12 October 2022


flackr, mustaq, Patrick_H_Lauke, smaug
Patrick H. Lauke
Patrick H. Lauke, Patrick_H_Lauke

Meeting minutes

Order of pointerover/enter/move and corresponding mouse events is different on browsers https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/454

Patrick: we discussed this last time, and i realised i've done nothing of my action

Patrick: "patrick to create issue that explains nuance of interleaving in theory vs practice, patrick to recreate animation done by mustaq for inclusion in 11.3"

Patrick: link to minutes from last time https://www.w3.org/2022/09/28-pointerevents-minutes.html#t01

Rob: [summarises the issue of browsers that support touch that wait anyway to see if a touch is a gesture before sending mouse events interleaved, as it would break things]

Olli: and this was part of 454?

Mustaq: it was tangentially related - after making the animation, we discussed this behaviour further

<mustaq> https://mustaqahmed.github.io/web/pe-legacy-pointer-animation/legacy-pointer-animation.html

<mustaq> The PR is: https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/pull/458

[short explanation of what the animation is supposed to convey for Olli]

Mustaq: fixed the issue that Rob raised...

Rob: my concern was that it didn't reflect what any browser does, but now that it's delayed it makes sense

Olli: does the animation close the issue or does it still leave the question about order open?

Patrick: I believe we were at the point where we decided that our prose is sufficient, and once we have the animation and explanation it should be clear

pointerout even if the pointer doesn't move? https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/457

Patrick: i've not had a look at this yet

Mustaq: i looked at this the other day - confirming the behaviour described by Olli

<mustaq> A UI event issue may be relevant:

<mustaq> https://github.com/w3c/uievents/issues/141

Mustaq: in this other issue, the DOM is actually modified

Mustaq: in THIS issue in PE, it's a "softer" issue as the DOM doesn't change

Mustaq: that's why i think they're connected

Olli: not sure I see connection. This issue is about pointerout firing even if pointer hasn't moved at all. Compared to DOM changing

Mustaq: other case is also pointer not moving. Firefox seems to remember the state before modification...

Rob: I think when we remove a node, we still remember it as the down node (?)

Mustaq: walking up ancestor tree is an option, but we don't do that

Olli: click event one is a UIEvents issue...

Mustaq: i see it related because it's about how much browsers should remember/try to manage changes

Rob: this is an issue of targeting, we don't do targeting unless pointer is moved

Mustaq: exactly, and i think that's where the difference with firefox's behavior is

Mustaq: when things change in Chrome, it forgets about the DOM tree...

Olli: this issue here is more about display

Olli: did you manage to try this test case in Safari?

Rob: it does NOT send pointerout until you move the cursor

Rob: so Safari is consistent with Firefox here

Olli: any idea why Chrome dispatches the event here?

Olli: I would imagine that there's extra code that actively does this

Rob: it's possible we're doing a hit-test for some reason, and because there's now a different element under the pointer, it triggers the pointerout

Rob: on the original element

Olli: maybe there was some bad compat issue

<flackr> Could be part of https://github.com/web-platform-tests/interop/issues/202

Rob: also shout out to the focus area, which could do with some tests

ACTION: add WPT that reflects both Safari and Firefox, investigate reason for Chrome's behaviour

Meta-issue: update WPT to cover Pointer Events Level 3 https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/445

Patrick: in two week's time would be good to be left just with the closed PRs since last PEv2 that do still need WPT

ACTION: for next meeting, go through all closed PRs and determine where things need a test

Heartbeat: Clarify what the target of the click event should be after capturing pointer events https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/356

Olli: there was a user counter added?

Mustaq: yes we saw quite a large number of hits on the counter, so need to investigate further why

Mustaq: bit concerned about compat, but need to investigate

Olli: i thought chrome behaviour on mobile and desktop was different, so does the counter take that into account?

Mustaq: this was only an issue for mouse, and mouse on mobile is not that common

Rob: order of events was different I think, but target was same

Rob: we were releaseing implict capture before click in the past, so target same for mouse and touch. just the order of the events that varied

ACTION: investigate further

Patrick: thank you all, that's all I had. Would love to see us make headway with the WPT tests issue for next time. I'll get going with the promised issue to clarify theory/practice of intereleaved pointer/mouse events and looking at adding the animation+explanation to the spec.

Summary of action items

  1. add WPT that reflects both Safari and Firefox, investigate reason for Chrome's behaviour
  2. for next meeting, go through all closed PRs and determine where things need a test
  3. investigate further
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).


Maybe present: Olli, Patrick, Rob