17:57:33 RRSAgent has joined #waicc 17:57:33 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/10/05-waicc-irc 17:57:35 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:57:38 Meeting: WAI Coordination Call Teleconference 17:57:38 Date: 05 October 2022 17:57:38 agenda? 17:57:43 clear agenda 18:00:43 agenda+ Scribe, agenda additions, add present+ in IRC 18:00:44 agenda+ Publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts 18:00:44 agenda+ New work? Named what? Cross-WAI review requests? 18:00:44 agenda+ Updated moratoria; what that does and doesn't mean 18:00:44 agenda+ Any follow-up on WAI Adapt architecture? 18:00:44 agenda+ W3C transitions 18:00:46 agenda+ Community groups check 18:04:02 Brent has joined #waicc 18:05:18 Chuck has joined #waicc 18:05:47 janina has joined #waicc 18:05:55 present+ 18:06:21 present+ 18:06:34 present+ 18:06:35 chair: Judy 18:06:36 present+ 18:06:47 scribe: Chuck 18:07:05 Judy: for the people who are here, these are the prolific publishers present. 18:07:15 Judy: Any plans or updates for publications? 18:07:24 Judy: Everything accounted for? 18:07:45 MC: Trying to get the transition request sent for Core Accessibility API Mappings 18:07:54 MC: Need to enter CR, then will become a living standard. 18:07:55 (Core AAM) 18:08:06 MC: Will try to target publication next week, that may not be realistic. Coming up soon. 18:08:15 Judy: When are the geek week dates? 18:08:32 MC: It would be on "this" side of that. We are working on a WCAG 3 publication. We haven't nailed down what is in and not in. 18:08:41 Chuck: It's pencilled in for January. 18:08:50 MC: We will have taken WCAG 2.2 to proposed rec. 18:08:52 q+ 18:09:03 MC: We still need to work out a plan to publish this. 18:09:49 Chuck: Hopeful for a Jan date which is after moritorium. 18:10:06 q+ 18:10:10 q+ to say opportunity cost 18:10:25 Chuck: We had a July date. 18:10:31 q+ to say maturity levels 18:10:37 Judy: This could be an issue for the Charter. 18:10:39 ack Ch 18:11:25 WCAG3: Last TR publication 7 December 2021 18:11:36 MC: I'll say we know it's been a while, we keep thinking it's coming soon, but difficulty getting consensus for content. We developed maturity levels to help craft some looser processes for agreeing on draft content. 18:11:48 Last Editor's Draft 7 July 2022 18:12:14 Judy: I understand logic from working group concent. Last TR publication was 7 Dec 2021. I'm correct, that is the last time the world has found some content. 18:12:29 Judy: Sometimes optics matter. That's not the main driving thing. 18:12:51 Chuck: You are right. 18:13:06 q+ 18:13:15 Judy: The public facing content should be pretty frequent. The fact that it's more than a year may be challenging. 18:13:29 Judy: Is there any possibility to publish before this year? 18:13:57 MC: Could we publish something on TR? We could publish what we have now, but may have more messaging concerns than the benefit. I do hear you about the concern. 18:14:21 MC: We put in processes in place and I am hopeful that we will have a viable path for more frequent publications. I'm assuming she is considering that as well. 18:14:53 Judy: Great. It would be great that when the chairs next talk about this that you could increase the priority for any possibility of publishing WCAG 3 on TR before first week of december. 18:15:27 Judy: We could find a way to help with the messaging. Maybe highlight the changes in processes. And decisions of what's in progress. 18:15:45 Judy: Demonstrate our commitment to business in a public facing way. 18:16:22 Chuck: I am not hopeful that we would be able to get something out rapidly, but MC and I will bring to the chairs. 18:16:36 Judy: Do you want to say more about reservations? 18:16:47 Chuck: There's not a lot of runway. 18:17:25 Judy: I hadn't noticed that TR publication wasn't in this calendar year. I'm sorry I didn't bring to your attention earlier. I was thinking that you were thinking about that too, but I know you have a lot to consider. 18:17:50 Judy: I'm thinking if the most you try to do is publish what was published in July, how much potential grief would that save, or would it cause more. 18:18:16 MC: Consensus in wg is delicate enough that I would trust Rachael's judgement. She has a good handle on the threads. I don't have that nearly as well. 18:18:36 MC: I haven't discussed this with her. I suspect she is trying to make this happen as quickly and reasonably as possible. 18:18:44 Judy: Can you update me when the chairs discuss? 18:19:26 Judy: Whatever messaging we have for the AGWG charter for 3.0 exclusively, we should review the messaging in that. We can't hold up the charter announcement request. You will run out of charter soon. That announcement will buy you an extension. 18:19:36 MC: Will address on Friday. 18:20:03 Judy: It's a tentative. We were going to meet on that day as well. Please chat with Phillipe. I'd like to have an opportunity to be in sync with you. 18:20:13 MC: It's on my priority list to get "ducks" in a row. 18:20:20 Judy: Anything else for AGWG? 18:20:25 Judy: Anything else for APA? 18:20:56 JS: APA, adapt has re-oriented itself. I brought Lisa up to speed. Her reaction was "we will have 12 modules rather than 3". 18:21:21 JS: That is happening hopefully this year. Collaboration tools will hopefully get some content out soon. 18:21:32 JS: We will take Nov and Dec off. 18:21:47 Judy: Remember when you have a break that I need to know to cancel the ASL. 18:21:57 Judy: in this call it doesn't count. I will need email. 18:22:03 JS: I will send email later today. 18:22:36 JS: This is very new. Next major project is with verifiable credentials, digital wallets, we had a good conversation starting on that, we have good next steps. 18:22:48 JS: Has good implications if we can get that to move forward. 18:22:56 JS: Welcome Brent. 18:23:02 s/JS/Judy/ 18:23:41 Judy: I want it clear, the change of architecture in this is not just because there was a misunderstanding, but rather because this would be better all around. So far I am not certain I'm hearing that. 18:23:55 agenda? 18:23:57 JS: that's our analysis and intent. We may not be articulating it very well, and it might be getting lost. 18:24:16 zakim, drop item 1 18:24:16 agendum 1, Scribe, agenda additions, add present+ in IRC, dropped 18:24:27 JS: There were legitimate complaints, an explanation of why things are put together was legit. 18:24:27 jamesn has joined #waicc 18:24:33 JS: We plan to address and fix issues. 18:24:42 rrsagent, make minutes 18:24:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/05-waicc-minutes.html jamesn 18:24:51 Judy: I wouldn't be hearing months from now that APA was blocked from using preferred architecture. 18:25:02 JS: I don't expect that. Giving the critique we heard, this will only help. 18:25:13 JS: there are some issues, the overall explanation may be a challenge. 18:25:38 JS: We tried to do the overall pic, but that didn't communicate well. We are leaving process concerns with you and work on that which is in our control. 18:25:59 Judy: MC had offered to be a point person. MC understands both sides of the horizontal review, and wants to help with gentle clarifications of process. 18:26:25 Judy: I hope that we improve on communications moving forward, and including experts from APA or ARIA. MC are you comfortable with all of that on your shoulders? 18:26:29 MC: Yes. 18:26:59 JS: Another point, we had a very fruitful meeting. They said to request "Adapt" as the prefix. 18:27:06 Judy: Anything else with APA publications? 18:27:26 Judy: If RQTF is taking a break, please indicate on TF page. Do you need Michael's or someone's help to do that? 18:27:32 JS: Jason is full editor. 18:27:53 Judy: Brent and James, started with asking about any changes in publication plans. Do either of you have anything? 18:27:57 18:28:22 Brent: We are working on final reviews from some specific individuals from hard of hearing community. I'll later give an update on the next round of reviews. 18:29:27 rrsagent, make minutes 18:29:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/05-waicc-minutes.html jamesn 18:29:38 Topic: Continued discussion of docs, publications, and announcement prep 18:30:16 Judy: New docs and heads up for groups. This would be the time to bring that up. 18:31:49 i|Judy: for the people who are here, these are the prolific publishers present.|Publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts| 18:32:23 rrsagent, make minutes 18:32:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/05-waicc-minutes.html jamesn 18:32:32 agenda? 18:33:04 zakim, drop item 2 18:33:04 agendum 2, Publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts, dropped 18:33:09 zakim, take up item 3 18:33:09 agendum 3 -- New work? Named what? Cross-WAI review requests? -- taken up [from Judy] 18:33:29 Judy: Brent, you have the floor. 18:33:36 i|Judy: for the people who are here, these are the prolific publishers present.|topic: Publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts| 18:33:51 rrsagent, make minutes 18:33:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/05-waicc-minutes.html jamesn 18:34:03 Brent: Quick background, we've been doing videos on how people with disabilities use the web. Previously we've had reviews of stories of web users video scripts (9), and receiving wonderful feedback. 18:34:20 Brent: Next 9 scripts are ready for review, go with tools and techniques and one more 18:34:23 s/Topic: Continued discussion of docs, publications, and announcement prep// 18:34:57 Brent: Next set is combined, diversabilities and barriers, and tools and techniques. We will put a survey together that opens on the 7th until the 21st. 18:35:25 Brent: I will send an email to this group with survey, to let us know to review. We will also be getting it over to COGA list as well. They want to review that. 18:35:44 Brent: We will also reach out to members of the community. It's a hard deadline we are against. Any questions about the scripts? 18:36:05 Judy: Any commitments for people to review? Sounds like you are recruiting the right reviewers. 18:36:23 Judy: Are you reaching out to individuals, communities? Are we reaching out to the same peoples? 18:36:44 Brent: Mostly individuals, 4 from Shadi, 2 from me. We are looking for "lived experiences". Shawn has sent to a couple of other people. 18:36:56 Brent: Here's link 18:37:00 Current Scripts for new EOWG Videos: https://wai-people-use-web-videos.netlify.app/people-use-web/videos/ 18:37:11 Brent: This is what we are working on. 18:37:21 Judy: are there any other group working on new things or needs review from other groups? 18:37:27 shawn has joined #waicc 18:37:30 18:37:33 zakim, take up item 4 18:37:33 agendum 4 -- Updated moratoria; what that does and doesn't mean -- taken up [from Judy] 18:38:30 Judy: Shawn announcing WAI website moratoria, this is different from webrec moratoria. Scope is different from other moratoria. 18:39:35 Judy: I had just mentioned you, and just as it was scribed, you appeared in Zoom with precise timing. 18:40:37 Judy: Shawn had just established wai website moratoria, this is different than web rec moratoria, which is mainly for TR page publications. Because I've been accumulating questions from task forces... 18:41:04 Judy: I wanted to make sure people understood why this is happening, what non-holidays are in play. Another reason is the WAI website is complicated and easily disrupted. 18:41:28 Judy: Individual page stuff is usually ok. Shawn can you give an idea of the scope? I want to make sure chairs and TF facilitators are updated on this. 18:42:09 Shawn: It's basically the things I publish. ACT rules, ARIA APG, doesn't impact anything on wiki, tr, Michael and Roy. They may also have some outages, but I haven't heard from them on that. 18:42:29 Judy: Any q? We have chairs, I was getting from TF, I ask the chairs to pass along to TF leaders. 18:43:21 Shawn: The big thing is WCAG 2.2. What I need to do is schedule some real time off. Could not do that in September. If I have advanced notice, I can accommodate. 18:43:30 Judy: How much advance time is useful for you? 18:43:48 Shawn: Depends. Anything with WCAG needs more attention. If it's just routine stuff, really doesn't matter as much. 18:44:08 Shawn: For PR, we don't need to say much, just need to be careful. For Rec that gets more visibility. 18:44:51 Judy: Earlier in the call, a q came up about WCAG 3 publication. As this won't likely happen until end of year. With charter conversations occuring, I've asked AGWG chairs and Michael to look for possibility of publishing this year. 18:45:02 Judy: MC noted that messaging would be important. 18:45:20 Judy: It's something that the AG chairs need to consider. Nothing to worry about, but could need some attention. 18:45:52 Shawn: I would like to support an extend. The thing we want to point people to is the overview. It's amazing how many people misunderstand the status. Rachael did a pass on the WCAG 3 intro. 18:46:04 Shawn: I suggest we take another pass at the intro. 18:46:20 Shawn: Focus energy on intro, instead of forcing a TR publication. 18:46:42 Judy: The challenge is that there has been more than a year with no publication, and that causes issues with process. 18:46:54 Judy: From a transparency perspective, there's a non-trivial concern. 18:47:24 Judy: Dealing with it by pointing to an overview rather than a frequent publication or an annual publication could cause issues. 18:47:50 Shawn: I think we point heavily to editors draft. We can make sure we point there. I do want to take a pass at strengthening to editors draft. 18:48:14 Judy: That's part of the issue. The group is pointing to the editors draft, that may not be accepted by the AC period, particularly during charter renewal. 18:48:53 Judy: We may not be able to publish an updated version until next year. Increasing on editor's draft doesn't solve process problems. We may need to take conversation offline. 18:49:02 Judy: I appreciate that the chairs and MC will review. 18:49:03 present+ Shawn(in&out) 18:49:25 Judy: Happy to have your involvement in messaging. They are running out of runway for charter renewal. 18:49:34 Judy: Anything else on this agenda item? 18:50:10 Judy: For future moratoria, maybe messaging more explicitly on the type of moratoria will reduce confusion. 18:50:30 agenda? 18:50:52 zakim, drop item 5 18:50:52 agendum 5, Any follow-up on WAI Adapt architecture?, dropped 18:51:07 zakim, take up item 6 18:51:07 agendum 6 -- W3C transitions -- taken up [from Judy] 18:51:36 Judy: This is a reminder that W3C continues to go through some transitions as it starts from moving from distributed org between 4 hosts to a single legal entity. 18:51:52 Judy: It's been more complicated than expected, but it is happening. 18:51:57 Judy: There is now an appointed board. 18:52:14 Judy: In theory they have now started. They haven't met yet, they are working on logistics. 18:52:25 Judy: Rest of org is getting ready to transition work into their hands. 18:52:38 Judy: That's what's going on. Otherwise it's business as usual. 18:52:51 18:53:20 Judy: I'll keep it here to continually update this audience. I also welcome questions on the side. 18:53:25 zakim, take up item 7 18:53:25 agendum 7 -- Community groups check -- taken up [from Judy] 18:53:50 Judy: JS, I think we were suppose to check back every so often on whether or not there are community group items that need attention. 18:54:18 Judy: This is "here some things APA is noticing..." where maybe there can be a call for help that APA feels need to pay attention to. 18:54:31 JS: We are aware, my co-chair spent time with open UI, we will file github issue. 18:54:56 JS: We noticed another group take up knowledge domain. We will get back to it. We have been post TPAC, but matrix needs updating. 18:55:11 JS: I think you can expect it soon. Not certain by next meeting, but before Thanksgiving. 18:55:26 Judy: Any q for JS? 18:56:03 Judy: I think that covers us for today. 18:56:10 Judy: any regrets for 2 weeks from now? 18:56:18 Chuck: yes, me 18:56:37 Chuck: Correction, I'm good. 18:56:42 MC: 19th is geek week. 18:56:52 MC: M-enabling is week after. 18:57:12 Judy: Can people keep this on their calendars? timing might be awkward. 18:57:13 +1 18:57:19 Judy: This can be provisional. 18:57:59 rrsagent, please make minutes 18:57:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/05-waicc-minutes.html Judy 18:58:34 janina has left #waicc 19:22:25 s/This could be an issue for the Charter./This could become an issue when you request charter renewal from AC./ 19:23:21 s/has found some content/would have found world-facing content/ 19:24:45 s/before first week/before - no, by - first week/ 19:25:26 s/ I hadn't noticed/I hadn't noticed till recently/ 19:28:39 s/I want it clear,/Can we be clearer that/ 19:29:05 rrsagent, please make minutes 19:29:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/05-waicc-minutes.html Judy 19:31:07 Present: Michael, Janina, Judy, James, Brent, Shawn 19:31:11 rrsagent, please make minutes 19:31:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/05-waicc-minutes.html Judy 19:31:53 Regrets: George, Matthew 19:31:57 rrsagent, please make minutes 19:31:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/05-waicc-minutes.html Judy 19:32:52 Topic: Next Meeting 19:33:01 [recapturing discussion] 19:33:57 JB: Our next meeting date should be October 19th; any regrets? 19:34:17 [discussion about which week some events are, including Geek week] 19:35:03 JB:I want to ask if people can please hold that meeting available even if during Geek week and a short meeting 19:35:17 [no objections] 19:35:24 rrsagent, please make minutes 19:35:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/05-waicc-minutes.html Judy