10:59:22 RRSAgent has joined #wot-profile 10:59:22 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/10/26-wot-profile-irc 10:59:27 meeting: WoT Profile 11:01:12 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Michael_Lagally 11:01:16 chair: Lagally 11:02:04 mlagally has joined #wot-profile 11:02:22 McCool_ has joined #wot-profile 11:02:40 Mizushima has joined #wot-profile 11:03:24 Ege has joined #wot-profile 11:03:31 present+ Ege_Korkan 11:05:09 sebastian has joined #wot-profile 11:06:48 present+ Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima 11:07:15 scribenick: Ege 11:07:38 +1 11:08:38 mm: I would focus on urgent topics 11:08:45 sk: I agree with michael mccool 11:08:52 q| 11:08:54 q+ 11:08:58 s/q|// 11:09:02 mm: we have 3-4 PRs to handle 11:10:12 kaz: I would prefer to talk about the updating the schedule of the arch specification first 11:10:27 q+ 11:10:30 https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/charters/wg-2021-extension-plan.md 11:10:38 i/I would focus/topic: Agenda/ 11:10:40 mm: For the interest of time, we can skip the minutes today 11:10:52 ml: I would prefer to do the review since they will be published 11:11:34 kaz: regarding the main call agenda, we should create a resolution for the profile work regarding the reverting of the previous resolution 11:12:30 topic: Minutes Review 11:12:50 s/regarding the main call agenda/regarding the WoT Profile topic itself/ 11:13:31 ml: anything to be changed? 11:13:53 ml: we can publish 11:14:04 subtopic: Minutes of 20.10.2022 11:14:31 q= 11:14:33 q+ 11:15:10 s/q=// 11:15:17 kaz: The minutes are not about the profile, we can review them tomorrow 11:15:25 ml: true, we can do it tomorrow 11:15:40 topic: Profile Contributions and Issues 11:15:58 ml: no new issues except one and one new pr 11:16:10 s/a resolution for the profile work regarding the reverting of the previous resolution/a clear resolution about the WoT Profile work during the main call today, because we want to revert the previous resolution./ 11:17:34 s/I would prefer to talk about the updating the schedule of the arch specification first/If we want to use this "WoT Profile" call for the discussion on "WoT Architecture", we once need to see the updated schedule for the WoT Architecture spec first, and then make a resolution for reusing this slot for the Architecture discussion./ 11:17:38 sk: now there are 3 profile implementations 11:17:44 present+ Ryuichi_Matsukura 11:17:51 ml: now the topic about going for REC 11:18:02 ryuichi has joined #wot-profile 11:18:04 rrsagent, make log public 11:18:07 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:18:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/26-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 11:18:17 mm: We can change the proposal to say 3 weeks now 11:18:32 ml: we should mainly do architecture topics 11:19:48 proposal: The main focus of the architecture TF for the next 1-2 weeks is to achieve CR status of the architecture spec, so the profile call slots are temporarily primarily used for architecture. To ensure rapid progress of the Profile specification, the Profile work continues asynchronously on github / email, with on-demand discussion in the architecture calls, in case of any blocking issue. 11:20:07 q+ 11:20:44 ka: I am ok with the proposal but we should look at the schedule to see if we can make it for CR transition if we use this profile slot for architecture 11:20:53 s/ka:/kaz:/ 11:20:54 mm: we need cr resolution this week 11:21:21 mm: today basically 11:21:32 ml: what is the alternative? 11:21:48 i/anything to be changed/subtopic: Minutes of 19.10.2022/ 11:22:28 mm: there is a chance that we cannot get the extension, my AC rep would not support it 11:22:33 i|anything to be changed|-> https://www.w3.org/2022/10/19-wot-profile-minutes.html Oct-19| 11:22:42 ml: what would that mean? 11:22:52 mm: we cannot carry over CR to a next charter 11:23:11 mm: we have some slack at the end of january but we need that to take into change requests into account 11:23:25 ml: in the worst case, we end up with another WD 11:23:48 mm: no it would be a complete failure of the WG if that happens 11:23:53 q+ 11:23:55 mm: we need to get these out of the door 11:24:01 q? 11:24:03 ack k 11:24:08 ack s 11:24:21 proposal: The main focus of the architecture TF for the next 1-2 weeks is to achieve CR status of the architecture spec, so the profile call slots are temporarily primarily used for architecture. To ensure rapid progress of the Profile specification, the Profile work continues asynchronously on github / email, with on-demand discussion in the architecture calls, in case of any blocking issue. 11:24:33 s/I am ok with the proposal but we should look at the schedule to see if we can make it for CR transition if we use this profile slot for architecture/I'm OK with the proposal above itself, but we should quickly skim the updated publication schedule to see if it's really feasible for us to finalize the WoT Architecture spec if we use this WoT Profile call for the discussion on WoT Architecture, e.g., for 4 times./ 11:24:43 resolution: The main focus of the architecture TF for the next 1-2 weeks is to achieve CR status of the architecture spec, so the profile call slots are temporarily primarily used for architecture. To ensure rapid progress of the Profile specification, the Profile work continues asynchronously on github / email, with on-demand discussion in the architecture calls, in case of any blocking issue. 11:24:54 q? 11:25:19 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:25:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/26-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 11:25:41 topic: Issues 11:25:58 i|we need cr|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/charters/wg-2021-extension-plan.md updated publication schedule| 11:25:58 ml: here are the ones to close 11:26:34 ml: there are none with close or defer label, none with close next week 11:27:01 ml: we have some housekeeping issues 11:27:18 q? 11:28:09 s/Profile Contributions and Issues/WoT Profile discussion/ 11:28:21 ml: we have an issue about logilab+siemens tdd 11:28:26 s/topic: Issues/topic: WoT Architecture discussion/ 11:28:35 ek: Michael McCool should move the events folder input to the data inputs 11:28:42 s/here are the/subtopic: Issues/ 11:28:45 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:28:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/26-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 11:29:02 subtopic: issue 864 11:29:20 mm: we can turn it into an informative statement 11:29:46 mm: if we get implementations, we can add an informative explanation 11:29:50 s/subtopic: Issues/here are the/ 11:30:08 i|ones to close|subtopic: Issues| 11:30:10 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:30:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/26-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 11:30:33 topic: PR 858 11:30:44 ml: this is about the implementation report 11:30:49 ml: do we have a rendered version 11:31:14 i|we can turn|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/issues/864 Issue 864 - arch-security-consideration-avoid-direct unclear| 11:31:41 mm: we have 15 implementation descriptions 11:31:49 i|this is about|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/858 PR 858 - Prep for CR, finalize IR and document at-risk items| 11:31:52 q+ 11:32:14 mm: I have added a statement about using older inputs 11:32:34 i|this is about|-> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/mmccool/wot-architecture/pull/858.html Preview of the spec| 11:32:37 mm: we have decided months ago to use old inputs for compatability testing 11:32:51 i|this is about|-> https://cdn.statically.io/gh/w3c/wot-architecture/a1aecbf83fcd5a20e8e06c226edf454f90ecf729/testing/report11.html Draft Implementation Report| 11:33:22 ml: This makes sense for TD but not for arch 11:33:27 mm: I can remove it, no problem 11:37:35 ml: about the contributor list 11:37:50 q+ 11:38:01 mm: these are just implementation descriptions 11:38:39 ml: we have information about the contributing member in 80% of them, would be nice to have in all 11:38:50 ack e 11:39:02 dape has joined #wot-profile 11:39:09 ml: do you know who did the echonet implementation? 11:39:14 kaz: we can check it offline 11:40:45 s/it offline/the details offline later/ 11:41:09 mm: we can update it as soon as I have the information 11:41:17 ack k 11:41:45 q+ 11:43:06 ml: we need to show that enough companies are implementing it 11:44:15 q+ 11:44:19 ack s 11:44:41 mm: for details, I would not ask implementers to say the usefullness of each feature, which are more than 400 in the TD 11:44:57 sk: siemens has multiple implementations with different developer teams 11:46:53 ack k 11:46:58 kaz: the report does not have to be perfect at this transition 11:47:05 ml: has the report change since last time 11:47:20 mm: Not much, two assertions that are not about privacy and security are at risk 11:47:40 s/the report does not have to be perfect at this transition/please remember that what is required for the CR stage is getting sufficient implementations based on the draft Implementation Report./ 11:48:53 mm: In case some assertions are not implemented, we can follow the instructions in the document 11:48:54 s/draft Implementation Report./draft Implementation. So the Implementation Report doesn't have to be perfect at this stage. The more important is clarifying the "features at-risk" so that we clearly state them within the SoTD section of the CR draft./ 11:49:22 mm: there are PRs that can change the text, I will adapt my tool. If they are not critical, I think we can defer them to the CR period 11:51:06 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/855 PR 855 - Clarify interaction affordance binding mechanisms 11:51:18 -> https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/855.html Preview 11:51:29 subtopic: PR about adding profile to protocol bindings 11:52:30 q+ 11:52:34 s/subtopic: PR about adding profile to protocol bindings// 11:52:37 ml: anyone have concerns 11:52:44 i|there are|subtopic: PR 855| 11:53:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:53:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/26-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 11:54:32 q+ 11:54:34 q? 11:55:16 https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/860 11:55:52 q+ 11:56:12 q+ 11:56:14 ack ege 11:56:16 ack mc 11:56:38 ek: allowing protocol bindings to happen via profiles is breaking the design 11:56:48 ... it is not clear what a profile can be 11:57:22 mm: I have a proposal in one of the profile 11:58:30 q+ 11:59:22 dp: I want to mention Sebastian's contribution, just saying that it is a set of assertions is too open 11:59:30 ack d 11:59:39 ack dape 11:59:43 ack mc 12:00:26 ml: I have a PR to add a definition 12:00:33 ml: also, a Thing is always with a TD 12:01:07 ack k 12:01:17 kaz: @@@ 12:02:05 s/@@@/We have to clarify whether we need to add (normative) changes to the specification text or not before moving the main call./ 12:02:23 kaz: can we finish the PRs in tomorrow? 12:02:29 sk: if we focus on these, yes 12:02:45 q? 12:02:47 ml: let's do it asynchronously 12:03:03 s/main call./main call. If we need to, unfortunately, we once postpone the CR transition resolution for Architecture today, and should continue the discussion during the Architecture call tomorrow./ 12:04:56 s/tomorrow./tomorrow. After the finalization during the Architecture call tomorrow, we can make another resolution by email, etc., if needed./ 12:04:58 [adjourned] 12:05:07 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:05:07 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/26-wot-profile-minutes.html kaz 14:00:02 Mizushima has left #wot-profile 14:08:26 erichb has joined #wot-profile 14:15:23 erichb has left #wot-profile 14:31:50 Zakim has left #wot-profile