RDF-star WG

01 December 2022


csarven, Dominik_T, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, olaf, ora, pchampin, remiceres, Souri, TallTed, Timothe

Meeting minutes

organization of the WG

<gkellogg> https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/summary

gkellogg: re. selection of editors, there are also mechanical bits to setup
… there are many specifications, present on Mercurial (link above)

ora: what do we need to do to create some kind of editor's draft?

pchampin: the charter says we are going to publisg several recommendations

<Zakim> gkellogg, you wanted to suggest we really need to update the RDF specs that are out there.

pchampin: but we can decide to change this.
… They are mapped on the RDF 1.1 and SPARQL 1.1 specs, so it make sense.
… Also the CG report is built as a "patch" of those existing specifications.

gkellogg: it makes sense to keep the recommentations -- if someone mentions the Turtle spec, it has to still be there

ora: how do we proceed to create a new version of each spec?
… do they all have to go through the heavy process of being updated?

csarven: I don't think that al the specs will eventually need a next version.
… Having 2 editors min per spec is a way to keep the work running, in my experience.
… As for the release, any version that we have right now could be turned into an editor's draft.
… The FIrst Public Working Draft is not expected to be already mature.
… This is just the version that we are starting with.

TallTed: unfortunately, I think that all the documents need to be updated as a batch.
… SPARQL 1.1 is aligned with RDF 1.0, and there are similar disconnections in the stack of documents.
… This is causing problems in the real world.
… We have the power to fix this, we should.
… It might need that we call them 2.0 rather than 1.2, as there will be breaking changes.

pchampin: +1 to csarven and TallTed

ora: I'm not opposed to that, but my worry is that there will be demands to update other parts of these documents, that are not related to RDF-star.

<TallTed> I think that pandora's box is already open, and pretending that it's opened at the back (where we can't see) will do no-one any favors in the end.

ktk: what would be the "RDF-star spec" once we update all the other ones?

olaf: back to what csarven said earlier: I don't think it is as easy to start with the existing specs,
… because they are not using ReSpec, and we probably want to start with ReSpec documents.

<csarven> I meant content-wise not formatting.

gkellogg: I believe they are in ReSpec, but a very old form of ReSpec.
… We could automate the process.
… Re 2.0 vs 1.2, I'm not aware of any breaking changes that the CG report introduces.
… We will also need to include errata, one of them is important for the RCH WG (about canonical N-Quads).
… Re the pressure to do new things: that would require us to update the charter.
… We might accept to do that once the RDF-star part is ready, but not before.

<Zakim> gtw, you wanted to note that the charter says we'll roll editorial errata into the new specs.

gtw: agree with TallTed: once we are at updating the specs, we need to fix those inconsistencies
… It's important to find alignment in these specs as we are touching them.

<gtw> gtw: some of that alignment falls under the charter item regarding addressing errata

ora: I like how the SPARQL spec and others are organized: overview, then a list of different specs

<gkellogg> +1 to an overview document, and specs should probably refer to each other, as SPARQL does.

ora: We should break up what lies ahed into parts;
… then we may find out along the way that some of those parts are actually revisions of an existing spec

csarven: my point about editors drafts was about the content, not the formatting

<csarven> https://www.w3.org/pubrules/doc

csarven: I believe that the editors drafts can be anything, even markdown.
… The FPWD must abide by pubrules (link avove)
… If the old spec use an old version of ReSpec, if it passes the rules, then that would be OK.
… We are not even forced to use ReSpec, what matters is passing the pubrules.

ora: are there objections about using ReSpec?

gkellogg: I have a lot of experience with ReSpec
… I can't see the files or mercurial, but my memory is that they are in the ReSpec format already.
… It makes easy to validate the rules.
… Also, a tool called PR-review is able to format a preview and a "diff" for every PR.

<olaf> Gregg, only for one doc per repo?

<Zakim> csarven, you wanted to mention formatting and editorial preference considerations

<gkellogg> Yes, one doc per repo. So, an rdf-concepts repo, for example.

<olaf> I see. Thx for the clarification.

csarven: in the Solid CG, the editors of each spec decide which tooling they want to use
… OTOH If you want different contributors to jump in easily, picking one tool for all the specs is helping.

<csarven> http://www.w3.org/ns/spec

<csarven> https://solidproject.org/TR/protocol

<csarven> https://solidproject.org/ED/protocol

csarven: those are examples of Solid specs annotated as RDFa with the 'spec' ontology
… each normative requirement has its own IRI, and a machine readable description
… This is relatively new, not used in ReSpec and Bikeshed right now.
… These annotation do not interfere with pubrules.

<csarven> https://solid-contrib.github.io/specification-tests/coverage

csarven: They can be useful for describing test cases.

<gkellogg> There are also respec tags for identifying tests associated with some normative statement.

ora: trying to understand the spectrum of possiblity: we can use ReSpec together with those annotations?

csarven: yes

ora: I like the idea of these new tools, but I would suggest that we use one tool for all specs, and pick ReSpec.

<gkellogg> +1 to picking one tool, and if docs are already in ReSpec, we should use that.

pchampin: I can create a first "spec" repo

gkellogg: the naming convention is usually to use the short-name of the spec as the name of the repo
… I can be part of the effort to migrate the existing specs

<Souri> I think two specs are definitely going to be needed. So, IMHO, we may want to consider starting with two specs: RDF-star and SPARQL-star.

gkellogg: but that will need more people

ACTION: pchampin to create a firsr "spec" repo

<ghurlbot> Created action 52 create a firsr "spec" repo (on ) due 8 Dec 2022

ACTION: everybody to reflect on what they think is missing in the CG report

<ghurlbot> Created action 53 reflect on what they think is missing in the CG report (on ) due 8 Dec 2022

<gkellogg> maybe create an issue for this that people can chime in on.


ora: I realized that once a month, I will have a conflict with this timeslot
… this is not the end of the world, but if other people may want to change?

TallTed: this timeslot is fine for me in general.
… if we are going to look for something else, I suggest we use a Doodle poll of some kind.
… Email discussions on this kind of questions go on forever.

gkellogg: I think we had a doodle pool, and this was the slot that came up.
… Personally I could make do 1 or 2h later, but that's ok.

<Souri> The current schedule works perfectly for me (lunch time in US EST), but I can adjust if needed.

<TallTed> I'll have frequent though inconsistent conflicts if we move 1 or 2 hours earlier on Thursdays

pchampin: the doodle that we had was for the kick-off. Maybe it was convenient for some people that day, but not on a regular basis

ACTION: ktk to set up the doodle for the recurring time

<ghurlbot> Created action 54 set up the doodle for the recurring time (on ) due 8 Dec 2022

csarven: being based in Europe, this slot is ok for me because it does not conflict with my other meetings

ora: let's keep this time slot until the doodle pool gives its result
… ideally, we can send it during the week, and discuss it next Thursday
… I anticipate that as the group progresses, we might divide in task forces,
… and the whole group will not need to meet every week.

<Souri> exit

Summary of action items

  1. pchampin to create a firsr "spec" repo
  2. everybody to reflect on what they think is missing in the CG report
  3. ktk to set up the doodle for the recurring time
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).


Succeeded: s/what is missing from the CG report/organization of the WG/

All speakers: csarven, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, olaf, ora, pchampin, TallTed

Active on IRC: csarven, Dominik_T, ghurlbot, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, olaf, ora, pchampin, remiceres, Souri, TallTed, Timothe