13:55:34 RRSAgent has joined #pcg-ed 13:55:34 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/11/02-pcg-ed-irc 13:59:24 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pcg-ed 13:59:56 nobody's on the Zoom--I must have an outdated link. 14:00:17 never mind, hi, Charles! 14:00:17 zakim, start meeting 14:00:17 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:00:18 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Paul_Belfanti 14:00:27 present+ 14:02:03 Meeting: Publishing Community Group, Education Task Force Telecon Date: 02 November, 2022 Chair: Paul Belfanti 14:02:30 Apologies, Zoom has decided to install updates... 14:07:45 CharlesL has joined #pcg-ed 14:07:49 present+ 14:07:49 present+ 14:08:04 agenda? 14:08:26 sue-neu has joined #pcg-ed 14:09:05 scribenick: sue-neu 14:09:30 agenda+ Review use case submitted by Gautier Chomel https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/46 14:09:30 agenda+ Review additional use cases (if any) 14:09:30 agenda+ Discuss challenges/progress on creating use cases 14:09:30 agenda+ Other business as time permits 14:09:44 agenda? 14:09:57 zakim, next item 14:09:57 agendum 1 -- Review use case submitted by Gautier Chomel https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/46 -- taken up [from CharlesL] 14:11:39 Paul - here we are at the first agenda item, Gautier did a use case, so let's look at it here 14:12:38 We should come up with a protocol for reviewing these.. 14:12:49 ...I don't think this is going to be an unknown topic here 14:13:41 Bill he did a very good job structuring this 14:13:59 Paul, this is very epub focused, and our scope is broader than that 14:14:16 perhaps we can add "or website" 14:14:37 Bill Can you make annotations on a website? You can bookmark a web page... 14:15:17 Charles a third-party host might be a solution 14:15:28 https://web.hypothes.is/ 14:15:53 Bill like a third party product? 14:16:18 Paul we can add some comments to this, and the next step is to bring this to the publishing community 14:16:36 I think this is ready for incubation, I'll get it on the list for the next meeting 14:17:02 Bill, there are things people are looking at, like locators, that could relate to this. 14:17:10 addressability is the problem 14:17:23 Paul what do you mean by addressability? 14:17:44 Bill the ability to point to a particular resource, we have CFI in Epub 14:18:19 Charles mentioned hypothesis of outside website in Use Case comments 14:18:32 zakim, take up next item 14:18:32 agendum 2 -- Review additional use cases (if any) -- taken up [from CharlesL] 14:18:39 Paul, we have no Use Cases, so we can talk about getting more 14:19:02 s/a particular resource/a location within a particular resource/ 14:19:05 I'm hopeful I'll be able to connect, but it's clearly going to be time consuming to find the right person who is ready and willing 14:20:34 I'm afraid the response would be too big if I post this on LinkedIN 14:20:55 SUSAN: I've had two good interviews 14:21:01 I'm still collating the data 14:21:26 I spoke to a librarian who manages digital collections 14:21:35 And an ebook producer consultant 14:22:01 Sue, were those education-focused? 14:22:12 Bill, yes. 14:22:19 Excellent! 14:22:25 I can share my Miro board with the data 14:22:47 She had a lot to say! 14:23:15 Yes, she works for a University 14:23:28 Graduate level clinical students. She helps them with their research 14:24:46 Sue's Miro board with interview data 14:24:50 https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVPHmhWnk=/?share_link_id=441991812353 14:25:14 Charles are journals worth looking into? 14:26:06 Bill most journals are online or use PDF, I'm doing a presentation on accessibility, and I make the point that a journal article is just html 14:26:32 I have a slide about What's so good about epub? I go line by line for six or eight advantages 14:27:00 I get acomment "What about PDFs"? and I point out that it isn't as accessible as epub 14:28:06 Bill I'm a member if Jats4r ? working group, working on Jax xml which is the linqua franca of journal publishing. I am on the accessibility task force. 14:29:15 I'm meeting with a physics based group that manages a server full of articles, highly visible, and will be talking with them about accessibility. 14:29:17 He 14:29:38 He's another good intervie candidate — what obsticles are you finding? 14:29:57 The biggest obstacle with journal articles is that the writers just want PDFs 14:30:50 Bill -I've got a slide that says "my journal readers want a PDF because that's what journal articles should look like" 14:31:36 Charles: that brings up another use case, DSO offices, students are asking for PDFs of a single chapter. What we need to be able to do is split up content in smaller pieces 14:32:00 ...there is probably a blind person who doesn't want a PDF 14:32:30 Bill there are probably html entities that are just chapters? Is it possible to pull those out 14:33:09 Charles if you had a server, you could send a link to the student that extracts only that chapter 14:33:39 Paul: that sounds like a problem that can be solved with technology that exists today 14:34:18 Charles what I keep hearing from DSO offices is that it is easy to take a chapter out of a PDF, but not an EPUB 14:35:23 Typically when the DSO department gets a request from a student they ask for the PDF from the publisher 14:35:58 Paul the DSO offices usually just ask for the raw data and they do the heavy lifting 14:36:38 DSO = Disability Services Office 14:36:40 Bill just extracting that html file might not be sufficient, there may be images and fonts, especially if diacriticals are required 14:37:20 Charles to make it more broad, when extracting a chapter from an EPUB we would want the flexibility to make it a web page 14:37:30 Students don't know how to deal with epubs 14:37:59 Bill, they probably all have Kindles or Kobos but don't realize it started as an epub 14:38:17 Charles: I will try to write up that use case today 14:38:34 Paul, this was a good meeting 14:38:41 s/diacriticals/diacriticals or special scripts/ 14:39:31 Susan: I like this time, too 14:40:09 rrsagent, make logs public 14:40:24 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:40:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/02-pcg-ed-minutes.html CharlesL 14:41:42 regrets+ Tzviya, Rick 14:41:45 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:41:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/02-pcg-ed-minutes.html CharlesL 14:41:49 s/a particular resource/a location within a particular resource/ 14:42:03 chair: Paul 14:42:07 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:42:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/02-pcg-ed-minutes.html CharlesL 14:43:20 trackbot, end meeting 14:43:56 rrsagent, bye 14:43:56 I see no action items