18:56:39 RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg 18:56:39 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/12/13-aria-apg-irc 18:57:18 Matt_King has joined #aria-apg 18:58:04 rrsagent, make log public 18:58:25 MEETING: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force 18:58:32 rrsagent, make minutes 18:58:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/12/13-aria-apg-minutes.html Matt_King 18:59:02 present+ 19:00:15 present+ 19:02:29 MarkMcCarthy has joined #aria-apg 19:02:53 isaacdurazo has joined #aria-apg 19:03:07 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/December-13%2C-2022-Agenda 19:03:33 jongund has joined #aria-apg 19:04:03 present+ jongund 19:04:21 present+ 19:04:38 howard-e has joined #aria-apg 19:04:44 scribe: jongund 19:04:52 TOPIC: Next meeting 19:05:03 JK: Next year is our next meeting 19:05:20 MK: I have a risk qwith 10 January meeting 19:06:02 MK: Bocup contract should be in place for next year 19:06:22 TOPIC: PR 2417 19:06:31 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/2417 19:06:52 MK: All the reviews are done, and it is in the publication branch, Alex can you explain 19:07:19 Alex: I am not sure what the error was in publishing 19:07:39 Alex: Steve said he will let me know, he said now it works in testing 19:08:01 Alex: Since SH did not share the exact error, it might be an environment issue 19:08:15 Alex: Not a simple situation 19:08:27 MK: We might be able to delpoy later this week 19:09:04 Alex: I did put Thursday as the date, hopefully Steve can help 19:09:23 https://github.com/w3c/wai-aria-practices/pull/174 19:09:25 MK: here are 70 some redirects, so we need to work with this other person 19:09:53 MK: A bunch of pages are going to change URL, but it all needs to happen at the same time 19:10:01 MK: It may go live this week 19:10:09 Alex: I really want it to go live 19:10:12 MK: Me too 19:10:27 MK: We need to make sure there are no new merges in to the APG 19:10:55 Alex: Any new merges would be not the significant, so I think it would be ok 19:12:04 MarkMcCarthy_ has joined #aria-apg 19:12:05 Topic: Design Update and Implementation Schedule 19:12:48 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2535 19:13:57 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2535 19:14:34 isaac has updated version on the issue 2535 19:27:27 Group talked about having new wai template which can accomodate left section, not hacking the existing wai template. 19:27:55 Alex will look into how to suggest new APG template to update patterns page. 19:28:36 scribe+ 19:29:00 scribe- 19:29:22 JK Wrap up the design an what can be done 19:29:38 JK: WAI template does not accomodate the left section 19:29:55 MK: I added an issue, let's avoid hacks 19:30:09 TOPIC: New about page 19:30:20 MK: I have a draft PR for the about page 19:30:28 PR#2558 19:31:07 MK: We might need to talk about this next years, we need to apply the new list view to the about page 19:31:29 MK: We do not have a preview link for this page yet 19:31:30 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2423 19:31:44 AF: We need to get the preview links updated first 19:31:59 MK: If I merge this and then rebase, will it appear 19:32:15 AF: I should work 19:32:26 AF: It should work 19:32:55 MK: I would love it if we could get the design implemented so we could preview if soon 19:33:58 MK: It will have a standalone intro, separate acknowledgements, and more separate pages 19:34:24 MK: There is going to be some content for people to review 19:34:48 AF: Changes to the URL strucutr will require some changes to the APG repo 19:35:05 MK: Becasue we are adding in new pages? 19:35:21 AF: The new pages and the cards 19:35:57 MK: Let's coordinate on those things, but let's work on a preview before the end of the year 19:36:27 MK: There will need to be reviewers for the changes 19:36:52 MK: There is thumbs up between the cards and list view 19:37:10 MK: Will it be another template thing? 19:37:29 AF: That all within main so we have total control 19:37:32 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2534 19:38:35 MK: So we have the read this first and then we are going to have ... what we want wrapped around that for accessibility 19:39:08 MK: We have the heading for the very first practice, so we are going to sandwich something between there 19:39:20 Issac: It belongs to the list of patterns 19:39:30 MK: A screen reader user can't 19:39:45 MK: MK: We could have an off screen H2 19:40:15 ID: There is something to tthe list of patterns 19:40:42 I need to leave again for a few minutes 19:43:40 I am back 19:43:56 MK: The placeholder would be redundant 19:44:07 ID: Can that label be off screen 19:44:46 MK: WHat would people do 19:45:04 MM: Consisten visible label, no off screen 19:45:19 ID: What is the reason for the persistent label? 19:45:53 MM: It enhances for everyone 19:46:30 JG: I think placeholder is bad, use visible label 19:46:42 MK: I think this can move up in the list 19:49:05 MK: Will span with role=header be detected by skipto 19:49:21 JG: The current script will not, but 5.1 it should 19:49:59 MK: The visible label for the filter field will be styled a little different 19:50:17 MK: Is it a problem to put a different class on the h2 19:50:25 AF: we can do that 19:50:43 TOPIC: AT Support tables 19:51:11 MK: JAWS 2023 will not be released until next week 19:51:29 MK: We will only have Jaws 2022 results for button and ... 19:51:43 MK: This a high priority 19:52:00 AF: The first priority is the support levels 19:52:06 MK: Exactly 19:52:27 AF: My vision is limted right now 19:52:38 MK: Is there an ETS for the support tables 19:52:55 AF: There is a meeting today to talk about the implementation 19:53:03 AF: About a week 19:53:16 MK: Can people sign up for a review for the preview 19:53:23 JK: I can 19:53:27 JG: I can 19:53:40 MK: So that is all we need for this topic 19:54:00 TOPIC: Rating slider 19:54:20 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2501 19:55:57 discussion of deprecating the rating slider 19:57:14 jon: the goal of example is showing how to use ARIA. 19:58:17 mck: how about 10 rating example? 19:58:47 jon: radio pattern just use arrow key, 19:59:16 rating slider can use home and end button 19:59:51 ...rating scale is the scale, not radio selecton 20:00:22 mck: how about modifying the rating scale as 10 point ones. 20:00:37 jon: I can modify the example as more of rating survey 20:00:55 mck: I don't enjoy the radio rating in the table 20:01:46 mck: in 10 radio scale, you can easily jump into the middle point but rating example can do that. 20:02:42 jon: making rating slide be more rating scale would be the compelling example. 20:03:28 ... then we can differentiate two examples between raido and slide with X factor and show new features can be used for other use case. 20:04:59 rrsagent draft minutes 20:05:08 rragnet, make minutes 20:05:18 rrsagent, make minutes 20:05:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/12/13-aria-apg-minutes.html Jem 20:17:19 jongund has joined #aria-apg 20:33:59 jongund has joined #aria-apg 20:45:35 jongund has joined #aria-apg 21:05:09 Zakim has left #aria-apg 22:00:58 jongund has joined #aria-apg 23:16:36 jongund has joined #aria-apg 23:37:17 jongund has joined #aria-apg