WoT Architecture/Profile

21 December 2022


Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima
kaz, sebastian

Meeting minutes


<kaz> agenda for today

Lagally: shows the agenda


<kaz> Dec-8

Lagally: there is a link mistake: we did not discuss 31


WD Publication

<ML checks if there are ReSpec errors>


Lagally: ready for publishing
… however, still many work to do

Lagally: when can we point to the published version?

Kaz: I will use auto publication tool, that will be possible to publish it until end of this year

<ML shows PRs>

PR 343

PR 343 - Implementation Report Update - Dec 2022

McCool: its about the implementation report update

<ML shows the rendered IR>

<mlagally> rendered HTML of the Draft Implementation Report

<kaz> s/topic: WD/subtopic: WD/

McCool: there should be no auto validation results. Most likely, asserations comming in very late

McCool: I will fix it

<ML and MM go over the results>

McCool: many asserations have no implementation yet
… some asserations seems to be redundant, we should check them and remove them

McCool: actually, results looking good so far. I think, it is less than half at risk

<Kaz and MM discussed how to improve the IR>

kaz: we should add a legend on the category
… also would be better to split "TD", "Consumer" and "Thing" explicitly

Lagally: we have two new test results from Fujitsu (bulb and sensor)

<kaz> s/explicitly uring <br> instead of white space./

Lagally: will merge this PR

PR 344 - refactoring requirements to a separate document

PR 344 - refactoring requirements to a separate document

no objection to merge


Testfest results

Lagally: there is a new update from node-wot

Lagally: Fujitsu provided a new sensor device

<ML checks the results>

Lagally: what "null" mean again?

McCool: there are no information

Lagally: there is also led bulb results from Fujitsu

<ML checks the results>

Lagally: implemented action status

McCool: seems a different implementation

McCool: we need to update the atrisk.css file

Lagally: for the WD we can remove it

McCool: I will provide a PR

Lagally: I think, the TestFest went very well

Profile 1.0 remaining tasks

<ML shows some latest issues>

Issue 336 - Add link alternate relation type to table of link relation types

Issue 335 - Issues with recent webhook subscription mechanism changes

Issue 333 - Column names

Issue 328 - Improving webhook section to mention that Consumers need to have

Issue 322 - Brief section to describe a Consumer

McCool: Consumer definition may for WebHook implementation not clear

Ege: may also true for other protocols

McCool: the definition is adequate, but it needs clearification about the interaction used such as for webhook endpoints

<ML add a comment in the issue to provide an extra text in the webhook section>

<McCool> (to capture what I said: the definition of Consumer is fine, we just need to state that "interactions" may include provision of WebHook endpoints by the Consumer)

<ML shows some "close-next-week" labeled issues>


<McCool> (time check - we have to wrap up)

<kaz> kaz: maybe it's difficult

<kaz> s/maybe it's difficult to do for this Charter period, but we should clarify the document structure of all the WoT specs, and also clarify what this WoT Profile spec describes based on the document structure rather than talking about each term like Consumer and Interaction./

<kaz> [adjourned]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 197 (Tue Nov 8 15:42:48 2022 UTC).