12 January 2023


Chris Roeder, David Booth, EricP, Gaurav Vaidya, Jim Balhoff, Rob Hausam
David Booth

Meeting minutes

Concept IRIs

gaurav: Have to drop in 30 minutes.
… Prepared the MeSH jira ticket: https://jira.hl7.org/browse/UP-377
… Still need to write the code for the other proposals.
… Will be out next Thur.
… Also need to let people know about LOINC issue on zulip, to get votes.

ACTION: DBooth to add link to Jira MeSH ticket as example in rdf.html

Meeting w TIMS group

dbooth: Group suggested adding FAQ to the list maintained by FHIR-I.

eric: Suggest find out more specifically what Davera was suggested.

ACTION: Chris to ask Davera what she meant to suggest and whether it needs to be done before Feb 24

gaurav: Chris Chute was confused about the SNOMED relevance. But no action needed.

jim: There was a question about the ICD10 namespace.

gaurav: When there is not an authoritative IRI stem, we should reach out to groups to ask.

eric: There's a serious risk if we claim authoritative IRIs for things if the publisher does not provide one.
… I think we should not provide one if the publisher does not provide one.

dbooth: Same problem in choosing system URI.

AGREED: At least for the moment, we won't publish non-authoritative IRI stems.

ITS WG meeting

dbooth: I'll join virtually, and give an update.

CHris: I might be able to join. I'll be there.

FHIR Build process

jim: Good news and more questions. Been making changes in the FHIR core library, in HAPI fhir repo.
… It has RDF code, some of which is generated. Kindling depends on that, and then FHIR gen depends on kindling.
… Grahame helped me through where I was stuck. Got it close to compiling, then a have a few things to fix, then able build the whole fhir lib.

jim: structure defs seem to have fhir:v, but examples like observation still use fhir:value .

dbooth: the ontology rdf.ttl has some fhir:v in it, so maybe grahame already did something.

ACTION: DBooth ask Guoqian about adding Rob (and Jim) to skype channel.

ACTION: Jim to follow up with Daniel and Deepak


eric: Rob and I went through the code, got a feeling about what's needed. Mostly deletions, some additions on polymorphic types.

dbooth: How soon do you think you can have something testable?

eric: 3 weeks? Rob will be busy with other things the next two weeks.

dbooth: If someone became available, whould they be helpful? Eric: Yes.


Summary of action items

  1. DBooth to add link to Jira MeSH ticket as example in rdf.html
  2. Chris to ask Davera what she meant to suggest and whether it needs to be done before Feb 24
  3. DBooth ask Guoqian about adding Rob (and Jim) to skype channel.
  4. Jim to follow up with Daniel and Deepak
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 197 (Tue Nov 8 15:42:48 2022 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: AGREED, CHris, dbooth, eric, gaurav, jim

All speakers: AGREED, CHris, dbooth, eric, gaurav, jim

Active on IRC: dbooth