07 December 2022


David_Ezell, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Koster, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima
kaz, mlagally_

Meeting minutes


<kaz> Nov-30

McCool: I have a small PR for architecture, will discuss tomorrow
… no objection to publishing

Quick updates

McCool: We got an invitation for a remote keynote for the CCNC conference, can present for 45 minutes + 15 min QA
… my plan is to use the summary presentation and potentially show videos of demos
… Deutsche Telekom has a WoT based implementation, there's a CG contribution
… Will ask for permission.
… Plan is to have a draft available before Christmas.Will ask Ege later today, there's also a Siemens BIM demo.

Kaz: Takenaka has public information on their Website, which includes a diagram.

McCool: I plan to have 1 slide per implementation-
… If somebody has a 5 minutes video we can also show.
… Want to provide the material upfront to ensure content is available and not affected by low network bandwidth.

Kaz: please let me know once you've made decision on which resource to be included. I can check with Takenaka.

Cancellation & Updates

McCool: Need to make sure our schedule is correct.
… We have testfest next week, links are in testing repo.
… Next use case call is Dec 20th. We need to create a new invite with a new Webex.
… In the next call we identify requirements for the next charter period based on existing use cases.
… please provide additional input in the requirements.md.

Lagally: Taskforce leads + Spec editors should participate in that call.

cancelling meetings during the testfest

<kaz> Cancellations

McCool: All meetings except the main call are cancelled unless communicated otherwise. TD and marketing tbd.
… no other meetings for security, discovery, scripting after Dec 19th before the special meeting for the next charter.


McCool: Current CR candidate drafts will be reviewed by the Director later this week. Please don't add *-needs-resolution labels.
… we need testimonials from organizations that state support for WoT.
… These should come from the AC res, so please prepare for that. Goal is to have them by end of December.
… Testimonials only from active members who give current support. Will not reuse testimonials from previous charter without permission.

<McCool> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/885 wot-architecture issue 885 - TLS/DTLS Version Assertions Ambiguous

McCool: There's a small PR for architecture that resolves an ambiguity around a DTLS assertion. Will discuss in tomorrow's arch call and intend to merge immediately. I believe this is an editorial change, want to get it into the CR period.
… Discovery: Service names have been registered with IANA, some fixes are in work.
… Profiles: We had a resolution in the profile call to publish a WD update. We should also make the resolution here.

<McCool> proposal: publish the current editor's draft of wot-profile (after fixing a Respec error) as a WD immediately

RESOLUTION: publish the current editor's draft of wot-profile (after fixing a Respec error) as a WD immediately

Implementation Reports

McCool: There's various updates
… I ordered the assertions to follow the spec order
… I'm consiering to combine the two tables (manual+automatic) into a single table


McCool: In the chairs call we discussed the next live F2F meetings
… Candidates: Switzerland, Munich, Tokyo
… June or July

Kaz: some members may have travel restrictions

McCool: worst case we have to do it virtual
… let us know if your company has travel restricions for next year

new charter

McCool: Proposal for the special meeting to be on Jan 16-18

<McCool> proposal: special meeting series for next WG charter, Jan 16-18, details to be defined here: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#Deliverable_and_F2F_Meeting_Plan

Kaz: should we consider / reserve the entire week?

McCool: yes, will add Thursday as tentative

RESOLUTION: special meeting series for next WG charter, Jan 16-18, details to be defined here: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#Deliverable_and_F2F_Meeting_Plan

New WebEx for Use Cases (revisited)

McCool: Next use case call - please check the link for the WebEx in the next invite. The old link does no longer work.

Contributions for the next charter

<McCool> https://github.com/w3c/wot/tree/main/proposals/deliverable-proposals

McCool: Please put PRs under that link.

<McCool> https://github.com/w3c/wot/labels/WG%20New%20Charter%20Plans%202023

McCool: let'S keep PRs open , refine them and discuss in the charter meeting. In the meeting we can review and approve them. Please use the appropriate label.
… on Wed / Thu we will put them into the template, we need to create a new draft prior to the meeting.


McCool: Mkoster, any thoughts on CHIP?

Koster: We should just agree to renew the ability to work together
… BACnet: Will try to set up a brief meeting.

McCool: Intel is intertested in Matter - home assistant includes a Matter bridge.

Koster: protocol bridge is not difficult. Semantic bridge is more challenging.

McCool: We will explore next year
… DTDL: Will revisit next year, it would be nice to reengage

TF reports

McCool: TD: a couple of implementations are only a corner case, we have some gaps
… Architecture: I already mentioned the PR
… Discovery: a few gaps around sorting and security
… Marketing: mostly organisational discussions, clarifying responsibilities

Kaz: TF mainly thinks about Website maintenance, we should also talk about CG collaboration in general, e.g., how to bring input from the CG participants back to the WoT-IG/WG

McCool: If we have an implementer with a acommercial solution, how to get feedback into the spec
… people could create issue, we need to clarify the policy

Lagally: CG should channel people to the IG / Use Cases TF to collect use cases and requirements
… IG should channel potential contributors to the WG

Kaz: Agree, and that's why I gave a comment about that during the Marketing call yesterday. We should clarify the procedure to handle the CG input in addition to the concept within the CG Charter.

McCool: Let's create an issue for the marketing TF to define procedure

<McCool> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/363

<kaz> [adjourned]

Summary of resolutions

  1. publish the current editor's draft of wot-profile (after fixing a Respec error) as a WD immediately
  2. special meeting series for next WG charter, Jan 16-18, details to be defined here: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#Deliverable_and_F2F_Meeting_Plan
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).