16:05:35 RRSAgent has joined #maturity 16:05:39 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/01/11-maturity-irc 16:05:39 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:06:10 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), janina 16:06:41 present+ 16:07:44 agenda+ Github Issue #136 Scoring for Inactive Stage Agenda+ Github Issue #89 ICT Development Lifecycle ratings outcomes aren't stated like the outcomes are in Silver Agenda+ Github Issue #87 3.6.1 Proof Points for Procurement Section: Some bullets aren't clear what is needed Agenda+ Github Issue #79 Section 3.3.2 Rating for evaluation - Support: Outcomes for optimize stage don't align with proof points 16:07:44 agenda? 16:07:47 zakim, clear agenda 16:07:47 agenda cleared 16:07:58 Topic: Github Issue #136 Scoring for Inactive Stage 16:08:16 agenda? 16:08:24 rrsagent, make minutes 16:08:25 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/01/11-maturity-minutes.html janina 16:09:23 https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/136 16:09:41 Lionel_Wolberger has joined #maturity 16:10:20 topic: Workstatement 16:10:43 Janina said APA wants a deeper why in the taskforce workstatement 16:10:56 why aren't we pointing people to ISO 16:10:59 for example 16:12:02 Lionel_Wolberger: It's what's different here that matters; not the usual w3C output 16:12:11 Sheri_B-H: One reason is that it's free of cost 16:12:19 Sheri_B-H: ISO ain't cheap 16:12:37 Sheri_B-H: Some come from orgs that then sell services 16:13:31 Sheri_B-H: It's also about keeping things a11y, not just getting them there and done 16:13:38 present+ jeff 16:14:00 jeff: Also about referencing W3C specs in a W3C best practices 16:15:37 Lionel_Wolberger: not a general mm, it's specifically about implementation of web standards; anything that touches web directly or indirectly 16:16:50 Sheri_B-H: informs the path of web development as a participating best practices; even if no specs on a11y yet; e.g. blockchain 16:19:46 Sheri_B-H: mm is more about behavioral patterns 16:19:53 jeff: more about process? 16:20:06 W3 doesn't endorse other organization's standards 16:20:31 WCAG is about components, the maturity model is about behavioral patterns 16:22:02 maturity model anticipates questions that come up in the field, and provides guidance around how to produce them consistently and reliably 16:22:22 Maturity Model aligns with W3C web accessibility guidelines 16:22:27 Janina: change produce to respond 16:23:09 The final webforms can be used to produce reports 16:23:24 even standardized reports 16:23:47 Our maturity model is established to be extensible, others are not 16:23:54 might put that closer to the top, it's pretty powerful 16:25:15 lionel note audiences for the mm; orgs, customers, regulators, 16:27:17 single dimension can be assessed you don't have to do the whole thing 16:28:24 jlkline has joined #maturity 16:28:30 present+ 16:28:31 Lionel_Wolberger has joined #Maturity 16:28:38 Present+ 16:32:58 topic: https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/136 16:34:22 Sheri_B-H: maybe copy/paste problem ... 16:35:21 Sheri_B-H: taking it on 16:36:39 Sheri_B-H: Is it that should say "no activity" or "complete"? 16:39:53 jeff: concern to show progression? 16:40:42 jeff: just date the file, or dimension 16:40:57 Lionel_Wolberger_ has joined #Maturity 16:42:30 Sheri_B-H: concerned about getting crowded 16:42:34 jeff: just for the tab 16:43:22 Put in instructions "put the date in the name of the tab for versioning" 16:43:53 sh: inactive / no longer inactive ? 16:43:56 CharlesL: yes 16:47:19 jeff: agrees to work issue 87 16:51:08 Need to have full on group discussion re: 89, preferably with Jake present. This ticket will require everyone to participate 16:53:13 Meeting: Maturity Model Subgroup Teleconference 16:53:18 Date: 11 Jan 2023 16:53:22 CharlesL has left #maturity 16:53:24 rrsagent, make log public 16:53:38 Chair: Sheri_B-H: 16:55:19 Regrets: David, Nadine 16:55:31 rrsagent, make minutes 16:55:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/01/11-maturity-minutes.html janina 16:56:44 rrsagent, bye 16:56:44 I see no action items