WoT Architecture/Profile

10 November 2022


Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Lagally, Tomoaki_Mizushima
McCool, Sebastian

Meeting minutes





PR 287

PR 287 - Consolidate date-time references to RFC 3339 - closes #276

ml: would merge this


rrsaget, draft minutes

PR 315

PR 315 - Improve link assertions

ml: need to discuss Issue 255 as well before merging this

Issue 255 - Remove or re-work section 6.1.2 Links

PR 317

PR 317 - Fix respec reference error

ml: just an editorial fix


PR 318

PR 318 - Converting from ednote to note

diff - writemultipleproperties

ml: want to discuss this next time

PR 319

PR 319 - Describe how Webhooks are used in the WoT context

diff - 9.1 Introduction

kaz: Webhooks itself is not really popular within the WoT context even though it's quite popular for Web developers in general
… so we should have some more description about Webhooks and who handles the Webhooks mechanism within the WoT context as a component of the WoT-based system in addition to mentioning that the Consumer should be an HTTP server

ml: that's true
… (creates a new Issue on that point)

<mlagally> Issue 322 - Brief section to explain Webhook-based Consumers

Section 6

6. Common Constraints

kaz: the current title is "6. Common Constraints" but I think it describes basic requirements for the HTTP Basic Profile
… so would be better to say "6. Requirements"
… also listing Accessibility, Units, Date Format, Security, etc., at the same level is a bit odd
… so would be better to have two bigger categories, one for wider viewpoints like Accessibility and Security; another for smaller points like Units

PR 321

PR 321 - Removing mention of plugfest experience

kaz: we need Ege for this PR
… but we can remember what we meant by the sentence about the Plugfests
… many of the features for WoT Profile are defined by the other normative WoT specs
… so have been tested during the Plugfests and Testfests
… that's what we meant
… let's explain that point again


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).


Succeeded: s|https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/pull/287||

Succeeded: s/https/-> https/

Succeeded: s/322/322 Issue 322 - Brief section to describe a Consumer/

Succeeded: s/describe a Consumer/explain Webhook-based Consumers/

Succeeded: s/"6. Requirements for the HTTP Basic Profiles"/"6. Requirements"/

Succeeded: s/Basic HTTP Profile/HTTP Basic Profile/

Maybe present: kaz, ml

All speakers: kaz, ml

Active on IRC: kaz, mlagally