MEIG monthly meeting

04 October 2022


Chris_Lorenzo, Chris_Needham, Francois_Daoust, Hiroshi_Fujisawa, Hisayuki_Ohmata, igarashi, Kaz_Ashimura, Kinji_Matsumura, Nigel_Megitt, Ryo_Yasuoka, Tatsuya_Igarashi, Tatsuya_Sato
Chris_Lorenzo, Chris_Needham, Tatsuya_Igarashi
cpn, kaz

Meeting minutes


- Welcome

- Brief recap of media discussions at TPAC : 5 mins

- Hybridcast Updates with NHK: 10 mins

- NHK work and proposals for Application Development for Consumer Products TF: 15mins


Brief review of media topics atTPAC 2022

<cpn> slideset: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zVWgKYGvPVR8hqAOAjKP2opxEC6G6L7dZNL8fwPW3AI/edit

ChrisN: During the MEIG meeting there was
… discussion on TV application development.
… Includes the developer experience, performance issues, and media device specific APIs.
… Would like to move that forward, invite interested people.
… We will talk more about that today.
… Then, CTA WAVE HTML Application TF and Web Meda API snapshot updates.
… WebRTC receive capability is being added, possibly WASM in a future updates.
… There was a presentation from Fraunhofer on next generation audio codec support.
… During the joint meeting with WebRTC and Media WG, discussed new activity starting up
… focusing on the media handling architecture in browsers, and any possible causes of inefficiency or API difficulties, e.g., where media is passed between different Web APIs, such as WebRTC to WebCodecs, or to WebGPU, etc.
… There is a new CG on Audiovisual Media Formats, initiated by Dolby, looking at browser support for commercial media formats.
… Everybody is welcome to join to participate in the discussion
… In the Media WG meeting we discussed MSE feature prioritization,
… including pre-emptive eviction for low memory platforms, which we hope unlocks MSE on more platforms
… Also DASH emsg support, and follow up discussion in DASH-IF.
… May still be too early to standardise emsg handling in MSE, want to get implementation feedback based on JavaScript players.
… For EME v2, aiming for FPWD during the Charter period (May 2023)
… Media Session API, agreed to add actions to support slide presentations over WebRTC, next/previous slide
… Audio Focus API relates to Media Session.
… Example use case of playing music vs notification sounds.
… Interest from Apple and Mozilla to develop an API
… WebCodecs and VideoFrame associated metadata, e.g., from analyzing the video for face detection.
… Agreed to use a registry approach.
… Introduction for Document PiP API, use case might be a video player with custom player controls in a PiP window.
… That is a brief summary, I haven't covered everything, though.

Kaz: Regarding, consumer device TF discussion, as I mentioned at TPAC it would make sense to collect current practices, including from NHK

Hybridcast updates

slideset: https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/images/d/d3/20221004_MEIG_HybridcastUpdate.pdf

Sato: ToC
… This is an update on IPTVF, then I'll cover some of NHK's R&D activities
… [slide 3]
… Updates on IPTV Forum Japan
… [slide 4]
… Hybridcast diffusion status
… Annual shipments and total number of Hybridcast TVs
… Hybridcast is available on over 300 TV models, with 20 million units sold.
… [slide 5]
… NHK's R&D activity
… [slide 6]
… Media service for various devices. Hybridcast Connect supports broadcast and online video.
… MTE allows triggering of emergency alerts. We're looking at how these can be used in a connected home environment with WoT.
… [slide 7]
… Video streaming (diagram of their system)
… Broadcast station Hybridcast TV
… [slide 8]
… Software tools for video streaming
… We have developed open source software tools, published in March 2022
… Basjoo.js is a DASH player for the IPTVF Japan profile on TVs
… Relay-miffe is for inserting Media Timed Events (MTE) with CMAF ultra-low latency
… Delivery-miffe is a CMAF-ULL streaming server. Please take a look at these in GitHub
… [slide 9]
… Device collaboration
… Broadcast station -> Hybridcast TV -> Hybridcast Connect -> Devices
… [slide 10]
… Linkage between Hybridcast and WoT
… We presented on WoT-enabled TV services using Hybirdcast Connect at TPAC 2022

… And gave a demo during the WoT breakout
… [slide 11]
… OSS for Hybridcast Connect learners
… We have open source software for Hybridcast Connect as well.
… The Hybridcast Connect TV emulator implements the Hybridcast Connect APIs
… We have a reference SDK in Java and JavaScript, and client sample application.
… This allows a client device to connect to the Hybridcast TV and interact with it using the Hybridcast Connect protocol
… [slide 12]
… Resources
… You can find more information in our NHK STRL OPEN HOUSE 2022 web page
… and in our GitHub repository at https://github.com/nhkrd/
… Thank you!

rrsagnt, draft minutes

ChrisN: Really interesting, thank you.
… Can you explain a bit more about the WoT demo?
… What's happening here?

Sato: (shows their slides on the demo itself)

https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/PRESENTATIONS/2022-09-hybrid-f2f/2022-09-14-WoT-F2F-TPAC2022_Breakout-Endo.pdf NHK's slides on their demo during the WoT demo breakout session

Sato: We gave this presentation during the WoT demo breakout by Endo from NHK
… The demonstration includes a soccer program on TV and an air cleaner
… The air cleaner's noise would be lower depending on the soccer game's status, e.g., when a goal is scored

ChrisN: Thank you

Sato: (shows the demo content within the slides)
… An event message sent from the TV side to the air cleaner side depending on the soccer game's situation, e.g., to reduce the noise level when a goal is scored.

ChrisN: Is this MTE-based?

Sato: Yes

Ohmata: It's originally based on the event message from the TV program
… There are trigger messages, e.g., start, goal, replay, etc,
… handled by WoT and Hybridcast protocol.

ChrisN: That makes sense.
… It would be interesting to see the detail of the mechanism,
… but don't have enough time today, though. Perhaps we can organise some follow up meetings to explore further.
… Do you have a WoT Thing Description to control the TV?
… I'm wondering if we should discuss the detail during the future calls?

Ohmata: WoT protocol and Hybridcast protocol handle the message

Kaz: Maybe you can show the p9 from Endo-san's slide set to describe the mechanism

Kaz: The TV also has a WoT Thing Description. Two devices using the WoT mechanism

Kaz: This would be a good start for collaboration with MEIG and WoT. We discussed with WebTransport people at TPAC, a use case is surveillance cameras, adding metadata annotations, handling related devices using WoT and MTE.
… That kind of collaboration would be useful.

ChrisN: OK, let's plan to discuss this in more detail

NHK work and proposals for Application Development for Consumer Products TF

ChrisN: MEIG recently produced a charter for futher work on this topic in a TF.
… We're interested to hear your experiences, and opinions.

slideset: https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/images/b/bd/20221004_NHK_Case_studies_of_Hybridcast_application_development_and_performance_test_event.pdf

Yasuoka: Case studies of Hybridcast application development...
… [slide 2]
… Hybridcast has been in service for around 10 years, in 300 TV models, 20 million units sold
… [slide 3]
… Stakeholders and their relationships
… IPTV Forum Japan generates Hybridcast standards, operational guidelines, and test suites
… for various TV manufacturers and application developers (e.g., brodcasters)
… [slide 4]
… Performance difference
… To achieve the expected behaviour in TV applications, the performance difference among various devices is a big issue.
… Typically, each broadcaster has to consult with each manufacturer individually to resolve issues.
… [slide 6]
… We have two case studies to present.
… Case 1: Animation rendering performance
… We wanted to use CSS animation effects, e.g., when changing the focused element, but found that rendering is not smooth in some TVs.
… We asked the TV manufactures to improve the device, but couldn't.
… So our only option was to avoid using the CSS transition properties, to improve the performance.
… [slide 7]
… Case 2: Process when switching services
… For linear video services, there is latency when switching between services, which affects the service quality.
… This also affects switching between broadcast and streaming, and vice versa.
… Switching delay may prevent users from watching a part of video program.
… It also has a risk that emergency notifications may not be displayed promptly.
… When switching services, quick switching after getting the trigger is expected
… But it's difficult to control what will be displayed on the screen, when launching the TV application, due to the performance difference.
… We want to avoid showing a blank screen.
… [slide 9]
… Performance test activities (by the IPTVF-J)
… Our goal is to improve the UX for Hybridcast services, so we are sharing issues and experiences between manufacturers and broadcasters.
… Test categories include screen rendering, application launch, interactions with companion devices, and memory usage
… [slide 10]
… Test 1: Animation by sprite sheet
… We created a test sequence, 8 seconds horizontal movement of an image, with 4 animation frames.
… We measured it 10 times on 6 different TVs
… The latency results vary between different TVs and by execution timing.
… The expectation was 8 seconds every time, but the graph shows the measured variation in elapsed time.
… [slide 11]
… Test 2: Browser launch time
… Here we measure the time span between pressing the button to launch the application, and the application window being ready.
… This includes a request to fetch the AIT file, and a request for the HTML content.
… The time varies between TVs, especially in each execution process
… [slide 12]
… Conclusion and discussion
… We presented past and ongoing challenges on performance issues.
… How can application developers and TV vendors contribute to the TF?
… What can they expect from the TF?
… We can provide our use cases based on our experience.
… Questions? Comments?

ChrisN: Thanks! ChrisL, any comments?

ChrisL: Interesting discussion on pushing Web and browsers for applications on TV
… It's major challenge, need to increase the performance for TV apps.
… For transitions and animations, the performance is not enough,
… and we also need to reduce the animations, etc.
… Not sure if you're aware of Lightning framework which uses WebGL rendering
… let me post the resource

<ChrisLorenzo> Developer Experience - https://github.com/w3c/media-and-entertainment/pull/92/files?short_path=753fd1d#diff-753fd1d9b2d6cb55d78b5c965fca3387ca62e617d22e89a0121d86ebdf23059b

<ChrisLorenzo> https://github.com/w3c/media-and-entertainment/blob/master/app-development/charter.md

<ChrisLorenzo> Framework for performance on TV apps - https://lightningjs.io/

ChrisN: There are some aspects here that we've not considered yet for the TF discussion
… What you describe is very much consistent with what ChrisL has been mentioning
… One of the techniques we use is detecting the device model and selectively enabling the features,
… which allows some features to be used if we have tested that the performance is good enough.
… The framework allows us to conditionally able/disable the feature.
… If less capable, disable the feature.
… The other thing interesting is start up performance time for Hybridcast applications, which we haven't talked about before.

Yasuoka: (shows the Test 2 results again)

ChrisN: Any insights to what is the cause of the delays here?
… How does it vary with the browser implementations?

Yasuoka: It's difficult to describe the detail

ChrisN: I wonder if there are additional measurements or metrics we could use to see where the TV is spending the time?
… e.g., the browser itself is a large application binary and needs to load a lot into memory at start up
… Could there be a way to instrument it to get more details?

Yasuoka: In the graph, the green part depends on the network connection
… We would need to dig into the detailed behavior of Hybridcast implementation

ChrisL: So the user press the launch button at time 0
… and the graph shows the time until the browser is ready receive the response
… There's an HTTP connection, then load the page content
… Browsers do that quickly, actually
… What the difference between A-J here?

Yasuoka: Those are the different TV models, available in Japan

ChrisL: OK. This is very similar what we have seen with smartphone variation
… A and J are very fast

ChrisN: Yes, that's interesting. Are those faster ones the latest models,
… or more expensive ones?

Yasuoka: The newer ones are faster

ChrisL: WAVE guys are doing similar tests,
… some TVs have powerful chips, and some don't.
… Then there's the idea to have something like a performance label that can be part of the marketing of a device.

ChrisN: A interesting approach, I'm not sure if something like that would be within the scope of W3C, though,
… similar to the CTA WAVE's activity.

Kaz: TV device performance may be out of scope, but getting this kind of infomation from various areas and SDOs should be useful.
… We can look into the detailed processing time in this kind of procedure, not the device or network part, but the browser processing time should be clarified.
… If we can get that kind of clarification and see the actual cause of time delay, we can look with browser vendors to improve
… As ChrisN metioned, maybe NHK could bring this to CTA WAVE
… MEIG could look at the results in more detail
… such as in TF calls

ChrisN: This is good discussion, happy to spend more time today.
… One of the interesting things is Web Performance WG's activity on providing APIs to allow websites to measure performance
… Things like rendering stability, how much content moves, time to first input. Chrome call this the "Core Web Vitals"
… Is this something interesting from our viewpoint? What metrics may be useful for TV specific applications?
… Also, have you started to look at alternate rendering mechanisms, e.g., Lightning.js which are Canvas and WebGL or WebGPU based?
… How would they impact application development?

Yasuoka: This testing activity is not done for those kind of mechanisms yet,
… would like to try them in the future.
… Currently, Hybridcast doesn't support WebGPU or WebRTC.
… We'd like to try them but it's kind of difficult at the moment.

ChrisN: It can be difficult to introduce those new features. The WAVE Web Media API Snapshot.
… What kind of help do you expect from W3C?

Yasuoka: If those mechanisms could be actual standards for media handling
… that would be great
… would like to proceed with considering those new mechanisms

Ohmata: Hybridcast currently doesn't define those mechanisms as mandated
… but think it would be useful

ChrisN: Coming back to your other question,
… how can app/product developers contribute to the TF?
… I suggest raising your topics in the MEIG GitHub so that we can discuss each one individually,
… for eaxample, the discussion about launching time, etc.

Kaz: We can start with gathering information on pain points and workarounds based on industry experience
… We have another example from Chris Lorenzo at Comcast. We can summarise the description also and put them together
… We can also ask someone from BBC and Fraunhofer about their experience

ChrisN: Yes, it is helpful to gather more experience reports

ChrisN: Your other question was about expected outputs from the TF,
… what can app/product developers expect from the TF?
… As Chris said, we want to encourage continued use of Web technologies
… If performance improvements can be achieved based on the current Web technology,
… we should identify what can be done.
… This could be an area to discuss with Web Performance WG as well
… The idea of having tests by application developers and device manufacturers
… on achievable performance goals, could even become a marketing tool
… Having a representative test suite may be a valuable thing.
… The other area is looking at alternative rendering mechanisms
… instead of DOM-based rendering mechanism.
… We could start to look at canvas-based, WebGL-based, etc.
… A new rendering standard in the future could be developed
… How that easily could that be adopted, many companies are building HTML-based applications today.
… Support for web new technologies in TVs.
… All this would require new open discussions.
… I suggest creating GitHub issues to capture your points,
… and we can see how to follow up each of them.
… Would that make sense?

Kaz: +1

ChrisL: I also agree

ChrisN: So I'll propose to do that.
… This has been really good input,
… thank you for your presentation!
… We'd like to continue our collaboration with you.

Yasuoka: Thank YOU!

ChrisN: I want to invite you to continue to the discussion from topics,
… from both of your presentations.
… We would continue to work with you via Kaz.
… Anything else for today?


ChrisN: We look forward to further collaboration. Thanks!


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 147 (Thu Jun 24 22:21:39 2021 UTC).