14:45:55 RRSAgent has joined #maturity 14:45:55 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/10/19-maturity-irc 14:45:57 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:45:58 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Fazio__ 14:46:19 meeting: Maturity Model Subgroup 14:46:34 Chair: Fazio, Sheri BH 14:48:27 present+ 15:01:54 janina has joined #maturity 15:01:56 Sheri_B-H has joined #maturity 15:02:05 zakim, who's here? 15:02:05 Present: Fazio, nadine, sheri_b-h, janina, jlkline, maryjom, Lionel_Wolberger, JakeAbma, kline, Lionel_Wolberger_, CharlesL, present, Fazio_, Fazio__ 15:02:07 Lionel_Wolberger has joined #maturity 15:02:09 On IRC I see Sheri_B-H, janina, RRSAgent, Fazio__, jspellman, Zakim 15:02:10 present+ 15:02:22 nadine has joined #maturity 15:02:22 q? 15:02:26 agenda? 15:02:27 present+ 15:02:47 zakim, whose here 15:02:47 I don't understand 'whose here', Sheri_B-H 15:02:56 zakim, who's here? 15:02:56 Present: Fazio, nadine, sheri_b-h, janina, jlkline, maryjom, Lionel_Wolberger, JakeAbma, kline, Lionel_Wolberger_, CharlesL, present, Fazio_, Fazio__ 15:02:59 On IRC I see nadine, Lionel_Wolberger, Sheri_B-H, janina, RRSAgent, Fazio__, jspellman, Zakim 15:03:27 present+ 15:03:37 trackbot has joined #maturity 15:05:51 scribe+ 15:06:21 scribe+ 15:06:34 present+ 15:07:00 topic: Retirement Announced 15:07:03 https://www.w3.org/blog/2022/10/stepping-forward-on-wai-management/ 15:07:30 Janina: Judy Brewer is retiring, see the link https://www.w3.org/blog/2022/10/stepping-forward-on-wai-management/ 15:07:31 Agenda+ Review and Group Github Issues 15:11:06 discussion re: W3C transition to legal entity 15:17:27 zakim, next item 15:17:27 agendum 1 -- Review and Group Github Issues -- taken up [from Fazio__] 15:18:10 David: 76 open issues, 18 closed (closed issues are from internal comments that came pre-FPWD) 15:18:43 Fazio__: discussing how many issues are open in the github repository 15:19:15 David: Many issues are from the Maturity Model subgroup 15:20:27 Sheri: we should prioritize comments from outside the subgroup 15:20:53 Janina: Look at issues from Jason White and have him on next week's call 15:21:30 Janina - he will be in Australia for a while, the time zone isn't friendly 15:21:42 Address the accessibility of entire processes in the Maturity Model. #137: https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/issues/137 15:21:58 Lionel asks Fazio__ - can you drop here a link to the git? 15:22:28 Lionel says, got it (https://github.com/w3c/maturity-model/) 15:26:06 Sheri_B-H: The issue indicates non-digital accessibility issues. W3C (and WAI and APA) do not have a mandate for non-digital accessibility. 15:27:05 Sheri_B-H: We may wish to add a statement indicating that the model addresses only digital 15:27:20 Fazio__: The model could ecompass non-digital experiences 15:29:42 Lionel: Jason's issue seems to examine the entire process behind any individual proof point, and if any part of that process is inaccessible, he asks if that should be flagged 15:29:53 Fazio__: We were considering the entire process 15:30:05 janina: A conversation with Jason would clarify this 15:30:24 Sheri_B-H: Proposes a sentence to add to the Maturity Model intro, to clarify that the scope is digital 15:31:02 Because WAI does not have a mandate outside of digital, it is impossible for the Maturity Model to address elements such as physical spaces or devices. It is possible for businesses to extend the Maturity Model to include dimensions such as these. 15:31:48 Sheri: Propose that we add something like this to the introduction 15:32:16 David: substitute W3C for WAI 15:33:45 Non-digital components are out of scope for W3C. Therefore they are out of scope for the Maturity Model to address elements such as physical spaces or devices. It is possible for businesses to extend the Maturity Model to include dimensions such as these. 15:34:53 +1 to Fazio saying, let's be cautious and say less 15:35:26 Fazio__: We should be cautious to not limit the maturity model 15:38:08 Brian has joined #Maturity 15:38:11 Brian_ has joined #maturity 15:39:20 Brian: Today at Intel, we have been expanding the scope of the maturity model outside of W3C's scope 15:40:21 Brian: We saw it as a great foundation, a template that could be expanded to cover this scope 15:40:42 Brian: There is the word "web" everywhere, and I found myself removing that word to ensure the wider scope. 15:41:09 Fazio__: Should we have examples of organizations that have successfully used the model? 15:41:44 Sheri_B-H: We have discussed having use cases. A large company indicated at TPAC that they were interested. 15:42:42 Lionel_Wolberger: Sounds like case studies are more like what we are looking at. 15:44:09 Fazio__: Then we are decided, we would like to do case studies. What organizations will we approach? 15:44:16 Sheri: Proposed case studies - VMware, Intel, Goldman Sachs, Benetech 15:44:21 need some smaller companies too 15:44:43 and probably should be anonymous when included in the document "large cloud software company" for example 15:45:43 Janina: need to re-review the document and eliminate unnecessary uses of the word web 15:46:15 We have three possibilities: An American multinational corporation; A large epub provider; A large finance leader 15:46:54 Janina: Will invite Jason to the next meeting. Health and schedule willing, hopefully he can be there 15:49:13 Jason's second point: do all the proof points have to be digital? 15:49:41 Brian: The assessment template makes most sense currently for a small to medium sized organization 15:49:46 ... When collecting evidence for the proof points in a multinational corporation across multiple business units 15:49:58 ... like working with a sales group as opposed to a marketing group 15:50:09 ... the proof points vary widely from the different groups 15:50:59 janina: In order for a large corporate entity to show that they have done the best we can, 15:51:15 ... due to the fact that we have independent business units 15:51:30 ... we had to collate many proof points across many different departments 15:51:50 ... and we simply report maturity overall, but we can present the detailed evidence if asked. 15:52:16 Sheri_B-H: The model is intended to be used by a segment of the organization 15:52:28 can be used, not is intended to be used 15:52:29 Brian: Then the challenge of how to roll it all up into one report, remains 15:52:49 \s\intended to be used\can be used 15:57:10 rrsagent make minutes 15:57:28 rrsagent, make minutes 15:57:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/19-maturity-minutes.html Lionel_Wolberger