DXWG Plenary

11 October 2022


annette_g, DaveBrowning, nobu_ogura, PWinstanley, riccardoalbertoni, roba
AndreaPerego, Caroline

Meeting minutes

scribenick roba

<PWinstanley> https://www.w3.org/2022/09/27-dxwg-minutes

<annette_g> +1

<DaveBrowning> 0 (not present)

<nobu_ogura> +1

<PWinstanley> +1

proposed: accept minutes of meeting on 27-09

<riccardoalbertoni> +1


RESOLUTION: accept minutes of meeting on 27-09

DCAT update

<riccardoalbertoni> Discussion of the feedback from the privacy group https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/created_by/npdoty

riccardoalbertoni: no meeting last week - outstanding from last plenary: feedback from privacy group

<riccardoalbertoni> https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1526

riccardoalbertoni: three issues

authenticity and integrity of dcat files and associated datasets #1526

<Github> https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1526 : authenticity and integrity of dcat files and associated datasets

<riccardoalbertoni> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WX1TVE22AaUOSSkjunI9tvXFVF6gj5AhCVJsPHTrYXw/edit?usp=sharing

felt not to be in scope of DCAT - but seeking opinion from group.

draft reply here..

PWinstanley: needs to be expressed clearly its a model - and can be implemented in many ways - RDF for clarity of expression

security is a matter of implementation

based on best practices and case -by-case requirements

<riccardoalbertoni> ack

<PWinstanley> roba: I concur - the issue about a data model with multiple serialisations is interesting, and RDF is a good canonical model because it is lossless

<PWinstanley> ... but the issue here is that if you want extensions to DCAT then an application profile is required.

<PWinstanley> ... we haven't provided any guidance on this (e.g. for geoDCAT-AP etc)

<PWinstanley> ... and I think that it's a weakness not to have this in scope

annette_g: agree that there is a difference between spec and implementation - worth putting a note in regarding how to use it

<riccardoalbertoni> https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat-3/#security_and_privacy

we recommend that people publish checksum

riccardoalbertoni: we have a section on security and privacy - please look and suggest improvements if required.

<riccardoalbertoni> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WX1TVE22AaUOSSkjunI9tvXFVF6gj5AhCVJsPHTrYXw/edit?usp=sharing

does the response suffice?

we acknowledge the issue but its not in scope..

they are asking specifically re RDF integrity

<PWinstanley> roba: 3 things: 1/ response needs to be clear about scope early in the draft; 2/ checksum is not the only way of checking so perhaps it should be provided as an example of determining intergrity; 3/ is there anything in the W3C canon that addresses it

<PWinstanley> https://w3c.github.io/rch-wg-charter/explainer.html

roba: perfect - lets just reference this

<Zakim> annette_g, you wanted to talk about the checksums in particular

annette_g: i dont see anything re security there..

PWinstanley: once you have a canonical form you can do checksums

checksum for integrity

riccardoalbertoni: DCAT talking about checksums for distributions - not DCAT metadata

annette_g: nothing in security and privacy re checksums - can we add a note ?

annette_g: analogousto software - checksum for each distribution

roba: problem is metadata is designed to sit above distributions

riccardoalbertoni: summary - we cannot do much in this direction

PWinstanley: 1 - state its not in scope of model, 2 - point to new community group

3 - thanks for feedback and note timeliness

4 - may rely on canonical serialisation and is a significant technical challenge

annette_g: should we give people a note on how to use a checksum

annette_g: i dont read it as about integrity of DCAT - is it about someone else publishing a different DCAT record with a different checksum?

PWinstanley: can we seek refinement of the issue to clarify its scope

roba: as i read it the wording implies its about the integrity of the DCAT and hence the checksums for the distributions.

annette_g: i dont care about a checksum on the metadata - want to provide guidance on implementation on checksums

roba: need to avoid specifying an implementation

PWinstanley: make sure its clearly an example

content negotiation by profile

<PWinstanley> roba: both ConnegP and the profiles vocab are being used in OGC and a series of Australian Gov LD projects.

<PWinstanley> ... There is no published DCAT profile that allows for the description of the conformance of the data - no standard practice

<PWinstanley> ... Handling multiple representations is forward thinking, and it is at the API level

<PWinstanley> ... the implementation is working "well enough" in its current form

<PWinstanley> ... and there are no competitors. So we are waiting for requirements to emerge

roba: we have two independent implementations - but nothing in the wider community is obviously ready for semantic interoperability in this detail.

PWinstanley: fundamental "soft sand" around definition of a profile.

e.g. data profile only?

PWinstanley: issues with IETF and the use of HTTP headers

proposal to remove HTTP as normative

<annette_g> roba: there are any number of philosophical discussions about what's a profile, you could possibly add in extra classifications.

<annette_g> The big issue is that this was originally meant to dovetail with an IETF process, which is stalled.

<annette_g> The two independent implementations we have are around the QSA approach. There is a proposal to take the http part of out the specification.

<PWinstanley> roba: there are all sorts of views on what a 'profile' is, but the big issue is that there is a stalled IETF process and at present there doesn't seem to be any route to developing the HTTP model further.

<PWinstanley> ... There is also no alternative functionality we can reference.

<PWinstanley> ... The model is ready to go, and will operate whether using HTTP or QSA

<PWinstanley> ... The recommendation looks ready to go from the QSA perspective, and we could dissociate the HTTP angle and deliver an effective recommendation.

Summary of resolutions

  1. accept minutes of meeting on 27-09
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).


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No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: roba