DPVCG Meeting Call

30 NOV 2022


beatriz, delaram, georg, harsh, julian, paul

Meeting minutes

Previous minutes

DPV v1

Only item left on the list of tasks is creating the diagrams, rest of things have been completed.

After this, a review of outputs before final publication.

The group discussed the release contents, schedule, and how to proceed.

The vocabularies (DPV, DPV-GDPR, DPV-PD) will be published on Monday.

All remaining contents should be completed or submitted by Thursday, so that the release tasks can be completed on Friday and over the weekend.

There will be an announcement when the release is published, shared on mailing list.

Next Steps

After DPV v1, we will continue to work on the vocabularies. Specifically, we discussed the following topics.

In DPV, we want to provide Data Transfers and Data Breaches as concepts. These would be added to DPV or as an extension.

We want to refine and publish other vocabularies also as v1, namely DPV-Legal, Risk, DPV-Tech, and Rights.

We also want to look at other jurisdictions (contributors should participate and lead their specific interests).

The group has expressed collective interest in looking at the new EU laws and integrating them with DPV's vocabularies.

The specific laws identified are - DGA, DSA, DMA, AI Act, and other proposed ones with lesser preference.

Next Meeting

We will meet again as per the regular schedule on WED 07-DEC 13:00 WET / 14:00 CET.

This will be a 30mins short informal meeting to acknowledge the DPV v1 release.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).


Active on IRC: harsh