15 December 2022


David Booth, EricP (briefly), Gaurav Vaidya, Houcemeddine Turki, James Champion, Jim Balhoff, Rob Hausam
David Booth

Meeting minutes

Build process

jim: Got everything set up in eclipse again. Back to trying to run the code gen. Opened a zulip topic this morning.

Editorial updates

dbooth: checks failed when I submitted PR.

rob: Need to rebase and try it again.

Updating playground for modifier extensions

dbooth: Realized that we also need to update the playground to handle modifier extensions. Need to update the preprocessor, i think.

james: When needed?

dbooth: Soft dependency. I need it to test examples in the playground.

james: Finishing up UI changes.

Concept IRIs

gaurav: I emailed TSMG group to ask about presenting to them. They said yes. Likely sched Jan 10.

rob: Anything that's core spec needs to go through vocab and jira. Other UTG changes do not need to meet the deadline.


gaurav: As a fallback, could always do this as an ext.

rob: Could this be a pro forma change that would not need consensus?

gaurav: Yes, they said since this was already voted, it can be pro forma.

rob: Then why bring this up again?

gaurav: now we're being more concrete about the terms.

rob: You've already got the green light. Needs to start w the proposal w all the details we have now.

gaurav: Only the change to NamingSystem identifier type will need to be ...
… If someone says we cannot do that, then we would have to modify the UTG proposal.

rob: Then we need to get that decided first.


rob: That's on the vocab WG this afternoon, could vote on it today.
… 3:30-5:30pm Eastern.

rob: Okay, 3:45.


ACTION: Gaurav to join today's vocab call to decide 39604

dbooth: If vocab agrees, do you still need to meet w TSMG on Jan 10?

gaurav: Not sure. Would like someone to look at it.

rob: We can figure out on today's call whether the TSMG call would be needed.

ACTION: Gaurav to send Rob all links needed for today's call

gaurav: We had a proposal to add IRIs as identifier type. Now resolved.

ACTION: Gaurav to do a PR to implement the iri identifier type.

ACTION: DBooth to send gaurav the jira link to the issue on updating rdf.html page


Summary of action items

  1. Gaurav to join today's vocab call to decide 39604
  2. Gaurav to send Rob all links needed for today's call
  3. Gaurav to do a PR to implement the iri identifier type.
  4. DBooth to send gaurav the jira link to the issue on updating rdf.html page
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: dbooth, gaurav, james, jim, rob

All speakers: dbooth, gaurav, james, jim, rob

Active on IRC: dbooth