06 October 2022


David Booth, EricP, Gaurav Vaidya, Houcemeddine Turki, Jim Balhoff
David Booth

Meeting minutes

Ballot comments

dbooth: comments due Oct 14. Rob Hausam will file on our behalf.

Ballot process:

ACTION: DBooth to draft ballot comments for Rob Hausam

Scripts to convert FHIR RDF to ontology friendly RDF

eric: Don't want to reinvent all of R4 RDF. We only want to add indexes.

dbooth: Another possibility would be to gen R4 RDF

eric: But that would be harder, because we'd have to fully qualify all the property names -- we'd have to know all of them.

dbooth: We'd have to generate a big lookup table of everything in the hierarchy.

option 1: add explicit indexes without changing property names

option: Generate R4, which has explicit indexes and fully qualified property names

option 3: Change the rdf: namespace of the of the list predicates to nonRdf: namespace.

eric: Options 1 and 2 will help SPARQL users, but not option 3.

dbooth: I'd like to help both SPARQL and OWL users with the same generator.

eric: What's good for OWL is not necessarily the same as what's good for SPARQL.

dbooth: How much do we care about generating an explicit index for SPARQL users?

eric: Most users who care about the order of items in a list will want the first element, which is easy to get with SPARQL without an explicit index.

AGREED: We don't need to gen an explicit index

gaurav: Should we document the nonRdf: namespace?

dbooth: We could, to make it standard.

gaurav: Like the idea of making it dereferenceable to an explanation.

gaurav: Could use figshare for the document

jim: Could use a w3id

dbooth: Or it could go to the FHIR rdf.html page, as an anchor

dbooth: Preferences?

jim: w3id or github

gaurav: figshare or github

eric: rdf.html

houcemeddine: Suggest w3id, https://purl.archive.org/

dbooth: Could use the fhir: namespace

jim: Could do fhir:rdfFirst and fhir:rdfRest

dbooth: Or fhir:f and fhir:r

AGREED: Use the fhir: namesAPCE

AGREED: Use fhir:rdfFirst and fhir:rdfRest for OWL-friendly lists.

eric: What about literals?

jim: For literals we could use fhir:rdfFirstLiteral

AGREED: Use fhir:rdfFirstLiteral for literal predicate

eric: Only care about literals if you're using a list and wanto to preserve order and you're doing a logical model that has those.

ACTION: Jim to propose SPARQL to for list conversion

Concept IRIs

gaurav: Hope to have something to share by next Thursday


Summary of action items

  1. DBooth to draft ballot comments for Rob Hausam
  2. Jim to propose SPARQL to for list conversion
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).


Succeeded: s/due Oct 4/due Oct 14/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: AGREED, dbooth, eric, gaurav, houcemeddine, jim, option