Publishing CG Education TF

19 October 2022


CharlesL, Chiara De Martin, PBelfanti, Sal Hewavita
Bill, Tzviya

Meeting minutes

Review Consent Framework

<PBelfanti> https://docs.google.com/document/d/11rNlpstS6KgQxt6pqTrRN6v0rp-R61QPThHteX7FmJ4/edit

Paul: we discussed this last week if we were talking to a Student, instructor, parent. its pretty heavy handed. I think it is overkill.
… , we could take some of its verbiage.
… , could be useful in an introductory email etc.
… , I don't see it necessary to have signatures. couple lines could be helpful.

charles: I don't think having a signature is necessary but we could modify this to suit our needs and put it as a statement of how we deal with privacy.


Paul: there is a template form in the github repo.

Sal: I saw that use-case for a11y

Paul: there was some comments was pointed out that you don't need to include a possible solution. Most use cases won't have this.
… , no one should expect to give a solution. just the pain points to be addressed.
… , we will vet it in this group or bring it up to a WG. There may be a solution already which may not be known.
… , Template is a guide. use you judgement.
… , no need to duplicate.

<PBelfanti> https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/

Paul: , A person I was thinking of asking for use-cases left the company.
… , We need use cases now.

Charles: May want to consider a new time slots?

Paul: its a fair point we did do an extensive poll originally. 9AM Eastern might not be ideal for the west coast.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: CharlesL

Maybe present: charles, Paul, Sal