DPVCG Meeting Call

14 DEC 2022


georg, harsh, mark, paul
beatriz, delaram, julian

Meeting minutes

Break and Next Meeting

Owing to the breaks and vacations around end of year, we will skip the next few meetings, and meet on 4th January.

Location vocabulary for DPV-Legal

In continuation of the ongoing discussion of which authoritative vocabulary we can use (see summary at https://github.com/w3c/dpv/issues/46), we currently only have EU with no guidance on how to use it in our work.

There are concepts in the EU vocabs, but it is complex to understand them and use them.

For now, we make a note in the DPV-Legal spec that we are exploring options, contributions welcome, and continue providing information not available elsewhere.

This is information about laws and authorities mostly, as well as any inverse relationships not present in the EU vocab graphs.

The added benefit could also be to provide all the relevant metadata in single dataset/files.

Risk Extension

For completion of the risk extension, there are some pending proposals for concepts from ISO 31000 regarding risk management that are to be added. See https://github.com/w3c/dpv/issues/74

Along with this, we were also supposed to look into extending Justifications (currently they relate only to rights).

The group discussed the relevance and usefulness of justifications, and has decided to provide them externally as an informative list for use across use-cases.

That is, there will be a new extension called justifications.

Regarding benefits, the group discussed what is a `benefit` and how it is distinguished from `purpose`.

The arguments were that purposes are implied as benefits i.e. desirable, since we have optimisation and personalisation as examples.

However, (harsh suggests) benefits should be the impact and not the consequence, i.e. it should describe how an entity is affected.

In this case, optimisation and personalisation are consequences, not impacts, and benefits should be modelled as impacts.

There was at length discussion on this, especially around how benefits such as loyalty programmes, and rewards, and gifts, discounts, etc. should be modelled. We want to be careful in this to avoid ambiguity in use and misleading expressions.

The group has decided to first explore the intended meaning of 'benefit' and to then look into producing taxonomies.

Harsh has agreed to send an email explaining his position on benefits being distinct from 'consequences' such as personalisation and optimisation.

Additional notes - for DPV-legal, we will add links to other vocabularies to welcome contributions, especially DBPedia and Wikidata, and establish guidance on how to use languages, labels, flags, etc. associated with regions.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).


Active on IRC: harsh