17:00:54 RRSAgent has joined #aria 17:00:54 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/10/27-aria-irc 17:00:56 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:00:57 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jamesn 17:01:11 meeting: ARIA WG 17:01:36 agendabot, find agenda 17:01:36 jamesn, OK. This may take a minute... 17:01:36 present+ 17:01:36 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/2b92a902-1365-4ea0-8c68-9f8ae2106fe3/20221027T130000 17:01:36 clear agenda 17:01:36 agenda+ -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/3DwuAeJ 17:01:37 agenda+ -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/3zCumAv 17:01:39 agenda+ -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates 17:01:42 agenda+ -> AccName Role Traversal Proposal https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1821 17:01:49 agenda+ -> [normative][author] clarify widget in trees can only be group and treeitem https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1793 17:01:50 agenda+ -> Support aria-description https://github.com/w3c/accname/pull/69 17:01:53 agenda+ -> No mention of aria-placeholder in name/description calculation algorithm https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/17 17:01:56 agenda+ -> Consider the future of aria-flowto https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/630 17:01:59 agenda+ -> 1.3 blocking issues https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22ARIA+1.3%22+sort%3Acreated-asc+label%3A1.3-Blocking+ 17:02:15 dmontalvo has joined #aria 17:03:13 present+ 17:03:49 present+ 17:03:59 chair: spectranaut 17:04:08 scotto has joined #aria 17:04:48 scribe: pkra 17:05:09 zakim, next item 17:05:09 agendum 1 -- -> New Issue Triage https://bit.ly/3DwuAeJ -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:05:22 siri has joined #aria 17:05:47 chlane has joined #aria 17:05:55 spectranaut: two issues on ariaMixin from whatwg. 17:06:17 jnurthen: jcraig has been coordinating. 17:06:40 ... but I think Anne will move it forward. 17:07:14 aaronlev has joined #aria 17:07:55 spectranaut: which milestone? 17:08:04 jnurthen: let's add it to agenda next week. 17:08:24 spectranaut: accname 175. custom elements to at 17:08:29 ... same topic. 17:08:59 ... aria 1840 extend rowheader / row 17:09:28 adam: seems like a TH. 17:10:22 jnurthen: can someone respond and ask for more info? 17:10:38 chlane: I can ask for clarification. 17:11:06 spectranaut: there is a proposal in the top card 17:11:19 ... core-aam 151. 17:11:28 ... assign to me. 17:11:43 ... next: aria 1838 17:11:56 user agent MUST statements for 1.2 17:12:32 ... 1838 was easy to write a test for. but 1837 is different 17:12:44 jnurthen: wasn't that in core-aam? 17:12:49 ... 1.1 17:13:09 point 4.3 17:13:15 spectranaut: yes! 17:13:23 jnurthen: so this was just moved. 17:13:26 spectranaut: perfect. 17:13:46 jnurthen: the other section I think was also in core-aam 17:13:56 spectranaut: but for the future, we should think about tests for this 17:13:59 StefanS has joined #aria 17:13:59 zakim, next item 17:13:59 agendum 2 -- -> New PR Triage https://bit.ly/3zCumAv -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:14:03 present+ 17:14:55 spectranaut: aria 1839 17:15:26 ... reviewers? 17:15:36 scotto: I was looking into testing 17:15:58 jnurthen: jcraig please. apple's input would be good. 17:16:08 adam: I also did a bit of testing. 17:16:19 ... took the example with wilco, with a few more permutations. 17:16:46 ... I only looked at macos, chrome, VO. I'll add a link 17:16:57 scotto: I'll share mine to compare notes. 17:17:07 zakim, next item 17:17:07 agendum 3 -- -> Deep Dive planning https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:17:33 spectranaut: anything beyond accname discussion? 17:17:48 regrets+ CurtBellew 17:18:11 bryan: I didn't see any other responses. 17:18:59 spectranaut: Nov 3 or 10, 7pm Eastern. 17:19:06 aaron: no preference. 17:19:25 scotto: not today. 17:19:42 jnurthen: bryan, tell me when it's ready and I'll book the meeting. 17:20:09 zakim, next item 17:20:09 agendum 4 -- -> AccName Role Traversal Proposal https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1821 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:20:18 zakim, close this item 17:20:18 agendum 4 closed 17:20:19 I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:20:19 5. -> [normative][author] clarify widget in trees can only be group and treeitem https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1793 [from agendabot] 17:20:20 zakim, next item 17:20:21 agendum 5 -- -> [normative][author] clarify widget in trees can only be group and treeitem https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1793 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:20:35 scribe+ 17:20:54 pkra: need some guidance on what’s wanted here 17:21:16 ... secondary actions proposal seems to imply widgets could exist in tree item 17:21:30 ... so maybe we should wait until that concludes 17:22:05 jamesn: once secondary actions happens, we’ll need to update the text in many places, including this 17:24:06 pkra: original issue has to do with what can be contained in a treeitem 17:24:34 ... I’ll have another look 17:24:45 scribe- 17:24:48 scrib: pkra 17:24:51 scribe: pkra 17:24:59 sarah_higley has joined #aria 17:25:00 zakim, next item 17:25:00 agendum 6 -- -> Support aria-description https://github.com/w3c/accname/pull/69 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:25:11 spectranaut: where are we with this? 17:25:33 scotto: I've merged the html-aam work. 17:25:59 ... there's now just one section. 17:26:06 ... this PR just need to link to that. 17:26:15 ... unless we want to define all languages in core-aam. 17:27:14 aaron: I'm happy with scotto adjusting the PR 17:27:16 zakim, next item 17:27:16 agendum 7 -- -> No mention of aria-placeholder in name/description calculation algorithm https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/17 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:27:56 bryan: this was never actually added to the spec. 17:28:02 ... not sure where it would go. 17:28:13 or should go. 17:28:33 aaron: maybe we need a table where we check the accessible name. 17:28:45 ... where the name comes from 17:29:12 jnurthen: wouldn't html-aam be the place for this stuff? Sometimes points to accname, sometimes just HTML. 17:29:21 scotto: we already have placeholder there. 17:29:31 ... we could extend it. 17:29:42 ... I didn't put it there because it feels odd. 17:29:50 ... browsers implement is as a fallback. 17:30:09 jnurthen: I don't think it should be in accname. 17:30:16 chlane: it's not for the name. 17:30:28 scottto: right, it's a suggestion for someone writing input 17:30:35 ... it's giant footnote. 17:31:14 siri: I agree, it's a significant problem. 17:31:26 jnurthen: I just don't think it should be 17:31:37 spectranaut: seems like agreement. should we just close the issue? 17:32:01 jnurthen: we could put a note somewhere that aria-placeholder is not here because it should not be. 17:32:17 bryan: but how does it fit into APIs? 17:32:54 aaron: chrome exposes it if there's no other name. otherwise, we expose it through other means of the platform. 17:32:59 aria-placeholder 17:32:59 MSAA + IAccessible2 Object Attribute: placeholder-text: 17:32:59 UIA Property: HelpText: 17:32:59 ATK/AT-SPI Object Attribute: placeholder-text: 17:32:59 AX API Property: AXPlaceholderValue: 17:33:02 spectranaut: core-aam has a mapping. 17:33:22 aaron: e.g., on windows/linux, we use object attribute placeholder (if there's a name). 17:33:35 jnurthen: aria-placeholder oder placeholder? 17:33:38 aaron: either. 17:33:56 jnurthen: ok, maybe needs to be there then. 17:34:24 ... do you use placeholder when you're traversing to a child or just at the top level? 17:34:38 aaron: when we're coalescing stuff for the subtree, we'll use the placeholder if it became the accessible name. 17:34:48 ... we'll also use the value of the input 17:35:46 scotto: people often misuse placeholder for labeling. 17:35:59 jnurthen: if there's value, nobody sees the placeholder. 17:36:20 aaron: if user knows what it is, it doesn't seem too problematic 17:37:14 chlane: relates to a PR I'm working on. value and name seem so often the same. 17:37:24 spectranaut: what to do next? 17:37:36 scotto: mention it in step of html-aam. 17:38:04 jnurthen: instead of aria-placeholder, could you point to placeholder attribute mapping in html-aam? 17:38:16 scotto: that's what I've done. Could add "see placeholder" 17:38:28 jnurthen: I just don't want to encourage it. 17:38:49 scotto: could add a note to the opposite effect. 17:38:56 bryan: so should it be in accname? 17:39:06 spectranaut: needs to be in core-aam 17:39:22 jnurthen: but aaron said they go down the tree, so it would need to be in accname. 17:39:27 bryan: right. 17:39:53 jnurthen: we're not very good at calling out the different things. 17:40:00 bryan: "in the absence of everything" 17:40:04 jnurthen: "in this order" 17:40:11 aaron: that's how I'd prefer the document. 17:40:22 ... instead of prose, have more a table of precedence for the markup on a give note. 17:40:33 .. I know it mixes HTML and ARIA but it would be the most useful. 17:40:58 jnurthen: could map back to the different parts of HTML-aam. Half-serious here. 17:41:09 scotto: there's definitely a lot I still want to do. 17:41:15 jnurthen: but we don't link back from accname. 17:41:31 ... risk of getting into a loop. 17:42:48 spectranaut: scotto to continue. 17:42:57 spectranaut: can we land this before description changes? 17:43:10 jnurthen: I don't think we should. 17:43:27 scotto: I'll write some notes on the issue 17:43:29 zakim, next item 17:43:29 agendum 8 -- -> Consider the future of aria-flowto https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/630 -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:44:07 spectranaut: context: another issue was opened and we had asked to focus on this one. 17:44:56 jnurthen: flowto not working / not being useful has frustrated me, have run into good use cases. 17:45:00 ... I would love to fix it. 17:45:04 q+ 17:45:23 ... but it's unclear how much appetite there is for this. 17:46:02 aaron: getting AT to support aria-details. browsers was easy. AT, even when paying for it, takes forever. it's just very difficult for them. 17:46:09 q+ 17:46:15 ... so supporting more use cases might be a better idea. 17:46:25 ack jcraig 17:46:46 jcraig: I filed this in 2017 because even though we had some implementations, it was underspecified. 17:46:57 ... basically, only linear keyboard, only forward. 17:47:05 ... but we can have loops. 17:47:11 ... go backwards etc. 17:47:19 ... many to many relationship is not covered. 17:47:40 ... I'd be happy to revisit some APIs related to this concept. 17:48:00 ... I'd like the ability "this can flow to this other thing (incl. focus) and these are the relationship" 17:48:10 ... controls or owns relationsship could be examples. 17:48:19 q+ 17:48:27 ... when user hits hotkey, we can display these relationships. 17:48:38 ... flowto was just too naive, a single idref pointer. 17:48:52 ... devs weren't using it. implementations not thought out. 17:49:07 ... but we got busy and brennan raised it earlier this year. 17:49:23 ... after 1.5 years of little to no movement. 17:49:38 cyns: I remember there were use cases back then. ANyone know where to find them? 17:49:44 aaron: they were a bit handwavy. 17:49:57 ... I think original was java accessibility API, fed into ATK. 17:50:04 ... so we copied everything into aria. 17:50:24 jnurthen: diagrams, flowcharts, data visualzations are many 17:50:33 cyns: I think maybe power point wanted it 17:50:42 aaron: organizational chart could work with aria-details. 17:50:54 ... that would be something AT are actually working on. 17:51:05 ack sarah_higley 17:51:12 q+ to mention SVG connectors 17:51:42 sarah: I wonder if pop-up work, grid/flex order, maybe they are addressing the original use case 17:52:01 ... for flowcharts in my experience are not helped by flowto 17:52:05 aria-details does support one to many, and ATs are working on better support already! 17:52:10 ... too broad / general for this use case. 17:52:11 :) :) :) 17:52:30 ... ordering and popup might address the more general use case 17:52:40 jnurthen: flowto allows multiple idrefs 17:52:44 sarah: but how would that work? 17:52:52 jnurthen: wasn't saying it does. 17:53:28 q? 17:53:36 ... but you'd probably implement it naively. But piggybacking on details implementations might be a starting point. 17:53:56 cyns: graphics have very different structure. not saying flowto is helpful either. 17:53:57 ack scotto 17:54:38 scotto: use case flow charts, branching into multiple ones. right now we have to implement description text. and hoping you're using a keyboard. 17:55:21 q+ to say Would rather drop flowto baggage and instead explore how to make something SVG Connectors accessible. http://tavmjong.free.fr/SVG/CONNECTORS/index.xhtml 17:55:23 ... I'm in support of deprecating the feature. The support isn't there. aria-details is not yet fully implemented. So the counterpoints are not on point. 17:55:39 ack me 17:55:39 jcraig, you wanted to mention SVG connectors and to say Would rather drop flowto baggage and instead explore how to make something SVG Connectors accessible. 17:55:42 ... http://tavmjong.free.fr/SVG/CONNECTORS/index.xhtml 17:55:53 ... if there are still use cases left, something new might have a much better chance. 17:56:23 q+ to mention SVG connectors and to say Would rather drop flowto baggage and instead explore how to make something SVG Connectors accessible.http://tavmjong.free.fr/SVG/CONNECTORS/index.xhtml 17:56:33 aaron: we could expose flowto as details. we have a hint "details from" on some platforms. we could say "details from flowto". then existing AT could piggypack on that 17:56:40 q+ to reply to cookiecrook 17:56:43 ... they could change their wording to users. 17:56:56 jcraig: still a 1-1 unidirectional relationship 17:57:07 aaron: flowto supports many, details too. 17:57:11 ack me 17:57:11 jcraig, you wanted to mention SVG connectors and to say Would rather drop flowto baggage and instead explore how to make something SVG Connectors 17:57:13 ... accessible.http://tavmjong.free.fr/SVG/CONNECTORS/index.xhtml 17:57:26 jcraig: nothing in there "details for reason X" 17:57:50 aaron: we have an object attribute on ia2, atk to indicate that. could be done on mac 17:58:01 jcraig: but can the author influence? 17:58:10 aaron: e.g., via role 17:58:19 jcraig: I wanted to mention svg connectors. 17:58:29 ... many-to-many relationships 17:58:52 ... making something like that accessible. 17:59:05 ... not just that they're connected but text alternatives for the relationship itself 17:59:09 ... e.g., transitions. 17:59:17 BGaraventa has joined #aria 17:59:19 ... that would work in a much broader sense than flowto. 17:59:25 ... outside of flowcharts. 17:59:31 present+ bgaraventa 17:59:40 ... easy idea to understand, make that accessible. 17:59:44 ... could benefit widely. 17:59:59 q- 17:59:59 jnurthen: that sound interesting 18:00:05 jcraig: there's more than flowto and details here. 18:00:32 aaron: details takes the approach: in the forward direction, backwards automatic by the browser. 18:00:55 jcraig: multi-to-multi, how does the user choose the reverse direction? 18:01:03 ... maybe shift modifier. but then which one? 18:01:11 spectranaut: we're at the hour. 18:01:26 ... can we have a comment on the issue? 18:01:32 here is an example of flowto https://whatsock.com/Templates/Footnotes/Internal/index.htm 18:01:36 pkra: deep dive? 18:01:59 bryan: pasted link to example for footnotes with flowto. 18:02:04 ... works with jaws. 18:02:17 ... just an example of what works. 18:02:27 jcraig: deep dive should include stakeholders. 18:02:46 RRS agent, make minutes 18:02:48 s/how does the user choose the reverse direction?/how would the user know which reverse relationship to choose when there are multiple? The relationship itself is unlabeled and ambiguous./ 18:02:50 RRSagent, make minutes 18:02:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/27-aria-minutes.html pkra 18:04:13 bkardell_ has joined #aria 18:04:41 s/maybe shift modifier. but then which one?/using a pattern like shift+tab, the AT could present the multiple reverse relationship (incoming to the current element) but there is no author-provided label on the relationship to clarify that connection./ 18:05:38 s/I wanted to mention svg connectors./I wanted to mention SVG connectors. I don't know the implementation status but it has/ 18:07:37 s/making something like that accessible./If we took a pattern like flowcharts that are easy to understand and made that accessible, we may be able to re-use that pattern for other non-flow-chart use cases: For example, all the use cases of flowto, details, etc./ 18:09:47 s/deep dive should include stakeholders./If we have a deep dive on the topic, it should include stakeholders on the GitHub issue, like @BrennanYoung and @WeedySeaDragon/ 18:10:02 rrsagent, make minutes 18:10:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/27-aria-minutes.html jcraig 18:17:41 quit