17:53:53 RRSAgent has joined #aria 17:53:57 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/01/12-aria-irc 17:53:57 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:53:58 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jamesn 17:54:06 agendabot, find agenda 17:54:06 jamesn, OK. This may take a minute... 17:54:07 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/2b92a902-1365-4ea0-8c68-9f8ae2106fe3/20230112T130000 17:54:07 clear agenda 17:54:07 agenda+ -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/3vUtrZC 17:54:07 agenda+ -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/3GUX7ML 17:54:09 agenda+ -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates 17:54:12 agenda+ -> Step 2E isn't used for form field + name-from-label when it is the current node in an aria-labelledby traversal https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/179 17:54:15 agenda+ -> Clarify use case for aria-rowindex on cell/gridcell elements https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1853 17:54:18 agenda+ -> ARIA ACT Rules review - deadline Monday Jan 16th https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1847 17:54:21 agenda+ -> 1.3 blocking issues https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22ARIA+1.3%22+sort%3Acreated-asc+label%3A1.3-Blocking+ 17:55:04 agenda+ TPAC Announcement - Sep 11-15 Sevilla, Spain 17:55:52 agenda order is 1,2,3,8,4,5,6,7 17:56:59 spectranaut_ has joined #aria 17:58:51 present+ 17:59:18 pkra has joined #aria 17:59:43 present+ 17:59:45 agenda? 18:01:01 present+ 18:02:22 Adam_Page_ has joined #aria 18:02:34 chair: spectranaut 18:02:53 scribe:clane 18:02:55 sohara has joined #aria 18:03:14 Zakim, next agendum 18:03:14 agendum 1 -- -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/3vUtrZC -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:03:46 A bunch of dpub issues 18:03:51 present+ 18:03:56 jamesn: open them and see 18:04:04 MarkMcCarthy has joined #aria 18:04:06 present+ 18:04:28 jamesn: if editiorial don't worry 18:04:37 spectranaut_: #45 is about roles 18:04:48 jamesn: aaron is dealing with it 18:04:52 spectranaut_: great 18:05:02 spectranaut_: accname 180 18:05:19 testable statements, bryan will look into it 18:05:31 spectranaut_: test cases in wiki? 18:05:40 spectranaut_: will send it 18:06:06 author errors as opposed to user agent errors 18:06:16 StefanS has joined #aria 18:06:16 Zakim, next agendum 18:06:17 agendum 2 -- -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/3GUX7ML -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:06:22 present+ 18:06:32 dpub-aam #23 18:06:44 need new editor from dpub 18:08:01 chlane: maybe I could help, I have some related prior experience 18:08:31 jamesn: good to have a least 2 or 3 18:08:42 spectranaut_: let's have a chat, chlane :) 18:08:47 spectranaut_: pr 1855 18:08:59 jamesn: not sure what is being attempted 18:09:20 Daniel trying to generate respec 18:09:24 jamesn: no merging 18:09:30 spectranaut_: coreaam 161 18:09:40 open pr to discuss msaa roles 18:09:45 if interested take a look 18:09:49 coreaam 160 18:09:54 just updated 18:10:03 html aam 454 18:10:15 scotto 18:10:27 related to popover 18:10:36 peripheral to content editiable 18:11:08 more reviews, introduces where attributes have been added 18:11:13 no longer generic 18:11:22 bumped to minimum role 18:11:32 the safe defauls 18:11:43 some user agents want to go further 18:11:49 present+ 18:11:57 div with tabindex should be a button 18:12:06 expose info important to a11y 18:12:19 not just say it's generic 'whatevs' 18:12:44 Adam_Page_: will review 18:13:12 dpub-aam 20 18:13:22 Zakim, next agendum 18:13:22 agendum 3 -- -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:13:55 jamesn: we were meant to have one today 18:14:02 sohara: 18:14:22 jamesn: schedule for next week? 18:14:26 sarah_higley has joined #aria 18:14:32 sohara: retouching base on aria-haspopup 18:14:44 sohara: make it's use on buttons less problematic 18:14:54 argument to think about it again 18:15:16 no visible indicator of a popup its not needed 18:15:32 get everyone back up to speed on it 18:15:38 reaffirm resolutions 18:15:54 sohara: want us to agree and not confuse us 18:16:03 sohara: next week 18:16:10 spectranaut_: great next week 18:16:25 spectranaut_: any others 18:16:27 Zakim, next agendum 18:16:27 agendum 8 -- TPAC Announcement - Sep 11-15 Sevilla, Spain -- taken up [from jamesn] 18:19:24 bryan, accname traversal property, need to ping james teh 18:19:24 action: jamesn to ping james teh 18:19:31 Created ACTION-2170 - Ping james teh [on James Nurthen - due 2023-01-19]. 18:19:31 bryan is out next week 18:19:51 tpac announcement ... 18:20:05 sept 11-15 ins Sevilla, Spain 18:20:10 get your budgets in order 18:20:32 jamesn: pushed for warmer location 18:20:42 jamesn: outdoor time with covid 18:20:45 was great 18:21:05 spectranaut_: will follow up 18:21:13 jamesn: hotels are not expensive 18:21:18 in Segilla 18:21:21 sevilla 18:21:22 Zakim, next agendum 18:21:22 agendum 4 -- -> Step 2E isn't used for form field + name-from-label when it is the current node in an aria-labelledby traversal https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/179 -- taken 18:21:25 ... up [from agendabot] 18:21:40 spectranaut_: accname issue from Sara 18:21:55 sarah_higley: it's around whether 2C 18:22:01 Matt_King has joined #aria 18:22:20 which is around what happens when a form field is included in aria label traversal 18:22:49 input participates in a label 18:22:56 form field where the labe is like 18:23:03 'do this until time' 18:23:21 to participate in label of another control 18:23:29 ... 18:23:35 true for all browsers 18:23:37 q+ 18:23:56 aq+ 18:23:58 q+ 18:24:06 ack james 18:24:08 q+ 18:24:11 bryan, agree is doesnt say you should restrict the value 18:24:20 q? 18:24:21 jamesn: the spec is not clear 18:24:37 jamesn: differenet numbering in editors and published version 18:24:53 the part that starts 'otherwise ... 18:25:26 jamesn: parentheses is a clarification 18:26:13 sarah_higley: any element direclty referenced is referrimg to the label 18:26:31 jamesn: needs clarifyinng 18:26:39 jcraig: discuss with AT team 18:26:50 and QA team to determine what they want 18:27:14 q+ 18:27:17 especially since UAs are in agreement, it goes to ATs 18:27:22 ack jcraig 18:27:26 q+ to say I don't want to change something where all browsers agree as it would seem like a breaking change 18:27:33 jcraig: we can change if we get general concensus 18:27:46 ack Matt_King 18:27:48 keep it as is if value is not getting in the way 18:28:00 Matt_King: more of a clarifying question 18:28:29 q+ 18:28:36 what it is that you think we want 18:28:59 my interpretation is that we want what the browsers are doing 18:29:07 after x hours 18:29:12 thats what is the value 18:29:19 not part of the label 18:29:31 we want to include the value in the label 18:29:49 Matt_King: good examples, 18:29:59 Notification Reminder 18:29:59 - repeat once 18:29:59 - repeat forever until dismissed 18:29:59 - repeat x times 18:30:01 issue related to form fields open forevery 18:30:16 my understanding is that we want the value 18:30:28 jcraig: notifications, 18:30:44 do you want to repeat it once or forever 18:30:51 repeat x times or ? 18:31:12 sarah_higley: when control is the label 18:31:47 Matt_King: if i want to compose with multiple referencers aria-labelledby 18:32:03 s/when control is the label/talking about the inverse, only when control is directly referenced/ 18:32:08 lets say x, that control is directly referenced 18:32:23 also directly reference a span that is a portion 18:32:40 composing a string out of a portion of a controls label 18:32:49 ack sarah_higley 18:32:51 i want a way to get value 18:33:38 Matt_King: if we can word it in such a way, get value and/or label 18:33:56 sarah_higley: getting values needs refinement 18:34:09 sarah_higley: standalone components, more common with web components 18:34:23 was making a combobox, any field with secondary control 18:34:34 where labe is not required 18:34:46 i was doing tags 18:34:58 selected items within standalone widget 18:35:13 widget A share label with widget B 18:35:23 found workaround 18:35:29 but it is useful to say 18:35:35 this list of items has a ... 18:36:05 no knowedge of where accessible name is coming from 18:36:16 bryan had to do the same thing 18:36:30 birthdate as name of input 18:36:33 ... 18:37:04 it would be helpful to know you are looking at the birthdate datepicker 18:37:09 q? 18:37:30 sarah_higley: related items .. 18:38:00 Matt_King:workaround for select only combobox using value text 18:38:10 value text is not the value 18:38:23 ignore the value use the value text 18:38:44 bryan, a link has text content 18:38:54 Matt_King: name and value is the same thing? 18:39:11 ARIA doesn't have a value concept 18:39:30 bryan, set the value property in a11y tree ... 18:39:53 if referenced by aria-describedy you get the value 18:40:24 if something you reference has a specific name its supposed to be returned 18:40:24 ack me 18:40:24 jamesn, you wanted to say I don't want to change something where all browsers agree as it would seem like a breaking change 18:40:38 jamesn: as browsers are aligned 18:40:49 change would be breaking 18:41:00 interested in solving the problem 18:41:08 changing is dangerous 18:41:16 bryan, change spec? 18:41:34 q+ 18:41:35 spectranaut_: update spec 18:41:42 jcraig: that is one approach 18:41:55 s/update spec/should we update the spec to match the implementations?/ 18:41:56 jamesn:we should consider 18:42:02 q? 18:42:18 ack sohara 18:42:24 s/jcraig: that/jamesn: that/ 18:42:28 sohara: I think it is interesting it behaves this way 18:42:39 opposite to how other things work 18:43:00 if
has accessible name 18:43:09 you get the name not the content 18:43:30 is there something that needs to be added, mechanism 18:43:33 q? 18:43:43 q- 18:43:56 can aria-labelledby be able to get a value 18:44:02 grab name or content 18:44:15 bryan there is always a workaround 18:44:27 q? 18:44:41 Adam_Page_: sarah cant, need aria-hassamelabelas 18:45:00 Matt_King: if you can get the computed name 18:45:09 you can get what you want 18:45:21 Matt_King: that is in the AOM roadmap 18:45:29 sohara: is that the solution? 18:45:36 Matt_King: that's what I'm wondering 18:45:42 spectranaut_: that is the long term 18:46:13 Matt_King: spec is out of alignment with reality 18:46:23 then solve Sarah's problem 18:46:47 Sarah there are workarounds 18:46:56 the labelledby bit in C/E was added based on this issue https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/746 18:47:20 Sarah can make a PR 18:48:16 present+ 18:48:22 Zakim, next agendum 18:48:22 agendum 5 -- -> Clarify use case for aria-rowindex on cell/gridcell elements https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1853 -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:48:54 spectranaut_: do we want an issue for when we want the value not the label 18:49:16 sarah_higley: fine with answer of getting it the value 18:49:38 aria 1853 18:50:17 sohara: ACT reviews 18:50:25 using aria-rowindex on a cell 18:50:27 odd 18:50:35 it is allowed in spec 18:50:54 asked by dev who was trying to not use rows 18:50:57 at all 18:51:05 headscratcher 18:51:15 looking back at spec 18:51:18 it was there 18:51:47 had it at the row level 18:52:01 it could be a way to add redundant or conflicting info 18:52:24 Matt_King: I wonder if anyone can remember, rowindex is new 18:52:39 what the reason for supporting on a cell was 18:53:06 Matt_King: can't imaging the justification 18:53:19 jamesn: can you see who added that example? 18:53:21 seems obvious, you could have a single row ... 18:53:29 error correction 18:53:49 sohara: dev wanted to use rowindex instead of rows 18:53:53 is this a duplicate btw.... https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1138 18:54:19 table reconstruction 18:54:43 Matt_King: if we could reflow tables anyway we want would be awesome 18:54:56 but for aria not lining up with html 18:55:18 complicating that would be suicidde 18:55:35 jcraig: anything that affects performance but chips get faster 18:55:59 Matt_King: deprecate rowindex because of chat gpg 18:56:20 agenda? 18:56:21 sohara: practicality doesn't seem to be there 18:56:58 sohara: i said footgun 18:57:29 spectranaut_: no one can think of a reason to keep it 18:57:40 jamesn: we could deprecate it 18:57:50 if someone set it should still work 18:58:08 s/chat gpg/chatGPT [laughs] 18:58:14 jamesn: if you set it on the cell you shouldn't have to set it on the row 18:58:23 Zakim, next agendum 18:58:23 agendum 6 -- -> ARIA ACT Rules review - deadline Monday Jan 16th https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1847 -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:58:53 spectranaut_:please review 19:00:20 yes 19:00:22 zakim, end meeting 19:00:22 As of this point the attendees have been MichaelC, spectranaut_, pkra, Adam_Page_, MarkMcCarthy, StefanS, jcraig, Matt_King 19:00:24 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 19:00:25 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/01/12-aria-minutes.html Zakim 19:00:32 I am happy to have been of service, chlane; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 19:00:32 Zakim has left #aria 19:49:28 s/scribe:clane/scribe:chlane/ 19:49:42 rrsagent, make minutes 19:49:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/01/12-aria-minutes.html jamesn 19:52:07 meeting: ARIA WG 19:52:18 rrsagent, make minutes 19:52:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/01/12-aria-minutes.html jamesn 20:03:50 jongund has joined #aria 20:24:28 github-bot has joined #aria