15:55:42 RRSAgent has joined #publishingcg 15:55:42 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/11/09-publishingcg-irc 15:55:49 zakim, start meeting 15:56:23 zheng_xu has joined #publishingcg 15:59:03 AvneeshSingh has joined #publishingcg 15:59:35 present+ 16:00:18 present+ wolfgang 16:00:51 Scribe: wolfgang 16:00:55 gautier has joined #publishingcg 16:01:13 present+ 16:01:28 present+ 16:01:34 present+ 16:01:59 Publishing Community Group November session: 2022-11-09 16:02:16 jamesY has joined #publishingcg 16:02:46 present+ 16:03:09 gpellegrino has joined #publishingcg 16:03:28 Topic 1: recap 16:03:41 present+ 16:03:43 present+ 16:03:52 wolfgang: doing recap of last meeting 16:03:56 wendyreid has joined #publishingcg 16:04:00 liisamk has joined #publishingcg 16:04:04 present+ 16:05:36 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #publishingcg 16:05:39 present+ 16:05:44 present+ 16:06:16 Topic 2: counterfeiting TF 16:06:39 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/49 16:07:57 liisa: starting counterfeit TF - put an issue into Github repo - identify an authentic edition - files are stolen, manipulated and sold - purpose: passive income - find a way to identify files that are not authentic 16:08:25 Issue on the repo: https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/49 16:08:28 q+ 16:08:31 Paul_belfanti has joined #publishingcg 16:08:39 present+ 16:08:56 zheng: do you have a plan when the first meeting would be? 16:09:25 q+ 16:09:27 liisa: hopefully meet next week and then have follow-up meetings 16:09:28 q+ 16:10:27 wendyreid: part of this problem - this might be unique to one problem - Kobo has systems in place to avoid counterfeiting 16:11:08 ... case where a book is held on one platform - exclusivity contracts with 1 platform 16:11:16 q? 16:11:40 s/unique to one problem/unique to one platform/ 16:11:42 q+ 16:11:47 ... self-publishers may also be affected - solution should also be manageable for a self-publishing authors without deep tech expertise 16:11:50 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/39 16:12:16 Dan_Sanicola has joined #publishingcg 16:12:29 present+ 16:12:34 tzviya: another issue 39 that relates to that topic - we should include that in our discussions - problem is not exclusive to one platform 16:12:37 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/39 16:13:20 zheng: if more members will join this TF, we can launch the TF 16:13:32 q- 16:13:43 Topic 2: Repo issue: 47 16:13:50 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/47 16:14:12 How to write the OPF of a book containing two or more translations of the same work? #47 16:14:16 q+ 16:15:43 wendyreid: came to WG repo first - modifying OPF file for a book that contained several language versions of the same content - too late in the work cycle for EPUB 3.3 16:16:00 ... should explore more in detail 16:16:20 ... as a reader who wants a book with several translations in it 16:16:53 ... able to read + search + manage in the language of my choice 16:17:21 ... what are we going to do with content that has several translations in it 16:18:19 q+ 16:18:26 ... also interlinear text, e.g. opera librettos (original Italian, English, muscial notation at the same time) - how to do that and in an accessible way? 16:18:39 Zakim has joined #publishingcg 16:19:23 q+ 16:20:15 zheng: how do RS handle the several languages inside the OPF - in some RS OPF language info for choosing print fonts - 16:20:42 ... do we have more use cases for this issue? 16:21:02 q? 16:21:47 Naomi: long discussion in A11Y TF about A11Y metadata - we do have to note that A11Y Summary and features should be taken into account in this context 16:23:54 tzviya: interlinear - a lot of CSS work on that - classic example: interlinear Bible (Hebrew, English) or prayerbook - in EPUB this doesn't work yet - in OPF corresponding problem: which is the original language 16:24:00 q+ 16:24:15 q+ 16:24:19 ack me 16:24:23 ... how can I convey that this is a book with two languages 16:24:29 q? 16:25:11 ack Naomi 16:25:25 Naomi: a good example - doc without primary language - EU documentation - a lot of languages, but none is primary - potentially an edge case 16:25:54 ack we 16:26:37 q+ 16:27:13 jeff_griggs has joined #publishingcg 16:27:35 wendyreid: distributor reported errors about multiple occurrence of xml:lang or Dublin Core data which would be correct by the standard - if you have got several language versions of a title and a user wants to access it with still a further language 16:27:53 present+ 16:28:30 q? 16:28:38 ack zheng_xu 16:28:45 q+ 16:28:55 ... instruction manuals with many languages - if you are online, you may just download it in your language - we don't need to recreate print solution here 16:30:20 q+ 16:30:30 zheng: we do have use case of one book containing several languages, e.g. Bible - XML metadata should be able to handle parallel metadata for title, etc. 16:30:43 q? 16:30:49 ... suppose it can be handled in OPF 16:31:52 liisa: a lot of bilingual children's books - different languages on the same page - children's picturebooks in FXL show that 16:32:02 q+ 16:32:03 q? 16:32:03 zheng: may we have samples of that 16:32:09 ack liisamk 16:32:12 liisa: yes 16:32:13 ack Naomi 16:32:17 q? 16:32:30 Naomi: how does ONIX handle this? 16:32:53 http://www.onix-codelists.io/codelist/22 16:32:57 Gregorio: ONIX handles this - you may have textual metadata in several languages 16:33:15 Naomi: we may look at this as a starting point 16:34:19 Gregorio: Publication is in English - you put in descriptive metadata for the Chinese market for marketing purposes in China - but also publications with multiple languages 16:35:16 Naomi: interesting to see whether the retailer that rejected the product, would be able to handle a ONIX file like Gregorio described it 16:35:40 q? 16:35:45 ack wendyreid 16:37:21 Daihei_ has joined #publishingcg 16:37:28 present+ 16:37:59 wendyreid: distributors could have a reason for policing metadata - difference between translations of a book and a bilingual book - with a primary language or a target language 16:38:23 q? 16:38:25 Daihei__ has joined #publishingcg 16:38:33 present+ 16:38:49 ... we can't do the same thing as ONIX - in an OPF or JSON - we do have such content in the market so it's relevant to us 16:39:27 zheng: do we have an action item for this? What could be done to identify the gap? 16:39:41 q+ to suggest mapping to onix 16:40:01 wendyreid: not our business what this one distributor is doing 16:40:01 q? 16:40:20 +1 to tzviya 16:40:48 q+ 16:41:34 naomi: we want a guidance document for retailers how to handle such stuff, e.g. 3 dc:Title elements - what should be displayed? - ordering or sequence identifiers - this would be what we as CG would expect retailers to do 16:41:42 q? 16:41:47 ack tzviya 16:41:47 tzviya, you wanted to suggest mapping to onix 16:42:13 q+ 16:42:56 tzviya: hesitate to write a rec for retailers on metadata which are typically ignored - figuring how to handle multiple languages handling in OPF 16:43:26 q- 16:43:54 s/figuring how to handle multiple languages handling in OPF/figuring how to handle multiple languages handling in OPF by mapping to ONIX 16:43:57 gautier: on a RS perspective, it's very good to have a use case - in Thorium we will display the language that matches the language setting of the user - if none, we use the first entry 16:44:58 ... in some case you get a book as a French book though it also contains Arabic because your setting is French - glad to see that use case and have discussion about it 16:45:00 q? 16:46:12 zheng: map between OPF and ONIX regarding language metadata - test behaviour with different RS 16:46:19 q+ 16:46:50 Action Item: Map between OPF and UNIX + Test behavior of different RS 16:46:51 ack Naomi 16:47:09 Naomi: would not explore multiple renditions 16:47:28 Topic 3: Update from Ed-TF 16:48:46 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/46 16:49:06 paul: we do have a use case - changed start-time to 10 a.m. EST - Susan Neuhaus started a discussion with a university librarian nd created a use case - Gautier also formulated a use case (Issue 46) 16:50:38 q? 16:50:47 ack gautier 16:51:02 gautier: related to RS - Thorium will implement annotation system - as I user I may use different RS on several gadgets (mobile, Web browser, etc.) - way of annotating a doc that is cross-RS and cross-document 16:51:35 gpellegrino has joined #publishingcg 16:52:19 q+ 16:52:22 ... we are looking at Hypothesis - here you create an account at their web site - I would prefer not to depend on a specific account 16:52:29 q+ 16:52:40 paul: would that be a kind of database that may be accessed 16:53:29 gautier: Hypothesis is based on Open Annotations - you have to identify the book across different RS and store your annotations independently 16:53:41 q? 16:54:03 q+ 16:54:06 ack Naomi 16:54:20 naomi: don't know whether the Ed-TF has looked into the work of the Annotations TF a couple of years ago - could be a good starting-point 16:54:28 ack wendyreid 16:54:29 q+ 16:54:46 https://annotator.apache.org/ 16:54:52 https://readwise.io/ 16:55:52 wendyreid: you could de a straight implementation of Web Annotations - there is also readwise.io - but you will need some kind of infrastructure as a serviec to make that happen 16:56:20 https://www.w3.org/annotation/ 16:56:28 q+ to talk about issues with anno 16:56:36 paul: great to hear about work of the Annotation TF - 16:56:37 ack Paul_belfanti 16:57:26 liisa: other annotation discussions in the Publishing Salon - idea of selling annotations- where would we store more use cases 16:57:40 zheng: discuss that per mail 16:58:03 https://annotator.apache.org 16:58:20 q? 16:58:25 ack liisamk 16:58:29 ack tzviya 16:58:29 tzviya, you wanted to talk about issues with anno 16:59:16 tzviya: Annotation WG not TF - Hypothesis based on that work - Apache Annotator is an incubation - ready for use is basically Hypothesis - tough sell to get RS vendors accept interoperable annotations - 16:59:43 ... conversation with RS vendors needed 17:00:02 Topic 4: A11Y TF update 17:01:49 A11Y camp organized by LIA - discussed feedback from several countries to A11Y metadata - improve accessibility of MARC/ONIX metadata - survey held on A11Y summary (?) 17:06:32 jeff_griggs has left #publishingcg 17:06:57 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:06:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/09-publishingcg-minutes.html wolfgang 17:07:47 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:07:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/09-publishingcg-minutes.html wolfgang 17:13:10 gpellegrino has joined #publishingcg 17:49:03 rrsagent, make logs public 18:08:04 gpellegrino has joined #publishingcg 18:40:27 gpellegrino has joined #publishingcg 19:10:26 gpellegrino has joined #publishingcg 19:28:19 gpellegrino has joined #publishingcg 19:45:08 gpellegrino has joined #publishingcg 20:18:55 gpellegrino has joined #publishingcg 20:34:18 Zakim has left #publishingcg 20:46:13 gpellegrino has joined #publishingcg 20:55:39 wendyreid has joined #publishingcg 21:02:42 gpellegrino has joined #publishingcg 22:09:38 gpellegrino has joined #publishingcg 22:58:24 gpellegrino has joined #publishingcg 23:17:44 gpellegrino has joined #publishingcg