Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) Teleconference

28 Oct 2022


kevin, Laura, krisanne, Daniel, MarkPalmer, shawn, Jade, Brent, Vicki, Michele
Carlos, Andrew, Sylvie, Brian


<scribe> Scribe: kevin

ACT Rules wording for evaluation tools submission form

<shawn> https://deploy-preview-79--wai-evaluation-tools-list.netlify.app/list-of-evaluation-tools/submit-a-tool#actrules


Brent: There has been some fine tuning of the wording around the ACT rule field.

<shawn> ( Pull Request for background and comments if needed : https://github.com/w3c/wai-evaluation-tools-list/pull/79)

Brent: If they have done an implementation then they can add a link to this.
... We also want to try to explain ACT rules and ACT rules implementation for those that don’t know.
... Are there any more comments on the language being used?

krisanne: Is this going to be a checkmark that they have a report in the filter?

shawn: Yes

krisanne: I think the wording is nice and simple and to the the point

RESOLUTION: Accept existing wording for the ACT rules implementation report

<Jade> +1 language much clearer than the last version

<krisanne> 1

<Laura> +1

<krisanne> +1

<shawn> +1

<Brent> +1


<MarkPalmer> +1

<daniel-montalvo> +1

<Vicki> +1

<Michele> +1

ATAG industry-specific briefs

Brent: We want to highlight that ATAG is for LMS and other tools and that people who create those tools should be aware of those guidelines.

<daniel-montalvo> https://github.com/w3c/wai-intro-atag/wiki/atag-briefs-requirements-analysis -> Requirements analysis

Brent: We are looking to create short pieces to highlight this.

Shawn: The goal is to talk to tool developers with the goal of helping them understand that their tool should meet ATAG, that it will help them and that it will be relevant.
... The briefs will seek to be written using their terminology to bridge the gap between ATAG and their language.
... The requirements analysis is really just to capture what we are looking to do.
... Any question on the requirements?

Michele: One use case that might be missing is website developers that create tools such as Wix?

Shawn: We could add this as a possible one. Daniel does this need discussion?

Daniel: I am not sure that we should add this given that any website could be used to upload content.
... This might introduce some confusion. The goal with this is to consider specific content authoring tools such as LMS or CMS.
... I could add if people really feel it is needed.

Shawn: Could list it as a possible. But just to clarify, Michele is talking about authoring tools that are used to create websites.

For example, Wordpress, Wix

Michele: Yes. This has relevance for example to disabled business owners who want to create a website but the tools may not work for them or produce accessible content.

Shawn: I think everyone is in agreement to start with Education.

Michele: These are called no-code tools which might include something like Dreamweaver.

Shawn: Coud we just tweak to say we are starting with Education and then two from other options and add in no-code as an option.

Daniel: Yes, we could add this as an option for future ideas.

Shawn: We are not 100% that social media will work out as a great option. This might be a better alternative.

Michele: I am not sure I understand the ‘Publishing’ one

Shawn: Basically ePub tools

Michele: So something about the ePub tool not being accessible as well as the tool creating accessible ePubs.

Shawn: Yes
... This is where having more options might be useful as we may not have enough domain knowledge.

Michele: If we are looking to prioritise areas where this is missing, then ePub may not be one of those.

Shawn: Tweak requirements to say that we are starting with Education and then we will explore other options from Publishing, Social Media or no-code tools.

<Jade> +1

Shawn: Other than that are we ok with the requirements analysis?

<shawn> +1

<Vicki> +1

<MarkPalmer> +1

<krisanne> +1

<Michele> +1

<Brent> +1 to add website development "no code" tools and order.

<Laura> +1


ATAG industry-specific briefs: Rough concept draft

<shawn> https://atag-briefs--wai-intro-atag.netlify.app/standards-guidelines/atag/education/

<daniel-montalvo> https://atag-briefs--wai-intro-atag.netlify.app/standards-guidelines/atag/education/

Shawn: To give some context, this is an Eagle review - that means it is a very rough concept draft. We are not at the level of detailed wordsmithing or anything at that level.

<Zakim> kevin, you wanted to say some of the personas should not be disabled people but lecturers seeking to support disabled learners

<Jade> Or a course administrator

<Brent> Kevin: Maybe add a persona of a lecturer that does not have a disability, but students with disabilities. To draw out the sense of supporting students (someone else) w/ disabilities.

<Jade> or learning designer

<shawn> +1 for first lecture has disabilities, and some others not. focus on supporting students with disabilities

Michele: Is there a place to help people to know what to do if they are running into inaccessible tools?

Shawn: Yes, although the target audience for this are tool developers not tool users

Jade: Personas could include learning designer or course administrators as possile options

Shawn: At a very high level, does this approach work in general?

Brent: This version is well laid out: summary, why this is important, some clear examples and direction to ATAG.

<Laura> +1 to Brent's comments

<Jade> +1

<Vicki> +1 to Brent

Brent: Right now there are four personas on the page. I would worry about adding more. Keeping it brief is good.

Shawn: Are we ok with this approach as summarized by Brent?

<shawn> acl Laura

<Jade> +1

Laura: Agree with Brents concerns. It is a good format and has about the right number of personas.

<Vicki> +1

<shawn> +1

<daniel-montalvo> We can try reworking existing personas based on feedback

<Laura> +1

<Brent> +1 to format and organization

<MarkPalmer> +1

<Michele> +1

Shawn: Jade brough up a point on different roles within the personas. We don’t have to keep the existing roles, these can be changed rather than adding new ones.
... Right now we have four examples. But how many examples should we have roughly?

<Laura> 4

<Jade> 3. always 3.

<MarkPalmer> 4

<Michele> 3

<Vicki> 3

<shawn> 3

<Brent> 4 personas/examples


Jade: You could easily swap out of some of the roles without changing much of the other story. But 3 is a good number to present.

<Laura> I don't feel strongly about 4. Definitely not more.

Jade: It might be that there is a bit of overlap that could be drawn into other sections.

Shawn: We could also be looking at which aspects of ATAG we are seeking to draw out.

Daniel: Yes, this is really as a high level approach just to highlight that this applies to those tool vendors reading this.

Shawn: We could have three examples with personas and then list some additional ones as bullet points at the end.

ATAG industry-specific briefs: How ATAG applies to LMS

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/atag/glance/

Shawn: If people could look at ATAG at a glance and for those familiar with LMS and course development, which aspect of ATAG will resonate most with LMS developers and project managers?

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say (for later) your procurers

<krisanne> +1 to Jade

Jade: Whenever tool vendors are talking about tooling they are thinking about the output not about the actual content creator

Shawn: Is the feeling that most should be Part A?

Jade: Yes

Shawn: If we are going to focus on Part A, what two might you pick?

Jade: Not sure based on just a short read

Shawn: What about Part B, is there one area that jumps out as neglected or done poorly?

Jade: Perhaps the promoting and integrating

Daniel: Are you saying you would take this out?

Jade: No, I really like this one

Laura: I like this format, it is clear and the approach makes it feel doable. I like this introduction.

<Jade> +1 to Michele

Michele: A big one is A3, the tool itself needs to be operable by users with disabilities. This can’t be repeated enough.

<shawn> Michele - A3 Editing-views are operable AND B2 Authors are supported in producing accessible content

<Jade> (+1 to michele for A3)

Michele: And B2 I often have to consider. If I have to use your tool and it prevents me from making accessible content then there is a comingling of legal responsibility.

Mark: A2, A3, B2 and B3 would be key ones for me.
... A2 is slightly less than A3 though if there is a strict 3 limit

Vicki: I would go for A2, A3 and B2

Laura: The list here seems doable, I am not sure why there is a need to weight some more than others.

Shawn: This isn’t about changing ATAG at a Glance, more about just what can we briefly pull out in the personas.

<Jade> my final vote is A2, A3, and B4 (which is a bit off track with the other votes...)

Shawn: Good to have a general idea of aspects of ATAG to highlight,
... Approach agreed to representing at least two disabled users,
... Limit of three personas
... Third persona to focus on designing for a disabled student

ATAG industry-specific briefs: Introducing ATAG

Shawn: Again, this is high level, looking to understand what works and doesn’t work

<shawn> "Accessibility standard for LMSs and other authoring tools"

<daniel-montalvo> https://atag-briefs--wai-intro-atag.netlify.app/standards-guidelines/atag/education/#accessibility-standard-for-lmss-and-other-authoring-tools

Brent: Should ‘Use ATAG …’ be higher up?

Shawn: Yes
... How do we better call out ATAG and how it can help in the link text?

Brent: Could call out Part A and Part be to call out the difference.

Kris Anne: Yes, this could help people think about it more

Vicki: Agreed

Shawn: If you look at the update, we purposly did not link early to avoid people disappearing off into the detail to quickly.

<Zakim> kevin, you wanted to say heading isn’t clear and needs to avoid using ‘authoring tool’ so quickly

<Brent> Kevin: I think we need to narrow down the heading of this section so it is more direct. Avoid talking about "Authoring Tools" until the very end.

<Brent> +1 to Kevin

Shawn: If you go to the ATAG overview, it links to all the other links. If that is the case, do we want to include them all or just the two summary documents?

<Brent> Remove the Standard bullet.

+1 to just having overview and at a glance

Shawn: Could change ‘learn more’ to ‘Getting started’ to help this.

Daniel: I would agree. Can get to the standard from many other places.

<Jade> +1

<Michele> +1

<Laura> +1

<shawn> +1

<Vicki> +1

Shawn: Proposal is to only link to Overview and At a Glance

<Brent> +1

<krisanne> +1


RESOLUTION: Link to Overview and At a Glance only

Shawn: Would you have some time to bring your domain experience to this?

Jade: If I can, yes

Shawn: As we develop this it would be good if there were others who might be able to bring more subject matter expertise.
... For example, Michele, might you be able to provide some thoughts on no-code?

Michele: Possibly

Shawn: There maybe some others, for example some of my contacts from Twitter.
... While the target audience is not procurers, I wonder if it is worth flagging that procuerers may be asking if your tool is accessible. If we can draw this out it might be helpful?

Brent: Yes


<MarkPalmer> +1 to Brent

Brent: Every vendor we ask says their tool is accessible and it is not. It would be good if there is somewhere to point them to to start thinking about this.
... If I was to draw this out, I would start with an example. Then in the conclusion as well. And ideally in the introduction as well!

Kris Anne: Agreed

scribe: Suppliers generally think about the outputs not the tool itself
... Sometimes the LMS is just the host for other content as well.

Jade: In terms of the legal observations the focus is on the user not the working tool

<shawn> Kevin: in UK Equality Act will cover employees and internal systems. everytting is covered. it's just where people are focused

Shawn: What would you say to suppliers?

Kris Anne: This is somethign to set yourself appart from other vendors

Jade: Make yourself more competative in the LMS market

Brent: Implementing ATAG is a marketing tool for those procurers looking to buy accessible products

Kris: You can be more confident that when you say it is accessible, it is

Jade: Help your customers meet your legal obligations

Daniel: These could be used as talking points directly to tool vendors

Brent: Learn how to include people with disabilities so you are not excluded as a purchase option

Video Scripts

<Brent> Content Repetition issue: https://github.com/w3c/wai-people-use-web-videos/issues/285

Brent: There are three sets of videos. There is a comment about possibly repetition across the Tools and Techniques and Diverse Abilitities and Barriers.

<Laura> done

<MarkPalmer> done

<Michele> done

<Vicki> done

Brent: In some cases some of the language may be similar or the same as language in other scripts or sequences.
... Is that ok? One comment from the subground was that the language in each script was very particular where there were definitions involved.
... Some of it was verbatim. Should we look to tweak this so that someone who is watching multiple videos doesn’t tune out from the repetition.

Jade: It would take a lot for someone to hear the repetition and consider it off putting. If this is a new topic to people, I don’t really see it as an issue.
... That it is written in the same way it will help to reinforce it, which is really what we want.

<Vicki> ok with repetition

Brent: If you are ok with a little bit of repetition as it may be in there, then could you say?

<MarkPalmer> ok with repetition

<Jade> ok

<Laura> +1 to repetition


<Michele> not sure

<Brent> ok with repetition

<shawn> 0 (prefer less. appreciation other perspectives. not a big deal.)

<daniel-montalvo> OK with repetition

Kris Anne: I had to drop off IRC but I would like to see what succinct would look like. I just want to make sure that nothing would get lost.

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say use case

scribe: If we are not sure on how people are not going to watch all of the videos.

Shawn: I envision that most people who watch any of the tools and techniques or diverse abilities and barriers will actually watch the compliation.
... So I would be very aware of the repetition, especially within a set of videos.
... When people are using in training, then I think they will use the individual ones through the training session but probably all off them.
... I think the persona videos are more likely to be individually consumed.
... This is all an educated guess though.

Brent: So, you would prefer to avoid repetition within a set. If it happens across sets of videos then it is less of an issue.

Shawn: Yes, but just to stress this is just my thought.

Brent: In conclusion, the majority of people are ok with repetition, some might be keen to see what it would look like without repeition, and a few are concerned how it would impact in particular use cases.

Video Scripts: Sign Language and Symbols

<Brent> https://github.com/w3c/wai-people-use-web-videos/issues/78

Brent: In the Perception and Presentation video and pages has references to sign language and symbols. Is everyone ok with the decisions identified in the issue?


Michele: When I opened this I was comparing to the written text and there was a mismatch. I would say that this is fine now.

<Jade> +1

Brent: Are you ok with this approach?

<MarkPalmer> +1

<Laura> +1

<Brent> +1

<shawn> 0

<Vicki> +1

<Michele> +1


<daniel-montalvo> +1

Brent: Any other questions regarding video scripts?

Finishing Out the Year!

Brent: There are a lot of things in play at the moment and there are going to be a lot of survey and reviews with quick turnaround.
... Want to just make sure that everyone has filled in the availability survey to make sure we can plan for good feedback.
... In order to be able to publish all this material before the end of the year, we are going to be tightening up the time for feedback windows.
... Just to remind that when participants join the working group they are agreeing to providing four hours work a week.

<shawn> reminder of how to provide actionable comments with priority : https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_Participation_Info#Comments

Brent: Based on the demands in the next couple of months it would be good if you could add the extra time built into your schedule as the work will be there.
... Also, just to flag there is a link to Comment Guidance that outlines level of comments. It will be really useful to ensure that comments are flagged appropriately as future enhancements or essential changes.

Authoring Tools List

Shawn: We looked at this to refresh last week.
... We want to get the submission form for this out as soon as possible to start gathering data for the tools list to be published in December.
... The submission form has a tiny user base. In that case the need for highly polished interface is less important.

<Brent> Authoring Tool Submission Form: https://wai-authoring-tools-list.netlify.app/authoring-tools-list/submit-a-tool

Shawn: The important thing is for use to ensure that we are capturing all the appropriate data.
... There will be a survey opened after this meeting asking about potential missing data, if you are ok with UI changes and if you are open to publishing.
... This will be open until Wednesday,
... If you need more time, please say as soon as you can.
... Remember you can always complete the survey with ‘I pass’

Brent: In the survey we will also ensure that we indicate if there is a hard deadline

Work for this Week

Brent: There are a couple of tweaks to be made and we will send out a link to teh survey.
... Remember that next Friday Europeans will be off Summertime hours but US folks won’t be

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Accept existing wording for the ACT rules implementation report
  2. Link to Overview and At a Glance only
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2022/10/28 14:29:21 $

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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/targetaudience/target audience/
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Succeeded: s/but if you complete sooner that would be great.//
Default Present: kevin, Laura, krisanne, Daniel, MarkPalmer, shawn, Jade, Brent, Vicki, Michele
Present: kevin, Laura, krisanne, Daniel, MarkPalmer, shawn, Jade, Brent, Vicki, Michele
Regrets: Carlos, Andrew, Sylvie, Brian
Found Scribe: kevin
Inferring ScribeNick: kevin
Found Date: 28 Oct 2022
People with action items: 

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