14:57:53 RRSAgent has joined #rch 14:57:53 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/10/12-rch-irc 14:57:55 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:57:56 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), phila 14:58:20 zakim, please title this meeting "RCH Bi-weekly meeting" 14:58:20 I don't understand you, phila 14:58:47 phila has changed the topic to: RDF Canonicalization and Hash Working Group - bi-weekly meeting 14:58:49 present+ 14:58:53 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/51e8f278-b556-4090-b538-7928b3c628b6/20221012T110000 14:58:57 chair: phila 14:59:03 AndyS has joined #rch 14:59:23 yamdan has joined #rch 14:59:52 Kazue has joined #rch 15:00:18 present+ 15:00:25 present+ 15:00:35 present+ 15:01:03 present+ 15:01:44 present+ 15:02:03 markus_sabadello has joined #rch 15:02:04 zakim, pick a victim 15:02:04 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose yamdan 15:02:26 present+ 15:02:28 present+ 15:02:28 Life of Brian 15:02:37 scribenick AndyS 15:02:41 scribeNick: AndyS 15:02:58 scribe+ 15:03:07 Tobias_ has joined #rch 15:03:09 s/scribenick AndyS// 15:03:15 present+ 15:03:20 s/Life of Brian// 15:03:40 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:03:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/12-rch-minutes.html manu 15:03:41 phila: Any new attendees? 15:04:09 rrsagent, make logs public 15:04:11 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:04:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/12-rch-minutes.html manu 15:04:32 TallTed has changed the topic to: RDF Canonicalization and Hash (RCH) Working Group — bi-weekly meeting — 2022-10-12 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/51e8f278-b556-4090-b538-7928b3c628b6/20221012T110000 15:04:35 Today: comparing the docs, deciding editors, 15:04:47 s/docs/algorithms/ 15:04:54 https://github.com/w3c/rch-rdc/issues/6 15:04:55 present+ 15:05:09 phila: How do we compare the two algorithms 15:05:21 ... described as being similar 15:05:25 q+ to suggest one approach to compare algorithms. 15:05:49 ... as a group we need to decide how to proceed 15:06:10 ... various ideas - need to be open and fair. 15:06:58 ack manu 15:06:58 manu, you wanted to suggest one approach to compare algorithms. 15:07:05 ... if the graph is simple then it is a simple algorithm, as bnode structures increase it gets harder. 15:07:34 q? 15:07:52 manu: Aiden presented his algorithm. Could compare algorithm A and B work as the stages are similar. 15:08:29 ... run both in parallel 15:08:39 q+ 15:08:42 ... guilded tour of the process 15:08:46 ack gkellogg 15:09:22 gkellogg: if we able to pick some examples to run through would be useful 15:10:09 q+ to ask about criteria for making choices if we knew what the differences were to understand what differences to look for 15:10:11 ... complex category of graphs - set of promlematic use cases - performance testing 15:10:12 q+ 15:10:17 ack dlongley 15:10:17 dlongley, you wanted to ask about criteria for making choices if we knew what the differences were to understand what differences to look for 15:10:17 q+ 15:10:49 dlongley: if we figure out the differences - need to keep on mind criteria. 15:11:03 q+ 15:11:11 ... how formal do we need to get in understanding the differences 15:11:17 ack manu 15:11:24 ... worried about the amount of work 15:11:38 manu: add an input: 15:11:56 ... formal analysis 15:12:09 Technical Report on the Universal RDF Dataset Normalization Algorithm: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/att-0032/Mirabolic_Graph_Iso_Report_2020_10_19.pdf 15:12:20 ... we might consider bringing in that group 15:12:35 aalobaid has joined #rch 15:12:50 ... introduction to the formal analysis 15:13:11 ack AndyS 15:13:17 scribe+ phila 15:13:20 scribe+ phila 15:13:38 q+ 15:13:45 q+ to comment on the "all graphs" thing 15:13:46 AndyS: You mentioned - might not be all graphs that were covered. I think we ought to target all graphs as you don't know what you'l encounter in the real word 15:13:56 ack manu 15:13:56 manu, you wanted to comment on the "all graphs" thing 15:14:07 ack dlongley 15:14:12 q+ manu 15:14:17 q- later 15:14:24 dlongley: solve for all graphs (within resource limits) 15:14:27 q+ to comment on the "all graphs" thing -- concerns around "as big as the web" 15:14:45 ... by default solve all "normal graphs" 15:15:04 ... special flag for all graphs 15:15:07 ack manu 15:15:07 manu, you wanted to comment on the "all graphs" thing -- concerns around "as big as the web" 15:15:28 AndyS: I'd push back a little on that as it means deciding what is and is not normal 15:16:07 "don't (try to) canonicalize the Web" 15:16:16 manu: at a higher level ... potential formal objections on charter ... e.g. very very large graphs 15:16:41 ... working on documents that are bounded 15:17:24 ... general algorithm ... state caveats e.g. not unbounded graphs 15:17:49 ... "poison graphs" as an attack vector. 15:18:25 ... we can eat up a lot of time on this. 15:18:54 ... scoping of graph needed 15:19:03 ack me 15:19:27 phila: we have to limit the scope 15:20:05 ... we could create an algorithm for all but not the requirement 15:20:30 -> https://www.w3.org/2022/07/rch-wg-charter/explainer.html Explainer doc 15:20:36 ... UCR says what we are trying to solve 15:20:45 ... (editors needed) 15:20:53 q+ 15:21:01 +1 to explainer document to set the boundary of what we're trying to do. 15:21:50 SHACL doesn't do datasets, only graphs. 15:21:52 phila: is there a condition we can do as a preprocessing graph 15:22:07 ack AndyS 15:22:35 AndyS: If you take a FOAF graph built up from bnodes - can become complex in a small file 15:22:40 q+ to say i think you'd have to formally prove a preprocessing step would protect you if there will be no false safe constraints in the processing algorithm 15:22:59 ... I'd rather an approach that recognizes that sometimes you can't execute, rather than defining upfront what you can't compute 15:23:13 ack next 15:23:14 dlongley, you wanted to say i think you'd have to formally prove a preprocessing step would protect you if there will be no false safe constraints in the processing algorithm 15:23:38 q+ to speak about "multiple phased solutions" not THE algorithm. 15:23:53 dlongley: a preprocessing step would need proving 15:23:57 q? 15:24:07 ack manu 15:24:07 manu, you wanted to speak about "multiple phased solutions" not THE algorithm. 15:24:57 manu: we are not generating one algorithm. There exists today some impls in the field. 15:25:40 ... we might look at whether it is good enough 15:26:12 ... then consider next version 15:27:03 ... not all or nothing 15:27:07 q+ to say we also know that RDF-star is coming -- and we'll need another algorithm for that 15:27:18 AndyS: What are the limitations? Assumption? 15:27:23 ack dlongley 15:27:23 dlongley, you wanted to say we also know that RDF-star is coming -- and we'll need another algorithm for that 15:28:02 dlongly: current limitations/assumption URDA2015 - any bound dataset 15:28:37 ... bail out at cost points. 15:29:22 AndyS: I'm happy with bailing out. But you can go further and say it doesn't handle all graphs. I'm happy with all graphs, with a bail out if it takes too much computing 15:29:32 q+ 15:29:36 AndyS: Defining a shape before hand is not something we should do 15:29:39 ack dlongley 15:29:42 +1 to what AndyS is saying -- sounds like we're agreeing :) 15:30:21 phila: Others? 15:30:36 q+ 15:30:40 ack Kazue 15:31:28 Kazue: thinking external criteria hard to decide 15:31:36 q+ 15:31:38 phila: and it is political 15:31:46 q+ 15:31:53 ack yamdan 15:31:59 present+ 15:32:17 q+ to suggest identifying specific categories of graphs in our hypothetical dataset that are known to create computational problems. 15:32:43 yamdan: also important to be clear about processing. 15:32:57 ... A difference of the two algorithms is scope - dataset vs graph. 15:33:11 ack next 15:33:14 +1 to yamadan's points. 15:34:19 dlongley: criteria important. Formally defining the differences is itself difficult. 15:34:29 ack next 15:34:30 gkellogg, you wanted to suggest identifying specific categories of graphs in our hypothetical dataset that are known to create computational problems. 15:34:46 phila; please think of two criteria 15:34:54 s/;/:/ 15:35:32 gkellogg: want a collection of cases beyond test cases e.g. known expensive. 15:35:32 1. ease of implementation, 2. existing incubation / use in the marketplace, 3. time / resource complexity in solving common datasets, 4. time / resource complexity in solving complex (or poison?) datasets 15:36:16 dlongley : not an order list 15:36:18 5. Existence of formal proofs for the algorithms 15:36:28 s/order/ordered/ 15:36:34 6. Demonstration of review of formal proofs for the algorithms 15:36:41 phila: easy of implementation - yes. 15:36:54 ... incubation - yes 15:37:02 ... resource complexity - yes 15:37:09 ... formal proofs - yes 15:37:57 AndyS: Ease of implementation and complexity of algorithm can be in opposition 15:38:04 yes, there is a tension between ease of implementation and time complexity (sometimes) 15:38:32 +1 to create an issue to track this. 15:38:37 7. reusing existing primitives that are available on various platforms 15:38:39 q+ 15:38:46 coverage of target RDF? 15:38:56 ack dlongley 15:39:19 dlongley: reuse primitives e.g. hashing algorithms. 15:39:49 q+ to note "hashed data" as the output... for BBS. 15:39:51 ... existing RDF serialization. 15:40:38 Kazue: cover real life examples 15:41:17 phila: need to note that only unual graph trigger the failsafes. 15:41:22 q? 15:41:25 ack manu 15:41:25 manu, you wanted to note "hashed data" as the output... for BBS. 15:41:28 s/unual/usual/ 15:41:50 q+ to give criteria 15:42:26 manu: BBS signature do a statement by statement signature 15:42:52 8. allow signatures on individual statements and components of statements 15:43:03 ... criteria: has to support selective disclosure. Hashing alternatves. 15:43:14 ack next 15:43:15 AndyS, you wanted to give criteria 15:43:35 +1 to BBS-friendly hash 15:43:39 AndyS: Dataset, not graph, no shape excluded, cover RDF-star 15:43:41 +1 to AndyS 15:43:48 AndyS: Translates as do stuff with the longest life 15:43:51 q? 15:43:55 I was with AndyS all the way up to "cover RDF-star" :) 15:44:09 Also, Generalized RDF (bnode predicates, literal subjects) 15:44:41 +1 to gkellogg. 15:46:23 q+ 15:46:36 ack dlongley 15:47:15 dlongley: RDF-star. Do existing use cases. 15:47:55 phila: rdf-star is a nice to have but should not fail because of rdf-star 15:48:25 URDNA2015 FPWD 15:48:59 phila: URDNA2015 as FPWD. 15:49:13 ... likes explanatory examples. 15:49:49 Topic: Editors 15:49:53 phila: need to do a test suite and an explainer. 15:49:54 q+ to volunteer to edit one or both of the documents and help with the test suites. 15:49:59 ack gkellogg 15:49:59 gkellogg, you wanted to volunteer to edit one or both of the documents and help with the test suites. 15:50:25 gkellogg: have been active in CG 15:50:41 ... hat in the ring 15:50:53 For the C14N spec: ... 15:50:55 q+ 15:51:02 Thank you, Gregg for Editor-ing the canonicalization spec! :) 15:51:04 ack dlongley 15:51:04 ... For the C14N spec ... 15:51:28 dlongley: can contribute as backup editor 15:52:23 phila: any one like to be an editor or contribute in some way. 15:53:00 ... hash doc 15:53:21 ... "RDH" 15:53:22 q+ to note they might be the same doc? 15:53:24 q+ 15:53:26 ack manu 15:53:26 manu, you wanted to note they might be the same doc? 15:53:47 manu: might be the same doc. 15:54:01 q+ to discuss testing implications. 15:54:11 ... hashing is C14N input, hash it. -- one page? 15:54:11 ack Tobias_ 15:54:39 q+ 15:54:40 Woo! Thanks Tobias for volunteering to be an Editor! 15:54:43 Tobias_: happy to help edit esp hashing 15:54:44 +1 15:54:48 (for the second part) 15:54:48 +1 15:54:50 ack gkellogg 15:54:50 gkellogg, you wanted to discuss testing implications. 15:54:56 q? 15:55:08 ack yamdan 15:55:15 gkellogg: tesring may be easier as 2 docs 15:55:26 a contrario, the C14N itself may be a complex document. That could justify keeping the hashing part out. 15:55:29 yamdan: interested in hashing part 15:55:51 +1 to Phil 15:56:09 phila: end meeting 15:56:23 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:56:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/12-rch-minutes.html phila 15:56:31 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:56:37 zakim, end meeting 15:56:37 As of this point the attendees have been gkellogg, phila, yamdan, Kazue, AndyS, dlongley, manu, markus_sabadello, TallTed, pchampin, dlehn 15:56:39 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:56:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/12-rch-minutes.html Zakim 15:56:42 I am happy to have been of service, AndyS; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:56:46 Zakim has left #rch 15:57:52 Note: Ahmad Alobaid volunteered to be a first-time Editor in this group. 15:58:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:58:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/12-rch-minutes.html manu 16:21:23 meeting: RCH WG 16:21:29 > rrsagent, draft minutes 16:21:39 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:21:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/12-rch-minutes.html pchampin 17:51:26 gkellogg has joined #rch 17:55:36 gkellogg has joined #rch 18:39:26 gkellogg has joined #rch 18:58:24 gkellogg has joined #rch 19:15:06 gkellogg has joined #rch 19:16:06 gkellogg has joined #rch 20:05:42 gkellogg has joined #rch 20:38:53 gkellogg has joined #rch 20:56:13 gkellogg has joined #rch 21:13:05 gkellogg has joined #rch 21:48:32 gkellogg has joined #rch 22:03:48 gkellogg has joined #rch 23:34:43 gkellogg has joined #rch