19:45:20 RRSAgent has joined #aria-at 19:45:20 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/12/08-aria-at-irc 19:45:35 rrsagent, make log public 19:46:00 MEETING: ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group 19:46:09 CHAIR: Matt King 19:46:20 present+ 19:46:27 rrsagent, make minutes 19:46:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/12/08-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 19:57:40 JoeHumbert has joined #aria-at 19:59:32 howard-e has joined #aria-at 20:03:58 michael_fairchild has joined #aria-at 20:09:46 TOPIC: Meeting schedule for Dec and Jan 20:10:00 present+ 20:11:16 No meetings dec 22, dec 29, nor Jan 5 20:11:22 Will meet Dec 15 20:11:55 TOPIC: Update on JAWS bug fixes 20:12:27 James: met w/Vispero this morning about upcoming jaws 2023 update 20:12:41 Expecting release mid to end of next week. 20:12:54 Fixed majority of issues within the 8 test plans. 20:13:07 Discussed which plans would be priority to retest. 20:13:25 so we can publish them in APG before end of year 20:13:44 Retest would be alert, toggle, and radio group. 20:14:49 command button and link, although these two already have 100% 20:15:54 Matt: No feedback yet on new candidate test experience 20:16:53 Asked braille testing 20:18:32 Vispero is interested in braille support testing. 20:18:53 We don't know when it will be on our roadmap yet; is definitely in future scope. 20:19:15 Seth: May require revisiting some design decisions. 20:19:31 TOPIC: Planning retesting 20:19:58 Matt: Ideally, jaws 2023 update is shipped wednesday. 20:20:38 present+ James 20:20:43 present+ Isabel 20:20:54 Present+ Alysa 20:21:13 s3ththompson has joined #aria-at 20:21:20 SCRIBE: s3ththompson 20:23:14 Focus of testing for December is retesting to support publishing AT support tables for as many of the 8 test plans in candidate phase as possible 20:25:06 Matt_King: test plans include: alert, command button, toggle button, link 20:25:24 Matt_King: what we need for retesting with JAWS are alert and toggle button... those are the ones where JAWS has bugfixes 20:27:36 Matt_King: let's say we get alert out there... we would need it to be retested by 2 ppl with JAWS 2023 and they have to get the same results 20:29:27 Matt_King: for toggle button, the failing test is that when you read the current line, the role is not included. 20:37:35 Matt_King: test plans include: alert (updated test version), command button, toggle button, link 20:38:10 s3ththompson: i suggest we add the December 9 version (whenever PR is merged) for all 5 test plans to the test queue. this will mean that the retesting is not affecting the data currently in candidate review 20:39:48 Matt_King: by dec 19, there will be at least 2 if not 3 test plans retested with JAWS 2023... do we know what will happen then to make sure that data is reflected on the reports page? 20:46:31 James Scholes: to restart we'll update alert & radio group. then we add all 5 test plans to the test queue with the latest version and latest commit 20:46:32 Sam_PAC has joined #aria-at 20:46:43 James Scholes: then we need to assign people to retest those 5 as they're able 20:46:56 Matt_King: right, and we probably need to do it all in the same order 20:47:32 James Scholes: alert, command button, link, toggle button, radio group would be complexity order 21:04:27 Assignments are as follows; for latest NVDA (2022.4?) PAC will test all 5 and Alyssa will test alert, command button, and link and Louis the other 2; for JAWS 2023, someone at PAC and Louis will test all 5 plans, with Matt as backup; for VoiceOver, someone from PAC and Louis will test all 5 plans 21:04:45 rrsagent, make minutes 21:04:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/12/08-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King