Meeting minutes
looking at https://
going though questions luis
<Becca_Monteleone> https://
<julierawe> Luis script: https://
<ShawnT> https://
beca: there is bad gramer that makes him look infentliser
maybe changing the title will help
<julierawe> EO's longer (text-only) user story for Luis: https://
lisa: can becca add the point to the document
julie: it adds to the point
the other persona normaly has profesion
john can we add an age
lisa: he will still be childish
john can we make him a father
julie: we suggested that last time
Beca; adding bad grammer infatlises him. simple sentence stucture , but correct sentence stucture
<kirkwood> Downs:-Hearing and vision weakness
<kirkwood> -Fine motor skill impairment due to low muscle tone
<kirkwood> -Weak auditory memory
<kirkwood> -Short attention span and distractibility
<kirkwood> -Sequencing difficulties
<julierawe> EO's Preety script: https://
<julierawe> EO's original wording for Luis: "I have trouble with difficult words and with math "
julie: we recomed making preety older
<ShawnT> Github issue: https://
<ShawnT> +1 to lisa's comment
john: so strange to make her a kid
lisa: some people think u gro3w out of dyslexia
<julierawe> https://
<ShawnT> All github issues opened by julierawe: https://
julie: thay had underplayed dyslexia.
<Becca_Monteleone> +1 to Lisa's added examples
oh absolutly
<julierawe> EO's Yun script: https://
John and lisa: I am very against making her a child, also many people think you grow out of dyslexia.
shawn: likes matter on github!
<julierawe> https://
looking at YUn
is my comment enough
julie: i think we have a lot of Yans idea
not sure what i should do with it
are we happy with julie sending these responces back to shardi
<Becca_Monteleone> +1
<julierawe> +1
<ShawnT> +1
john: i am ok, but cants see all the comments
yans comments are a bit late as we are now just responding to shardi comments. a bit late toreview diffrent persona