15:59:01 RRSAgent has joined #rch 15:59:01 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/11/09-rch-irc 15:59:04 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:59:06 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), phila 15:59:09 gkellogg has joined #rch 15:59:19 meeting: RCH bi-weekly meeting 2022-11-09 15:59:27 chair: Markus 16:00:21 yamdan has joined #rch 16:00:31 present+ 16:00:41 markus_sabadello has joined #rch 16:00:45 present+ 16:00:57 present+ 16:01:14 present+ 16:01:50 aalobaid has joined #rch 16:02:00 Tobias_ has joined #rch 16:02:14 kazue has joined #rch 16:02:36 scribe+ phila 16:02:40 present+ 16:02:47 present+ 16:02:49 markus_sabadello: We'll try and get some scribe diversity in future! 16:02:55 Topic: New members 16:02:56 present+ 16:03:03 present+ 16:03:09 No new members 16:03:10 present+ 16:03:28 Topic: Timing of the calls 16:03:47 markus_sabadello: TIming for our friends in Japan is even worse than it was now that DST has ended. 16:04:00 seabass has joined #rch 16:04:09 ... For Dan and Kazue it's 01:00 tomorrow. Can we think about an earlier time? 16:04:20 ... We have people on US West Coast, so it's challenging 16:04:45 ... option is to stick with one time, maybe a bit earlier. Other option is to alternate between 2 times but that mean we never have everyone 16:05:29 q+ to ask about west coast vs. Japan participation. 16:05:30 markus_sabadello: One option is to move this call one or two hours earlier. 2 Hours makes is 23:00 Japan, 06:00 West Coast 16:05:40 ack manu 16:05:40 manu, you wanted to ask about west coast vs. Japan participation. 16:05:48 q 16:06:01 q+ 16:06:04 manu: Given that Gregg is west coast, 06:00 is difficult but of course 01:00 is bad for Kazue and Dan 16:06:17 manu: The question is how many people will we lose with either option 16:06:18 2 hours earlier also slams into just-set Solid CG weekly 16:06:34 ... How many other west coast people besides Gregg? 16:06:45 ack kazue 16:06:57 kazue: I wouldn't request 2 hours earlier, but one hour would e very nice 16:07:18 markus_sabadello: That would be midnight for Japan - that's very generous of you to suggest that. 16:07:31 gkellogg: I can do 07:00 yes 16:07:33 q+ 16:07:39 markus_sabadello: Dan, how about you? 16:07:47 ack yamdan 16:07:56 yamdan: I can join if we meet just one hour earlier 16:08:10 A doodle poll also seems worthwhile, to try to get opinions of anyone not on *this* call 16:08:16 markus_sabadello: Then I think I can say thank you to everyone. For me in Europe it's always easy 16:08:34 markus_sabadello: So we'll start an hour earlier next time (2 weeks time) 16:08:55 TallTed: It seems worthwhile taking a Doodle Poll to include people who are not on *this* call 16:09:26 markus_sabadello: I would propose, rather than a Doodle which will be difficult to get everyone to vote, we'll just send a note to the list and ask for comments 16:09:28 present+ 16:09:37 ... We'll give it a week or so and of no one objects, we'll go for it 16:09:40 phila: +1 16:09:45 sure. a poll is a poll. :-) 16:10:13 Topic: FPWD of the RCDH deliverable 16:10:37 markus_sabadello: We still have an open question whether it's going to be one or two docs. Time will tell. We can figure that out 16:10:48 ... but important I think to start with something concrete 16:11:04 ... latest state of the doc - we have 2 algorithms 16:11:15 https://github.com/w3c/rch-rdc/issues/4 16:11:25 https://github.com/w3c/rch-rdc/issues/6 16:11:41 markus_sabadello: We've had some opinions on the two options and how to start with something concrete 16:11:58 https://github.com/w3c/rch-rdc/ 16:12:03 ... I don't think we've come to a decision yet. At the same time, in practice, the repo has a lot of activity 16:12:18 ... Gregg has done a lot of work based on the URDNA2105 doc 16:12:26 ... That's what's now in the repo 16:12:39 gkellogg: I believe that we are tasked with bringing that as a FPWD. 16:12:58 gkellogg: That doesn't pre-decide the output. 16:13:10 ... I've prepared everything so that we can make a decision today 16:13:40 markus_sabadello: We haven't decided formally how we want to start. In theory, we could start from scratch but in reality, best way os to start with that doc as a basis but add issues to the doc 16:13:51 AndyS_ has joined #rch 16:13:52 ... to explain that there are multiple choices to be made 16:14:15 markus_sabadello: Want to find a balance between having a concrete starting doc and not precluding or assuming anything 16:14:40 +1 to adding issues and publishing what we have right now. 16:14:54 q+ 16:14:56 markus_sabadello: I think starting with what we have now makes sense - with issues added 16:15:01 ack gkellogg 16:15:33 gkellogg: There are issue markers. Phil put in a PR to make sure the open issues are mentioned within the doc. From what you say, Markus, maybe we need something in the intro that makes that more explicit 16:15:51 gkellogg: That would make it more obvious and easier to give feedback 16:16:17 markus_sabadello: I agree. Maybe a sentence or so. I was thinking just linking to that one issue where we have been discussing those two algorithms 16:16:25 q+ to support the approach, and note that Data Integrity needs to reference /something/, right now it's the CCG spec. 16:16:27 gkellogg: There is a link - that's there, but it's one of several 16:16:40 ack manu 16:16:40 manu, you wanted to support the approach, and note that Data Integrity needs to reference /something/, right now it's the CCG spec. 16:17:11 manu: Just a +1 to support the notion of let's publish what Gregg has published to date. Make it clear that there are open issues and that we're looking for feedback 16:17:59 q+ 16:18:02 manu: One of the things I'm worried about is that the Integrity Spec links back to the CCG spec in a non-normative way and is going to FPWD tomorrow 16:18:17 AndyS has joined #rch 16:18:18 ack ivan 16:18:24 manu: So I'd like to be able to link to the RDC spec as soon as possible. 16:18:52 +1 to Ivan and Manu, +1 to get FPWD out 16:18:58 ivan: I wouldn't worry too much about that. But I am also very much in favor of getting the RDC FPWD out as soon as as we can. 16:19:08 q= 16:19:20 q+ 16:19:22 q+ 16:20:06 ack gkellogg 16:20:13 https://w3c.github.io/rch-rdc/spec/ 16:20:55 https://github.com/w3c/rch-rdc/pull/26 16:20:58 gkellogg: There were two PRS 16:21:25 gkellogg: This one adds some more descriptions and examples, including diagrams, which make it easier to follow. 16:21:32 ... and the PR ... 16:21:35 https://github.com/w3c/rch-rdc/pull/14 16:21:56 gkellogg: This just is bookkeeping. The original spec. The question is around the short name. 16:21:57 +1 to the diagrams in #26 16:22:18 q+ to note would prefer a more descriptive shortname. 16:22:28 gkellogg: The auto-generated short name is rch-rdc but there's a longer version 16:22:55 markus_sabadello: Do you think both of these PRs should be included before FPWD? 16:23:13 gkellogg: The examples make it easier to follow and sets up a template for future exmaples 16:23:46 q+ 16:24:07 gkellogg: if you look at the PR, the prview version doesn't seem to show the diagrams but I've linked to those. 16:24:20 ... There are issues around a11y that we will address in due course 16:24:23 ack ivan 16:24:59 ivan: Gregg said most of what I wanted to say. If I can play staff contact for a moment. Yes Gregg we need to decide on a short name and that must be part of the resolution that we pass 16:25:33 +1 to use Echidna for publishing. 16:26:05 ivan: We need as a separate resolution or as part of the main one that we want to use Echidna. It means that once FPWD is set up, then any PR merge triggers a new publication 16:26:42 ivan: It's normal that the preview doesn't include diagrams - that's life. 16:26:42 q? 16:27:25 manu: Looks to me as if `rdf-dataset-canonicalization' is the best short name 16:27:40 ... The other alternative is `rdf-dataset-c14n' 16:27:46 q+ 16:27:49 ... And +1 to using Echidna 16:27:54 q+ 16:27:57 ack manu 16:27:57 manu, you wanted to note would prefer a more descriptive shortname. 16:27:58 ack manu 16:28:04 ack phila 16:28:29 -> https://github.com/w3c/rch-rdc/issues/1 Issue 1 16:28:29 scribe+ 16:28:30 phila: I haven't had a change to look at them yet, but I'm really pleased ... as far as examples are concerned, we can probably close that issue because you've done it. 16:28:47 phila: Given that you've put examples in, I would propose that can be closed, thank you for doing it. 16:28:56 phila: On the short name, "rdf-dataset-canonicalization" is not short. 16:29:05 phila: Actually, I would prefer "rdc". 16:29:16 phila: I actually type in the names of these things directly, I don't want to do that. 16:29:35 sebastian: You can also spell canonicalization differently depending on where you live. 16:29:47 q? 16:29:51 scribe- 16:29:55 ack ivan 16:29:55 q+ 16:30:22 ivan: There is a minor thing we have to decide... when we put docs into the official publishing list, we have to give them a category for search terms 16:30:52 ... It's not urgent but PA will be asked. We could say 'security' and 'semantic web'?? But we need an agreement 16:31:03 markus_sabadello: Do we have to do that for FPWD? 16:31:24 ivan: We have to it for when the staff contact makes th official publication request. It doesn't require a formal WG resolution 16:31:36 q? 16:31:37 q? 16:31:40 ack gkellogg 16:31:57 gkellogg: I put some other ideas forward. rdf-c14n, rdf-canon 16:32:17 +1 to rdf-c14n 16:32:29 gkellogg: For the Echidna process, we created some GitHub actions that would push the publication when PRs were made to a specific branch 16:32:38 q? 16:32:40 gkellogg: That's probably the way we want to go 16:32:46 q+ 16:33:02 markus_sabadello: I think Echidna on the main branch makes most sense to me. Saves additional admin work 16:33:34 q+ to every new PR is a new WD -- storage is cheap? 16:33:38 gkellogg: That means every PR creates a new publication. If we have a separate branch, we can agree informally to then push ones we ant to publish to that branch 16:33:44 markus_sabadello: That sounds like additional friction 16:34:03 q- 16:34:06 gkellogg: I think we always have to link to the previous draft - is that automated? 16:34:08 ivan: Yes 16:34:26 markus_sabadello: On the name, I assume the short name would be the same as the GH repo? 16:34:31 ivan: Doesn't have to be 16:34:47 markus_sabadello: It seems good practice even if not technically required 16:34:55 ack markus_sabadello 16:35:09 gkellogg: I would support making the GH repo name the same - saves later confusion 16:35:26 gkellogg: We should also consider short names for the other docs 16:35:47 markus_sabadello: We're not yet sure whether there will be one or two docs. So we should avoid a name that implies only one 16:36:12 markus_sabadello: Calling it canonicalization can include hashing, but if we put in hash we coldn't include c14n 16:36:19 https://www.w3.org/TR/ 16:36:52 ivan: Coming back to the tags issue. If you go to the /TR page, the search bar ives you a pull down for tags. We could create a new one, but I think data and security probably cover it 16:37:39 q+ to favor automatic publication, it's easier on everyone. 16:37:44 ivan: I have been in WGs that use the model that Gregg describes, but I've also been in ones that use the main branch. When I had my arm twisted in the DID spec to use the main branch it turned out to be simpler 16:37:46 ack ivan 16:37:47 +1 to rdf-canon, personally :) 16:37:59 +1 to rdf-canon from me too 16:37:59 ivan: So I am in favor of auto publishing from the get go. 16:38:27 ivan: You can have PRs merged several times in a day and it will do the right thing. Dates and all that are taken care of 16:38:43 +1 to rdf-canon 16:38:50 +1 to letting the robots do what they like to do 16:38:54 ivan: We've never hot any problem on that front with Echidna, so I'm in favor of using the main branch. 16:38:57 q? 16:39:09 ack manu 16:39:09 manu, you wanted to favor automatic publication, it's easier on everyone. 16:39:35 manu: Just to underscore what Ivan was saying. I've had nothing but good experiences using the main branch. 16:39:56 +1 to rdf-canon 16:40:02 can somebody share a link for Echidna? I am not familiar with it. 16:40:19 https://labs.w3.org/echidna/ 16:40:23 POLL: Which short name should we use for our first deliverable? Options: rdf-rdc, rdf-dataset-canonicalization, rdf-c14n, rdf-canon, or any other. 16:40:38 thanks, manu! 16:40:44 rdf-canon or rdf-c14n 16:40:44 +1 to rdf-canon 16:40:46 phila: rdf-canon 16:40:47 rdf-canon 16:40:49 rdf-canon 16:40:52 rdf-canon 16:40:54 rdf-c14n > rdf-canon > rdf-rdc > rdf-dataset-canonicalization 16:40:54 rdf-canon 16:40:59 rdf-canon 16:41:05 rdf-canon 16:41:14 rdf-canon > rdf-rdc 16:41:20 rdf-c14n > rdf-canon > rdf-cdc 16:41:30 rdf-canon > rdf-c14n > rdf-rdc > rdf-dataset-canonicalization 16:41:33 markus_sabadello: That looks like a clear preference 16:41:47 markus_sabadello: Anyone opposed to rdf-canon? 16:42:26 +1 16:42:46 q+ 16:43:30 q- 16:43:47 gkellogg: Should we merge the two outstanding PRs 16:45:40 +1 16:45:51 Proposed resolution: Merge PR 26 (examples) and PR 14 (remove old boilerplate) and mention Issue 6 in the intro 16:45:58 +1 16:45:58 +1 16:45:59 +1 16:46:04 +1 16:46:04 +1 16:46:04 +1 16:46:08 +1 16:46:09 +1 16:46:10 +1 16:46:10 +1 16:46:14 +1 16:46:16 +1 16:46:22 +1 16:46:57 Resolution: Merge PR 26 (examples) and PR 14 (remove old boilerplate) and mention Issue 6 in the intro 16:47:09 Proposed resolution: close issue 1 that asks for examples 16:47:13 +1 16:47:16 +1 16:47:18 +1 16:47:18 +1 16:47:19 +1 16:47:19 +1 16:47:25 +1 16:47:25 +1 16:47:25 +1 16:47:31 Resolution: close issue 1 that asks for examples 16:47:31 +1 16:48:39 Proposed resolution: That the draft at https://w3c.github.io/rch-rdc/spec/ be published as a First Public Working Draft with a requested short name of "rdf-canon" and make use of the Echidna tooling. We suggest tags of "data" and "security" 16:48:41 +1 16:48:41 +1 16:48:44 +1 16:48:45 +1 16:48:45 +1 16:48:45 +1 16:48:46 +1 16:48:47 +1 16:48:48 +1 16:48:49 +1 16:48:50 +1 16:48:52 +1 16:49:03 +1 16:49:13 +1 16:49:26 Resolution: That the draft at https://w3c.github.io/rch-rdc/spec/ be published as a First Public Working Draft with a requested short name of "rdf-canon" and make use of the Echidna tooling. We suggest tags of "data" and "security" 16:49:44 q+ 16:50:00 gkellogg: We do have to decide on renaming the repo 16:50:06 +1 16:50:10 ... if we do so then someone will need to make that happen 16:51:04 I would be in favour of renaming the repository - much better to do it before FWPD 16:51:14 +1 16:51:42 Proposed resolution: that the rch-rdc GitHub repository should be renamed to rdf-canon to match the short name of the draft spec 16:51:46 +1 16:51:47 +1 16:51:47 +1 16:51:47 +1 16:51:49 +1 16:51:49 +1 16:51:49 +1 16:51:49 +1 16:51:50 +1 16:51:51 +1 16:52:01 +1 16:52:06 +1 16:52:15 +1 16:52:23 +1 16:52:37 seabass: Why do we have the resolution twice? 16:52:45 Resolution: that the rch-rdc GitHub repository should be renamed to rdf-canon to match the short name of the draft spec 16:53:02 phila: One is just to draft the resolution text, second time is to actually vote on it 16:53:21 markus_sabadello: I just want to mention the issue of editors 16:53:26 Topic: Editors 16:54:13 q+ 16:54:20 markus_sabadello: Right now we have Dave and Gregg. Phil and I contacted yamdan to see if he would also be interested in being an editor, would be able to review PRs and give his input that way 16:54:55 yamdan: I have to study/catch up, but I would like to contribute. I am willing to be a co-editor if possible 16:55:10 q+ 16:55:19 seabass: I'd be happy to help with editing, but that would be an editorial review more than a technical one 16:55:37 ack ivan 16:55:38 q+ to note that all members should review, and significant contributions would suggest becoming an editor. 16:55:44 yamdan: 16:55:44 q+ 16:55:44 q- 16:55:44 zakim, close the queue 16:55:45 ok, phila, the speaker queue is closed 16:55:54 ack yamdan 16:55:58 ack gkellogg 16:55:59 gkellogg, you wanted to note that all members should review, and significant contributions would suggest becoming an editor. 16:56:20 gkellogg: Great to have more editors. There's a lot to be done. My experience is that the expectation is that WG do review PRs and the state of the doc 16:56:53 ... and we have a call to the wider world to review. If your make a significant contribution, you'd be asked to be an editor 16:57:09 markus_sabadello: You don't have to be an editor to contribute to the doc - anyone in the Wg can write a PR 16:57:10 ack ivan 16:57:52 ivan: The practical admin steps to be done once the PRs have been done need to be done by Pierre-Antoine 16:58:06 markus_sabadello: we will reach out to him 16:58:34 ivan: This is one of the things that must have a staff contact 16:58:42 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:58:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/09-rch-minutes.html phila 16:59:19 markus_sabadello: We'll re-group in 2 weeks, probably an hour earlier 16:59:29 most important for different time will be updating the calendar item 16:59:30 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:59:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/09-rch-minutes.html phila 18:24:50 gkellogg has joined #rch 18:41:38 gkellogg has joined #rch 18:45:14 gkellogg_ has joined #rch 19:10:54 gkellogg has joined #rch 19:27:08 gkellogg has joined #rch 19:47:58 gkellogg has joined #rch 19:56:09 TallTed has joined #rch 20:00:22 gkellogg has joined #rch 20:08:14 gkellogg has joined #rch 20:13:59 gkellogg has joined #rch 20:15:22 gkellogg has joined #rch 20:33:31 gkellogg has joined #rch 20:34:18 Zakim has left #rch 20:52:34 gkellogg has joined #rch 21:27:05 gkellogg has joined #rch 21:37:41 gkellogg has joined #rch 21:56:18 gkellogg has joined #rch 22:10:53 gkellogg has joined #rch 22:57:57 gkellogg has joined #rch 23:14:58 gkellogg has joined #rch 23:33:50 gkellogg has joined #rch 23:50:12 gkellogg has joined #rch