13:07:52 RRSAgent has joined #wot 13:07:52 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/11/16-wot-irc 13:08:06 meeting: WoT WG/IG 13:08:24 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Daniel_Peintner, Michael_Lagally, Sebastian_Kaebisch 13:08:34 present+ Ege_Korkan Tetsushi_Matsuda 13:09:15 matsuda has joined #wot 13:09:15 dape has joined #wot 13:09:42 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima, Kunihiko_Toumura 13:10:05 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#16_November_2022 13:10:09 chair: Sebastian 13:10:17 regrets+ McCool 13:10:19 sebastian_ has joined #wot 13:10:41 mlagally_ has joined #wot 13:10:52 scribenick: kaz 13:11:01 present+ Michael_Koster 13:11:23 topic: Guests 13:11:29 sk: no guests for today 13:11:35 topic: Minutes 13:11:54 -> https://www.w3.org/2022/11/02-wot-minutes.html Nov-2 13:12:01 sk: (quickly skim them) 13:12:26 present+ Ryuichi_Matsukura 13:15:14 q? 13:15:22 approved 13:15:33 topic: Discussion on Profile 13:16:23 sk: unfortunately, no time to discuss Profile topics during the Architecture/Profile call right before this call 13:16:33 ... would use 10-15 mins now 13:16:53 ml: we have 11 PRs for wot-profile 13:17:19 ... Testfest expected in December 13:17:28 ... no Architecture/Profile call tomorrow 13:18:00 ... would see the PRs now 13:18:12 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/324 Pr 324 - December Testfest Preparation - implementation cross reference and xref tool 13:18:50 ml: created an additional README for report generation 13:19:12 q+ 13:19:29 ... also updated the original README with how to provide results for Profile 13:20:16 ... also several CSVs: assertion-totals.csv, implementation-xref.csv, template.csv 13:20:32 q+ 13:20:51 ... and tool for cross-referencing 13:21:01 ack e 13:21:10 ek: PR itself is fine 13:21:49 ... but wot-testing repo should be used to get the test results from the implementers, shouldn't it? 13:22:08 ... we should clarify our policy which to go 13:22:21 ... putting the results on the spec repo 13:22:29 ... or wot-testing 13:22:34 ml: point taking 13:23:00 ... would like to keep things simple 13:23:25 ... we can copy the results to the wot-testing area for the Testfest later 13:23:38 q+ 13:24:08 ek: wot-testing repo has sub-directories for data handling already 13:24:26 ... so people would be confused by this new proposal 13:25:07 ml: this approach itself is simple 13:25:29 ack k 13:25:50 kaz: let's have more discussion during the Testing call later about how to handle the data for testing 13:26:04 ... we just have 10 mins for Profile discussion during the main call now 13:26:19 ack k 13:26:36 sk: did quick check on the wot-testing repo 13:26:56 ... we already have README files there on how to organize the tests 13:27:20 ... so not sure why we need to put this information under the wot-profile repo 13:27:50 ml: I'm OK with having this information under the wot-testing repo 13:28:36 ... but we should have cross-referencing mechanism between the WoT Profile spec and its testing work 13:28:58 ek: would suggest we not merge this PR and discuss it further during the Testing call 13:29:01 q? 13:29:04 ack s 13:29:04 q+ 13:29:33 ml: would suggest we merge this and have further discussion later during the Testing call 13:29:36 ack e 13:29:44 ek: would object we merge this PR... 13:30:06 sk: also would suggest we discuss this during the Testing call 13:30:09 q? 13:30:13 dp: +1 13:31:48 sk: let's stop this discussion, and continue the discussion during the Testing call 13:32:01 topic: Quick updates 13:32:09 subtopic: IIWOT 23 13:32:25 sk: our proposed invited talk itself is accepted 13:32:34 ... but the are only 4 submissions for the workshop 13:32:49 ... the question is now whether we really want to join the workshop or not 13:33:21 ... would hear from McCool as well 13:33:32 subtopic: Cancellations 13:33:45 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#Cancellations_and_Schedule_Updates Cancellations 13:33:56 sk: no Architecture/Profile call tomorrow on Nov 17 13:34:40 ... also no calls during the weeks of Dec 26 and Jan 2 13:34:47 topic: Publications 13:34:59 sk: got comments from Ralph on the exit criteria 13:35:19 ... so have added clarification 13:35:36 s/clarification/clarification for TD and Discovery/ 13:35:48 https://github.com/w3c/transitions/issues/474 13:35:51 ... generated a draft Transition Request for Architecture 13:36:01 ml: would review it 13:36:02 sk: ok 13:36:25 ... Regarding WoT Profile 13:36:42 ... planning to have an updated WD by Dec 8 so taht we can use it for the Testfest 13:37:42 topic: Societal Impact Questionnaire 13:37:52 sk: McCool is working on that 13:38:43 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/charters/wg-2021-extension-plan.md updated schedule 13:39:08 sk: would publish an updated WD for Profile on Dec 21 13:39:19 topic: WG Charter 13:42:48 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/issues/978 Issue on WoT WG Charter 13:43:32 s/Issue/Old Issue/ 13:43:48 -> https://w3c.github.io/wot/charters/wot-wg-2022-draft.html Draft WG Charter 13:43:55 sk: confused with how to proceed 13:44:19 kaz: the above Issue 978 on WoT WG Charter is kind of obsolete 13:44:33 ... so we should rather create new Issues and PRs to update the draft Charter 13:45:54 ... we should add an explicit label of "WG Charter", etc., for that discussion 13:45:56 sk: good point 13:47:21 ... (generates a new label of "WG New Charter Plans 2023") 13:48:07 topic: Liaisons 13:48:18 sk: no specific updates on OPC or DTDL 13:48:58 ... would like to consider creating a dedicated TF for the OPC liaison 13:49:11 ... but should have discussion during the WG Charter topic 13:50:33 ... need to ask Erich about his availability for the next meeting 13:50:57 topic: Collaborations 13:51:01 subtopic: WoT CG 13:51:20 ek: Cristiano and I had discussions on "Office Hours" 13:51:28 ... around JSON Schema, etc. 13:51:34 ... every Thursday 13:51:36 q+ 13:51:55 ... also confirmed to have meetups 13:52:10 ... with Deutsch Telekom on smart homes 13:52:20 ... then Netzo 13:53:18 q? 13:53:39 ... next week, we'll have concrete link 13:53:45 ... planned on Dec 15 13:55:18 q+ 13:56:07 ack k 13:56:13 kaz: office hours@@@ 13:56:27 ... should not advertise non-Members work :) 13:58:12 ... should be careful about how to manage the discussion 13:58:43 ek: understood 13:58:47 ack ml 13:58:55 ml: outreach from the CG? 13:59:23 ... potential adapters who would be able to provide use cases 13:59:31 +1 this :) 13:59:40 ... hope that the CG would bring new Members for WoT 13:59:57 subtopic: WoT-JP CG 14:00:29 mizu: JP CG is planning to have events on use cases and plugfest/testfest next year 14:01:02 subtopic: Other groups 14:01:10 s/Other groups/APA/ 14:01:36 ml: asking the APA Chair to review the WoT Profile spec 14:01:53 ... from accessibility viewpoints like screen reader 14:02:19 q+ 14:02:27 ack k 14:02:43 [adjourned; testing call in 8 mins] 14:02:49 rrsagent, make log public 14:02:52 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:02:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/16-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:03:27 s/should not ad/regarding the meetup, we should not ad/ 14:04:24 s/office hours@@@/"Office Hours" is a generic term, but used for a meeting with AC Reps to supplement the discussion on virtual AC meetings. so it might be better to use another term for your event./ 14:04:27 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:04:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/16-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:13:28 dape has left #wot 14:14:13 Fady has joined #wot 14:46:22 kaz has joined #wot 14:58:07 Mizushima has left #wot 16:04:51 Zakim has left #wot