC).


Succeeded: s/afs/AndyS/

Succeeded: s/OWL entailment/SPARQL OWL entailment regime/

Succeeded: s/but definition/by definition/

Succeeded: s/quote its a triple/encode it as a triple,/

All speakers: AndyS, Doerthe, Dominik_T, Enrico, gkellogg, ktk, pchampin, TallTed

Active on IRC: AndyS, AZ, Doerthe, Dominik_T, Enrico, ghurlbot, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, pchampin, remiceres, rubensworks, Souri, TallTed, Timothe