15:58:25 RRSAgent has joined #aria-editors 15:58:25 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/10/28-aria-editors-irc 15:58:37 meeting: ARIA Editors 15:58:37 chair: MichaelC 15:58:37 scribe: MichaelC 15:58:37 scribeOptions: -final 15:58:37 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria-editors/2022Oct/0005.html 15:58:37 agenda+ WAI transitions update 15:58:39 agenda+ Testing check-in 15:58:41 agenda+ Security / privacy sections for AAMs 15:58:43 agenda+ Continue discussion of process 15:58:47 agenda+ Next meeting 15:58:53 rrsagent, make log world 15:59:50 regrets+ Peter 15:59:52 present+ 16:04:50 scotto has joined #aria-editors 16:04:56 present+ 16:04:56 zakim, next item 16:04:56 agendum 1 -- WAI transitions update -- taken up [from MichaelC] 16:05:06 jamesn has joined #aria-editors 16:05:30 present+ 16:06:03 Matt_King has joined #aria-editors 16:08:24 spectranaut_ has joined #aria-editors 16:08:35 present+ 16:08:42 present+ 16:19:25 @@ 16:22:36 zakim, next item 16:22:36 agendum 2 -- Testing check-in -- taken up [from MichaelC] 16:28:46 Microsoft will provide tests 16:29:25 zakim, next item 16:29:25 agendum 3 -- Security / privacy sections for AAMs -- taken up [from MichaelC] 16:29:43 https://github.com/w3c/core-aam/pull/148 16:30:17 Need review of this, then propagate to other AAMs 16:32:41 zakim, next item 16:32:41 agendum 4 -- Continue discussion of process -- taken up [from MichaelC] 16:32:45 zakim, take up item 5 16:32:45 agendum 5 -- Next meeting -- taken up [from MichaelC] 16:33:24 Next meeting: 11 Nov 2022 (tentative due holiday)