WoT Architecture/Profile

09 November 2022


Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Lagally, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Tomoaki_Mizushima
McCool, Sebastian

Meeting minutes

Lagally: combined Architecture/Profile call



Kaz: we've reviewed the minutes

Lagally: just quickly skim them




PR 873

PR 873 - Remove Section 7 assertions


PR 875

PR 875 - Change Log for updates from WD 2022-09-07


Issue 867

Issue 867 - Siemens-Logilab implementation description

<Ege> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/tree/main/data/input_2022/Architecture/Impls

Ege: not done yet

Kaz: to make sure, this is an issue on the Implementation Report, so another Issue for the wot-testing repository to be made, and another PR for wot-testing to be made

Ege: right

Lagally: let's talk during the Testing call later too

Kaz: suggest you create an Issue on wot-testing now

Ege: ok

wot-testing Issue 474

wot-testing PR 475

Issue 877

Issue 877 - Update CR version with change log

Kaz: what do you mean by this Issue 877?

Lagally: applying the latest updates on the Change Logs to the static HTML for publication

Kaz: ok

Lagally: any volunteer to generate a PR for this Issue 877?

(none yet)

Lagally: (adds "by CR transition" label)

Problem with the Implementation Report

Implementation Report for the WoT Architecture spec

Kaz: the assertions are sorted by the ID name
… but all the assertions from the WoT Architecture spec is to be checked manually
… so it would be better to have the assertions not sorted by the ID name
… simply checking the assertions one by one based on the order of the appearance is fine

Lagally: agree

Kaz: let's talk about this issue during the Testing call again


Implementation Report


Lagally: (shows the consolidated assertion list including the information on which implementation passes which assertion)
… generated from the inputs from implementers
… node-wot, webthings-gateway and wot-webthing




Lagally: would like to get more inputs

Ege: Consumers to be implemented from scratch

Lagally: let's talk about the Consumer later

Kaz: during the Testing call?

Lagally: yeah, details to be discussed during the Testing call
… for this call, we'd assume potential Consumer implementations

Ege: we should see the definition of "Consumer" first
… humans can read the data and respond as well
… also some automatic tool can handle the data

Kaz: do we want to talk about that NOW?

Lagally: want to quickly check the definition of "Consumer" so that we can ask people for help

Kaz: OK. BTW, which document are you showing now?

Lagally: the Implementation report for the Architecture, which includes description on Consumer implementations

<mlagally> WoT Architecture 1.1 Implementation Report

Kaz: ok

PR 316

PR 316 - Adding Common constraints for accessibility

Lagally: common constraints for accessibility

diff - 6.1 Accessibility

Ege: title is required for TD
… we have description field as well
… should be also considered
… language negotiation should be also considered

Lagally: we have requirements for Consumers
… this is only a requirement to TD
… recommendation for multi-language too

Ege: do a Profile Thing conform to the TD?

Lagally: that's a basic assumption

<Ege> https://w3c.github.io/wot-thing-description/#td-context-ns-thing-map-of-namespaces

<Ege> https://w3c.github.io/wot-thing-description/#td-ns-multilanguage-content-negotiation

Kaz: from my viewpoint, having "6.1 Accessibility" as one of the subsections within this section right before "6.2 Units" and "6.3 Date format" is a bit odd
… there is a mixture of contents, wide review viewpoints and concrete fields
… might be OK as a starting point, but would be better to restructure this section (including only two assertions for Accessibility, title and description)

Lagally: right
… would just start with this
… would like to remove the first sentence about the "title" field
… this is conditional description
… would be better to add more clarifications
… e.g., information for screen reader software to be added

Ege: assertions should be testable

Lagally: we can expand the text

Kaz: given the current situation, it would be better to add a simple Editor's Note on the need for the assertions on Accessibility here within the section "6. Common Constraints"
… starting with the currently proposed two assertions is fine
… but we should add an Editor's Note here

Lagally: ok
… can outreach Janina as the APA Chair so that we can get inputs

Ege: merging this PR 316 itself is fine
… but assertions should be testable
… so don't understand the intention to merge it

Kaz: we're already out of time
… so should stop the discussion here

to be honest, we're delayed with the WoT Profile spec work, and we're not at the stage of thinking about the assertions' testability yet.
… my suggestion is again adding an Editor's Note saying we need input from the Accessibility group on what to be considered about the Accessibility for WoT Profile

Lagally: ok
… (adds an Editor's Note)

Ege: don't understand the intention about this yet

Kaz: if there is any problem with Testing, let's continue the discussion during the Testing call later

Lagally: any objections to merge this PR 316?

(no objections, and PR 316 merged)


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).