14:36:45 RRSAgent has joined #forms 14:36:45 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/11/25-forms-irc 14:36:47 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:36:47 Zakim has joined #forms 14:36:49 Meeting: XForms Users Community Group Teleconference 14:36:49 Date: 25 November 2022 14:45:40 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2022Nov/0009 14:45:53 Chair: Steven 14:45:53 Previous Meeting: https://www.w3.org/2022/11/11-forms-minutes 14:55:07 Alain has joined #forms 14:57:22 ebruchez_ has joined #forms 15:00:32 Topic: ACTION-2325: Steven and Erik, check the new submit-ready text 15:00:32 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2022Oct/0009 15:00:56 Erik: Still to do 15:01:03 Topic: ACTION-2314: Compose text that matches the discussion for 15:01:03 mirroring (Steven) 15:01:03 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2022Nov/0008 15:06:06 Steven: What happens if the shape of the data on either side is different? 15:06:32 Erik: What do you mean by "bind to a text node"? 15:07:29 Erik: I'm not sure we agreed to do that, just raised the issue 15:07:45 ... about what to do when the two sides bind to something slightly different/. 15:08:59 ... for instance if the embedded side is bound to an element content and the embedder is bound to an attribute, then they are mirrored 15:09:41 Alain: We could specify how to say in the embedded form that the text is to be in the content of an attribute, or anywhere... 15:10:03 ... using a element 15:10:55 Steven: Standard controls only have two cases: no children, or children 15:11:48 Erik: In practise you bind to an attribute or an element. 15:11:55 s/ise/ice/ 15:12:09 Erik: is different 15:12:21 ... binding to a series of things 15:12:36 ... or binding to an atomic value 15:12:48 ... a sequence of items 15:13:12 ... We support binding to elements, not to other cases, but I agree it would be good to bind to attributes 15:13:18 ... also to 'repeated' things 15:14:02 ... for instance a tabbed based interface, with repeating over multiple tabs 15:14:40 Steven: Is the comclusion that it would be nice to bind attributes, but we dpon't know how to do it? 15:14:47 s/com/son/ 15:14:52 s/son/con/ 15:15:28 Alain: there might be exceptions if the embedded form has an instance not as a root element. 15:15:50 ... or is it ignoring? 15:16:13 Erik: Two main use cases: an input field, that really deals with string values. 15:16:52 .... 2) subforms that need complex content under the binding, and that couldn;t be bound to an attribute. It wouldn;t make sense,. 15:16:56 s/,././ 15:17:30 Erik: It might be nice to have a mechanism that allowed a subform to do both, not sure if it is needed though 15:18:28 Steven: So what should the reaction be if the two sides don't match? 15:18:40 Erik: Binding error event? 15:19:08 Steven: That's a good answer as far as I'm concerned. 15:21:36 Steven: OK, moving to events. 15:22:16 Erik: I want to avoid duplication of events. 15:23:36 Steven: What about my suggestion of 15:24:26 Erik: there's a problem with that. 15:44:49 [Long discussion about how it works with web components] 15:45:37 Steven: Initialisation. You Erik use a heuristic about which side has data at the start 15:45:40 Erik: Yes 15:46:07 ... complex content is easy 15:46:19 ... one side is empty, the other not 15:46:45 ... for simple content, it is harder 15:47:25 Steven: Maybe an attribute on the interface element saying what should be done? 15:48:29 Erik: Maybe other possibilities. Always initialises from the outside, but if the embedded form wants it differently, it then initialises 15:50:40 Steven: this also has ramifications about how xforms-ready works on both sides. 15:51:36 Alain: We have subforms for performance reasons. We load a subform after xforms ready 15:52:37 ... so it has a different dynamic with xforms-ready 15:52:42 ... we have that requirement 15:52:51 Steven: So we need to think about that too. 15:53:08 Topic: AOB 15:54:09 [None] 15:54:14 [ADJOURN] 15:54:24 Present: Alain, Erik, Steven 15:55:07 rrsagent, make minutes 15:55:07 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/25-forms-minutes.html Steven 15:55:40 Recreating the mising discussion above 15:56:40 Erik: web components puts a listener on (effectively) the element, so the action in the embedded form responds to that but the event bubbles in the embedding form. 15:56:50 Steven: Doesn't that mess with the context? 15:57:02 Erik: No the context remains the same. 15:57:18 Steven: So the element has a sort of magic 15:59:04 ... it looks like the event was targetted to it, but it wasn't. 15:59:16 ... and doesn;t bubble up in the embedded form. 16:00:27 s/;/'/ 16:01:15 Steven: My proposal was intended to let the event turn up at the element in a normal, non-magic way. 16:01:24 rrsagent, make minutes 16:01:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/25-forms-minutes.html Steven 16:01:51 s/mising/missing/ 16:03:07 s/dpon't/don't/ 16:03:23 s/;/'/G 16:06:45 rrsagent, make minutes 16:06:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/25-forms-minutes.html Steven 16:12:53 ebruchez_ has joined #forms 16:16:17 ebruchez_ has joined #forms 16:33:44 ebruchez_ has joined #forms 16:42:48 ebruchez has joined #forms 16:52:09 ebruchez_ has joined #forms 16:58:42 ebruchez has joined #forms 17:05:03 ebruchez_ has joined #forms 17:14:30 ebruchez_ has joined #forms 17:20:06 ebruchez_ has joined #forms 17:25:49 ebruchez has joined #forms 18:03:00 ebruchez_ has joined #forms 18:11:05 ebruchez_ has joined #forms 23:03:14 ebruchez_ has joined #forms