13:05:23 RRSAgent has joined #wot 13:05:23 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/12/14-wot-irc 13:05:27 meeting: WoT-IG/WG 13:06:08 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Kuniihiko_Toumura, Michael_McCool, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima 13:06:10 matsuda has joined #wot 13:06:17 scribenick: dape 13:06:24 scribe: dape 13:06:35 topic: Minutes 13:06:50 -> https://www.w3.org/2022/12/07-wot-minutes.html Dec-7 13:07:43 13:08:24 MMC: small typo 13:11:01 SK: Minutes look good 13:11:13 MMC: Besides minor typos minutes look good 13:11:26 -> no objections -> minutes approved 13:11:33 TOPIC: Quick updates 13:11:44 SUBTOPIC: CCNC2023 International Workshop on IoT Interoperability and the Web of Things (IIWOT'23) 13:11:54 -> https://ccnc2023.ieee-ccnc.org/ 13:12:15 SK: McCool is invited to give a 45m keynote speech 13:12:31 ... could show demos / videos 13:12:42 MMC: Plan to work on slides this Friday 13:12:50 ... deep dive 13:13:05 ... please send me material 13:13:20 ... will circulate draft soon 13:13:45 SK: Let's take a look at it next week again 13:14:07 SK: Ege, what about ex MagentaZuhauseApp 13:14:10 q+ 13:14:22 ... can we mention it on the slides? 13:14:52 SK: Can provide Siemens information to our products 13:14:57 https://github.com/w3c/wot-cg/blob/main/Presentations/2022/2022-08-WoTCG-Meetup2-MagentaZuhauseApp-Winkler.pdf 13:14:59 q+ 13:15:04 ack e 13:15:24 Ege: Shall I ask whether I can point people to MagentaZuhauseApp? 13:15:35 MMC: Yes, maybe they have other / better slides 13:16:05 ... Ege could start with intro e-mail 13:16:09 SK: Makes sense 13:16:34 Kaz: We can mention Siemens, Takanaka etc 13:16:52 ... using TPAC slides 13:17:11 MMC: Maybe Takanaka can give me some slides I can use 13:17:32 ack k 13:17:38 SUBTOPIC: Cancellations and updates 13:17:45 SK: TestFest this week 13:17:53 ... no call on Friday 13:18:03 ... all task force meetings are cancelled 13:18:11 i|TestF|-> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#Cancellations_and_Schedule_Updates Cancellations| 13:19:14 ... use-case call planned for next week Tuesday 13:19:26 ... new WebEx provided 13:19:37 ... be aware of that 13:19:52 SUBTOPIC: Testfest updates 13:20:08 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/tree/main/events/2022.12.Online 13:20:18 MMC: Pending PRs 13:20:26 rrsagent, make log public 13:20:28 ... we are making good process on TD 13:20:30 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:20:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/12/14-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:20:38 ... new input on Discovery and Profile also 13:20:48 TOPIC: Publications 13:21:05 chair: Sebastian/McCool 13:21:11 SK: Received feedback from W3M 13:21:37 ... got feedback that TD CR request is okay 13:22:01 ... TAG and Security review has been solved/closed 13:22:37 MMC: Suggest to close Arch#809 13:23:03 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/809 @@@ 13:23:17 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/809 13:23:36 proposal: close issue 809 in the architecture repo: https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/809 and proceed with CR transition 13:23:42 s|@@@|wot-architecture issue 809 - Fix normative references / convert to informative, where applicable| 13:23:59 s|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/809/|| 13:24:20 resolution: close issue 809 in the architecture repo: https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/809 and proceed with CR transition 13:24:41 SK: w.r.t Discovery 13:24:52 -> https://github.com/w3c/transitions/issues/465 13:25:15 MMC: issue with older SSE reference... now pointing to living HTML document 13:25:42 ... I created a PR#446 in wot-discovery 13:25:46 q? 13:25:50 q+ mlagally 13:25:55 q+ 13:25:59 ack ml 13:26:07 ... https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/pull/446 13:26:22 ML: Would like to check what we use in Profile 13:26:25 proposal: merge https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/pull/446 and proceed with CR transition for WoT Discovery 13:26:46 q- 13:27:24 ML: We use https://www.w3.org/TR/eventsource/ 13:27:34 ... in Profile 13:27:44 q+ 13:27:45 MMC: HTML contains now SSE 13:28:51 MMC: Any objection? 13:29:04 ML: No, it's fine 13:29:23 Kaz: Okay with the change 13:29:40 ... for Architecture document we used HTML as reference 13:29:42 mlagally has joined #wot 13:29:53 "Server-Sent Events [HTML]." 13:29:54 q? 13:30:16 ... suggest to use the same for discovery 13:30:30 MMC: That's what we are doing also 13:30:45 ... anyhow, should check other documents as well 13:31:07 resolution: merge https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/pull/446 and proceed with CR transition for WoT Discovery 13:31:43 MMC: Will ping Ralph that we are ready 13:31:53 s/as reference/as reference name/ 13:31:57 q- 13:31:58 SK: Great 13:31:58 q+ 13:32:17 SK: Publication Dec 15? 13:32:33 Kaz: Need to re-run checkers 13:32:37 q+ 13:32:49 ... might take a bit longer.. will let you know 13:32:50 ack k 13:32:52 SK: Thanks! 13:33:03 q+ 13:33:18 q+ 13:33:18 ML: Working draft for Profile is due 13:33:26 s/ping Ralph/ping PLH/ 13:33:31 ack ml 13:33:51 ... hope we can publish before christmas break 13:34:00 ack mc 13:34:05 SK: dedicated topic on agenda.. we will come back to it 13:34:36 Kaz: Ralph is busy these days. PLH works on director decisions 13:35:09 SUBTOPIC: Testimonials 13:35:42 SK: Please check whether your testimonials are up-to-date 13:35:42 s/decisions/decisions, so please mention PLH and Yves as well as Ralph (as you already did on the Transition Requests)./ 13:35:52 MMC: We have 6 testimonials 13:36:00 ... some are just copies of last year 13:36:14 ... need AC rep to approve them 13:36:24 present+ Ryuichi_Matsukura 13:36:46 q+ 13:37:24 s/6 testimonials/7 testimonials 13:37:49 MMC: testimonial should cover all specs, Arch, TD and Discovery 13:38:05 ... or being generic might be useful also 13:38:21 MMC: Oracle is missing? 13:38:28 q? 13:38:28 ... WebThing is missing also 13:38:36 qq+ mlagally 13:38:47 ML: Wonder whether we need details. Suggest to be generic 13:39:17 MMC: could talk about "the WoT specifications" 13:39:34 SK: Testimonial is shared in test report.. not for press release 13:40:25 q+ 13:40:39 q- 13:40:40 q+ 13:40:44 MMC: Not clear whether we have a single testimonial for all CRs or a dedicated one 13:40:54 ... is there an official policy? 13:41:19 Kaz: Putting in each impl report is done usually 13:41:27 ... however we can decide 13:41:52 ... process does not define were to put testimonial 13:42:04 MMC: I suggest to discuss this in testing call 13:42:21 Kaz: We should be aware that we might want to issue press release as well 13:42:48 s/issue/issue a/ 13:42:48 MMC: We can ask AC reps for both purposes 13:42:52 ack k 13:43:07 SK: Request, please check with your AC rep 13:43:18 q- 13:43:20 s/were to put/where to put/ 13:43:26 SUBTOPIC: Other notes 13:43:31 SK: IANA registration? 13:43:38 s/put testimonial/put testimonials/ 13:43:46 MMC: Half done.. we are waiting 13:43:55 ... DID is in process 13:44:02 TOPIC: Profile 13:44:29 MMC: We have draft, see https://w3c.github.io/wot-profile/publication/2-wd/Overview.html 13:44:33 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:44:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/12/14-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:44:35 ... we miss changelog 13:45:05 ... I created PR#337 13:45:17 present+ Michael_Lagally 13:45:20 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:45:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/12/14-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:45:39 ... PR contains change-log 13:46:20 ML: I am reviewing the change log right now 13:46:44 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/337 wot-profile PR 337 - Prepare 2-WD Release (phase 1) 13:46:45 ... happy with merging it 13:46:48 q+ 13:47:23 Kaz: Several PRs? 13:47:34 MMC: Yes, but only first one had change log 13:47:43 proposal: accept the change log added in https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/337 for WoT Profile and proceed with WD publication based on the current draft in publication/2-wd 13:48:40 resolution: accept the change log added in https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/337 for WoT Profile and proceed with WD publication based on the current draft in publication/2-wd 13:48:57 MMC: I think we are ready now 13:49:22 Kaz: Close issue 338 ? 13:49:26 MMC: Correct 13:49:47 Kaz: Continue to work on publication 13:49:53 SK: Thanks! 13:50:34 ktoumura has joined #wot 13:50:39 TOPIC: Extension plan 13:50:48 SK: I think we are mostly on time 13:51:04 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/charters/wg-2021-extension-plan.md 13:51:16 q+ 13:51:23 TOPIC: New WG Charter 13:51:45 SK: Special week, Jan 16-18 to complete a finalized new WG charter 13:51:53 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#Deliverable_and_F2F_Meeting_Plan 13:52:08 s/Extension plan/Schedule updates/ 13:52:13 ack k 13:52:27 s/plan.md/publication schedule/ 13:52:37 SK: Please use GitHub to provide issues/comments 13:53:05 SK: Binding will be a major topic in new charter 13:53:11 q+ 13:53:15 ... OPCUA, ECHONET, BACnet, ... 13:53:20 q+ 13:53:46 Kaz: WebEx for special meeting has been allocated already 13:54:02 ... information is on wiki and in your inbox 13:54:05 s/Meeting_Plan/Meeting_Plan Special Meetings for Charter discussion/ 13:54:15 ack k 13:54:26 q+ 13:54:37 TOPIC: CG topics 13:54:56 Ege: conflict with tomorrows TestFest call? 13:55:04 Kaz: Skip CG meeting? 13:55:33 MMC: Invitation got out to many people ... difficult to re-schedule 13:55:48 ML: Conflict if we change TestFest 13:56:06 Kaz: Ege is essential for TestFest as well 13:56:21 MMC: Let's have testing call next week 13:56:51 Ege: next time it would be better to have TestFest calls at the same time over the week 13:57:00 MMC: People had conflicts 13:57:50 q+ 13:57:56 ack e 13:57:57 ack k 13:58:06 q+ 13:58:08 ... we will have both calls.. Ege will be in CG call 13:58:25 MMC: I think CG call is important 13:58:41 ... we can catch up with Ege in next TestFest call 13:58:54 ack ml 13:59:22 Ege: Putting CG event in WG calendar would be an alternative... we could see it easier next time 13:59:35 MMC: Maybe cross posting it 13:59:43 ... need WoT "view" feature 14:00:05 Kaz: Do not like to mix up calendars 14:00:33 ... Can also cancel TestFest call 14:00:48 MMC: lot to do in TestFest call also without Ege 14:01:34 Ege: I can make the testing call next week 14:01:38 ack k 14:01:47 SK: Let's have both calls 14:02:35 q+ 14:02:52 MMC: We might need another TestFest end of January 14:03:02 q? 14:03:18 ack k 14:03:19 Kaz: Please make sure avoiding conflicts 14:03:26 SK/MMC: Agree 14:03:32 s/conflicts/conflicts in the future./ 14:03:42 TOPIC: TF Reports 14:03:52 SK: Important topics since we are late? 14:04:08 Ege: FYI, lot of marketing invites to clean-up links 14:04:16 ... should not happen again 14:04:38 MMC: Note: different WebEx for TestFest 14:05:05 ktoumura has left #wot 14:06:28 [adjourned] 14:07:05 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:07:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/12/14-wot-minutes.html kaz 16:24:29 Zakim has left #wot