WAI Coordination Call

30 Nov 2022



MichaelC, tzviya, shawn, GeorgeK, Rachael, Brent, janina, spectranaut, Lionel_Wolberger
Chuck, jamesn


<agendabot> clear agenda

<Chuck> scribe: Chuck

<jamesn> scribe: jamesn


MichaelC: published CORE AAM 1.2
... as living standard and opens door to publish ARIA 1.2 PR

zaikm, next item

EO Video review https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-cc/2022Nov/0013.html

Brent: how PWD use the web is a resource have been using
... production company has done filming

<shawn> videos will be ready Thursday 1 December. Need comments by Friday 2 December. ideally by 7:00am Eastern. Note that filming is complete, so there are limited things we can change.

Brent: need a 1 day turnaround. links will be sent. If you can provide feedback.... links Thursday PM and would like reviews before 7AM ET friday morning
... things we can tweak will be very minor
... sounds and pauses is essentially all we can tweak

MichaelC: when available?

Brent: noon/1PM ET tomorrow will be available
... so review window is very tight
... Kevin will reply to messages with links

MichaelC: does anyone propose setting aside time with certainty
... I will set aside some time
... probably can't fix majot things

shawn: I would say we would welcome notes for future versions

Tooling, accessibility, usability

MichaelC: ... so can report on a question about google docs usage
... Office 365 came up. Looking into Office365 but not available right now and no idea how high the possibility might be
... in meantime I'm working in G Docs for th most part. Set up a folder for the WAI coordination call

<MichaelC> https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1Xbedni9pqGr5_c0ScZOxLHcQeekIGY3X

MichaelC: publicly viewable folder
... wanted to set up a group... will be getting write access... put glossary sheet in folder

<shawn> [ Shawn notes some CC folks cannot use Google Docs etc., afaik ]

tzviya: wanted to mention that process community group has discussed tooling.... concerns at TPAC that all the groups are using different tools - can be difficult to adapt. Google docs might be hard for folks in China to access
... there is a line in the Process which is kind of vague about accessibility

<janina> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-announce/2022OctDec/0005.html

tzviya: AB and process CG are aware at a higher level but no fantastic answers right now

janina: RQ has tried to delve into what the challenges are
... try to be comprehensive into what the questions are
... discussion about education whiteboards too
... looking for feedback

GeorgeK: DAISY have MSFT donated SW - found it to be very successful working with different groups
... restricted to specific areas - works very well

MichaelC: want to know what we are going to do - bigger questions on tooling are ahead of us. in meantime want to work effectively on what we are doing. some is contextual - don't have anyone from China joining this group - or any that do have VPN. If we were to that would change the balance

<janina> strong +1 for Microsoft Ofrfice

Glossary project https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16C3vsiNmrRBwHcNx_WhQYoMaCkUIc6YjWTfqfEnXU9c/edit#gid=0

MichaelC: needs some formatting
... Kim has looked and may have some comments
... think about what would be useful glossary project wise

<Chuck> jamesn: I'd like to eliminate as many glossary items as possible throughout the specs.

<tzviya> +1 to jamesn

<Chuck> jamesn: We should point to common definitions, eliminate redundency, don't define abbreviations.

<Chuck> jamesn: We have too many things defined.

<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to mention purge and to mention export

MichaelC: a couple of ways to respond
... here are terms that we don't want to be worrying about going forward
... first need to decide which spec should be the definer
... can cross check other specs

<Chuck> jamesn: I'm concerned this is already out of date. We don't define ... anymore. We obsoleted a bunch. You may not be able to find the same technique to find them.

<Zakim> tzviya, you wanted to talk about glossary building

tzviya: agree with James - have some experience with building glossaries
... don't know what the goal is
... if everything has to be contextualized then having the standalone glossary misses the point

MichaelC: was started before the webref DB - if we focus on things that should be exported to webref DB then that reduces the scope a little
... put together tzviya Kim MichaelC on glossary cleanup

<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to say re-export, figure it out

WAI CC activity brainstorm

<MichaelC> coordinate with process group on harmonzied and accessible tooling

MichaelC: no prep for this - wanted to open conversation about things would like to be doing on coordination group
... might want to coordinate on a11y harmonized tooling
... any pain points in work that others might be able to help with

Rachael: following up from AGWG - have an equity conversation which has grown beyond our group. Would be good to take an oversight role on activitied growing beyond group but not full w3c

<janina> An Equity CG?

<Lionel_Wolberger> +1 to keeping a good eye on scope, and have a proper home for Equity discussions

Chuck: ideas and concepts and proposals being explored are great ideas to be explored but are well outside AGWG charter. would be good to find a home which is more appropriate

<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to mention CC scope and to say (on equity)

<Chuck> qq+ to ask if there is a home that exists?

MichaelC: WAI coord call would have a limited scope. want to coordinate equity efforts within WAI but don'r have scope outside WAI

Chuck: if WAI isn't - is there a better home?

<Rachael> qq+

<Zakim> Chuck, you wanted to react to MichaelC to ask if there is a home that exists?

tzviya: Equity - 2 options PWE and AB

<Rachael> ack +

tzviya: you have all of my hats - as on both - equity subgroup needs to come to a decision that these are the options

<Zakim> Rachael, you wanted to react to MichaelC

GeorgeK: EPUB 33 is in CR and expected to be a full rec in H1 maybe Q1

<Chuck> rachael: My bringing up of equity was meant more as an example of a situation where WAI could be used to provide contact and oversight for sub-groups that go beyond their working group charters.

GeorgeK: in there is @@ and with european a11y act in 2025 is going to have a broad impact

<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to say WAI vs WAI CC

Lionel_Wolberger: not certain relevant - recruiting. Maybe WAI CC can help with recruiting

MichaelC: want to clarify that WAI CC is not same as WAI
... but it is 1 of several management mechanisms that WAI has
... v. interested in what equity means from a management perspective... need to be focused on what is in our scope

tzviya: something I have heard is horizontal reviews... the FAST questionnaire is beyond most groups understanding

MichaelC: not sure if WAI CC topic - been on my to do list - need to make it more to the point and understandable
... have asked Roy to look at checklist transformation
... appologies is my short response

<Zakim> tzviya, you wanted to horizontal review

Actions from cross-group review discussion https://www.w3.org/2022/11/16-waicc-minutes.html#t03

MichaelC: when talked about cross group review last week - talked about Doc of review procedures and template... didn't assign anyone to do it
... any volunteers or people to volunteer
... will put it on my todo list

Brent: happy to look at it and do editing

Next meeting

2 weeks from now is Dec 14

MichaelC: expect to go fwd with that unless substantial regrets

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2022/11/30 19:41:45 $

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Default Present: MichaelC, tzviya, shawn, GeorgeK, Rachael, Brent, janina, spectranaut, Lionel_Wolberger
Present: MichaelC, tzviya, shawn, GeorgeK, Rachael, Brent, janina, spectranaut, Lionel_Wolberger
Regrets: Matthew
Found Scribe: Chuck
Found Scribe: jamesn
Inferring ScribeNick: jamesn
Scribes: Chuck, jamesn
Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-cc/2022Nov/0012.html

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