ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force

01 November 2022


isaacdurazo, jongund, Matt_King
Matt King

Meeting minutes

Design Discussion for AT Support Tables

<Matt_King> MK: Goal to have AT support tables for at least a few examples in APG before year end.

<isaacdurazo> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2520

<Matt_King> Isaac: This shows a stretch goal of embedding capability so people can share/use these tables on other sites.

<Matt_King> The baseline goal for this first build would show the table of support for 3 screen readers and multiple browsers.

<Matt_King> Still working on adding version numbers to AT.

<Matt_King> We don't yet show that in aria-at.

<Matt_King> Matt: described aria-at working process and definition of test plan status

JN: Have you looked as CSS reporting for WPT, its something out there

ID: They use numbers rather than progess bars

JN: I am not saying I like it, it has accessibility problems, maybe we can work with them

ID: I lost the last part

<jamesn> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#the-color-property

JN: I think we should work with other groups for consisency and accessibility

MK: Are you talking about the presentation

JN: They are using pie charst with green and red, which is not accessible

MK: For at least this first iteration, we do not want to expand the scope

MK: If you have some feed back that would work for us and WPT, we could get feedback from APG ussers

MK: That might be a first step

JN: I will think about that, and I like consistency

JN: We need it for ARIA spec too

MK: I like the idea of consistency as a target

MK: Right now WPT is using pies and we are using progress bars

ID: We are using spec document, I have not seen the pie charts, x out of y in ttheir results and then they use color codes...

ID: One thing that I am wondering percent versus numbers

ID: You don't know the number of tests

JG: Concerned about using the numbers, it maybe too much informationo

MK: I feel strongly about the numbers, we will be using it for new features, and there will be questions about implementation

MK: I think our readers will understand

JN: Can we promote competition for implementation

MK: I have two different forms of slider or carousel, if they are different people can compare implementation

MK: Helping people make simple comparisons is important on implementation

ID: I like the idea of helping people compare

ID: Can we move to next item

ID: The table will be assistive technology support

ID: We will have a paragraph instead of a table evenetually

ID: We will be changing the structure of the table, there will be more ATs than browsers, so more columsn than rows

ID: Adding "candidate" versus "recommended"

ID: The cells are clickable and take you to aria-at results

ID: When you click the progress bar it will take you to the test plan

ID: When you click on the embed button it will open something to copy... lot's of options....

ID: That is for next year

MK: That's great

MK: When there is no data, I want people to know not to scroll down there

ID: The heading will be updated

MK: "Data is not available", thank you Issac

QA plan for restructured repository

MK: I have added to the PR a plan for what reviewers need to do, three different buckets

MK: We are not ready for that yet, alex is on the call

MK: This is a PR that keeps gettign more complex

MK Alex can you share where we are?

AF: I am working on the WAI ARIA repo, I hope to have a link a week or so, we will have a simplier build system

AF: We are gettign somewhere

MK: Are there any technical issues, last week we talked about the warning and note classes

MK: There are 44 notes, will you be able to change the classes to markup

AF: I am not including that in the week time line, it would be helpful for some one to change the classes to markup

MK: Adding a an appropriate header...

AF: It needs to be wrapped in a DIV, it is currently on alot of different elements including lists

AF: We need a DIV and a headline ...

JG: What is that you need?

MK: I can make a branch and PR and JG could you add to it

JG: I can do that

AF: I think it is similar

MK: I will take a look at them by Thursday, make a note to myself

MK: Hopefully by next week..., I am hopoing for 6 people to help with the review

MK: About 60-90 minutes for the review

MK: We have until 11/30 to get it done, we will have a discussion before publishing

HZ: November 8th is a holiday at UI

MK: I will assign you with a bucket, we can discuss asynchronously

MK: Anything else Alex?

AF: I don't think so

MK: If we are planning on a deploy top production, that dennis has the redirects

AF: We are tracking that

Checkbox key repeat fix

<Matt_King> github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2425

MK: Is there any discussion about the premise of the issue

MK: Is this a bug

JG: The code fix seems to make sense

JN: Native checkboxes toggle on the keyup

JN: Change spacebar to space

MK: I requested review from sara and ..

MK: JG can you review

JG: Yes

MK: we need functional review and JS review

MK: Does this effect the regression test

MK: Are there regression test issues?

AF: I will look in to it

Rating slider issue

<Matt_King> github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2501

MK: There is a criticism that slider should not be used for ratings

JG: The issue is a disconnect between seeing something that looks like a slider and have a slider control

JN: What should it be?

MK: We all have opinions, use the role that looks like the thing

JN: There is not a rating thing

MK: Since there is not a rating role

JN: We should not having something that has half stars, if you want more there should be more stars

MK: JG where dod you find this?

JG: I have found one, they are not common

JN: I have not seen this

MK: Whether it supports or doesn't support half stars

MK: The half stars is the issue

JN: I agree

MK: We agree that half stars doesn't change whether slider is an appropriate role

MK: The next bullit is more relavent about no rail for drag

JN: I have to go

MK: Top of the hour

JG: It seems like we should get rid of the half stars

MK: The WCAG point is drag

MK: Since it is not obvious that it is draggable

MK: That and the fact that setting it to zero is not obvious, they might be ligitament

MK: I wondering a you can perceive whether you can drag, maybe there should ne something you can drag

JG: Are we creating an example that will not be used in real life.

MK: What are we demonstrating with this exampel that we are not doing with other examples

JG: APG should be provding more clarity than questions

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).


Maybe present: AF, HZ, ID, JG, JN, MK